Chapter 14: The Sacrifice and Awakening

JJ stood tall, positioning himself between the military official and his friends, Christian and John. With determination etched across his face, he spoke firmly, "I will hold him back while you guys run away."The military official, Major Jordan, burst into maniacal laughter at the sight of the young child confronting him. "Hold me off? A little brat like you. I am Major Jordan of the Strongest Fighting Force, The Marine Corps!"Unfazed by the title, JJ retorted, "I don't care who you are. You're just some scumbag taking advantage of the weak." He turned to Christian and John, urgency filling his voice. "I said leave!"Major Jordan, a sinister smile spreading across his face, warned the kids, "Don't move, brats, or I will kill you all."Unwavering, JJ mustered all his energy and determination, his voice resolute. "RUN AWAY!"The Major began walking menacingly toward the children, mocking their idealism. "Idealistic, aren't you, kid?" he taunted. He emitted a fragrance from his hand, its ominous scent filling the air. "I am what is known as a mutant special. I can alter the sweat glands on my body to emit different types of fragrances. And because I've studied so many different types of animals, I know exactly what to use on you right now. This fragrance will enter your body regardless of what you do, and something very special will happen."With each step, the Major closed the distance between himself and JJ. As he stood right in front of him he lands a brutal punch in JJ's gut, causing the young hero to writhe in agony as the fragrance increases the amount of pain JJ receives."I will make you suffer for ruining my ambition," the Major hissed, his face twisted with evil delight, while Christian and John watched in terror.The relentless beating continued, accompanied by the Major's sadistic laughter. "Having fun yet? This is what happens when you defy me! Have you realized what childish idealism gets you?" The Major delivered another merciless kick sending JJ's body far away, and this time, JJ's screams ceased altogether. "Well, it seems like this one is done. So why don't you two come quietly."John, overwhelmed by fear, pushed Christian to the ground and walked toward the Major, pleading for his life. "Please, please don't hurt me. I surrender."In shock, Christian yelled out in rage, "HOW COULD YOU, JOHN!"John glanced back at Christian, his voice filled with resignation. "We can't win. It's JJ's fault for putting us in this mess." He turned away, approaching the Major. The Major wore a satisfied smile. "Good, good. You know you can't win."As John moved closer, he let out an ear-piercing screech, deafening the Major, and then swiftly grabbed a grenade from the Major's belt. The Major was completely stunned, muttering to himself, "What the hell is this kid, a descendant?" In a desperate struggle, John held onto the Major and spoke his final words to Christian."CHRISTIAN, YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE LEFT! I KNOW I'M ROUGH ON YOU AND MEAN, BUT I WON'T LET SOMEONE WHO IS WEAKER THAN ME DIE. THIS WORLD IS ROTTEN, FUCK ALL OF IT, FUCK YOU, FUCK THE MILITARY, AND FUCK EVERYTHING. I RATHER DIE THAN BE A MILITARY DOG, SO I'M GONNA TAKE THIS BASTARD WITH ME! Live for all of us..."John pulled the pin, and an enormous explosion engulfed them both.Christian sat there, dazed and stunned. He couldn't comprehend what had just transpired. Amidst the smoke and debris, his senses picked up an unusual scent. Out of the haze emerged the Major, still alive, though severely injured. His body was covered in blood, one arm missing, and half his face burnt off. Chunks of John were scattered all around.Simultaneously horrified and shocked, Christian heard JJ's voice, desperately trying to snap him out of his daze. "Christian, Christian, snap out of it!" JJ's internal monologue revealed his disbelief at John's actions. "I can't believe John would do that. I am truly sorry for getting everyone in this mess. So I want to entrust you with my dream from here on out. I was not able to become the king I wanted, so you do it. You become the king of this world... I just want you to live. CHRISTIAN!"Finally responding to JJ, Christian uttered, "I can't, I'm not like you, JJ. I couldn't do a single thing when John died right in front of my eyes."JJ yelled louder, tears streaming down his face, "Don't be like me. Be you, be the king that this world needs..." However, several gunshots interrupted their exchange, and JJ began to bleed, falling to the ground."Annoying brat... I am tired of all this. After I get healed up, I'm gonna torture you little brats for doing this to me," the Major threatened, approaching Christian.Filled with grief and rage, Christian screamed, "JJ... JJ... JJ!!!!! NOOOOO!!!! DON'T LEAVE ME!!!"The Major closed in on Christian, taunting him, "Hey, brat, did you hear me..."And then, something extraordinary happened. Lightning crackled and surged around Christian as his anguish hit a boiling point, the weather shifting with thunderstorms filling the skies. The young boy's hair stood on end, his body enveloped in electrical energy. His eyes lost their pupils as rage consumed him.Terrified, the Major stammered, "What's going on? What the hell are you?"In a strangely godlike voice, Christian responded, "Die."The Major, overwhelmed by fear, attempted to use his fragrance to render Christian unconscious, but his efforts were futile. Christian, now equipped with lightning-coated claws, seized the Major by the head, electrocuting him continuously. With a surge of power, he gathered a tremendous amount of lightning in his hand. "Lightning oblivion," he declared, hurling a colossal lightning bolt that obliterated the Major, reducing him to ashes.Christian, having unleashed his devastating power without hesitation, caused extensive damage to the city. He then returns to normal and falls to the ground unconscious. Fortunately, a civilian who heard the commotion approached finding Christian's unconscious body. The man, Jeffery, recognized Christian from their previous encounter as the homeless-looking man who was being bullied by the major. He sees all the dead bodies and does not know what to do he is about to leave, but before he leaves he sees Christian still breathing and decides to bring the kid with him feeling guilty of leaving a child alone in this situation. Hours later, Christian awoke, finding himself in the company of Jeffery.Concerned, Jeffery asked, "Are you okay, kid?"Christian, standing tall, wore a smile on his face. "I am fine. By the way, who are you?"Jeffery, puzzled by Christian's lack of recollection, decided to let it go and introduced himself. "I guess we didn't make the best first impression. My name is Jeffery. I met you and your friend a few days ago, and then I found you unconscious in the middle of nowhere. I know I was a jerk before, but I couldn't just leave you there. Anyway, kid, what's your name?"Christian's smile widened as he stood tall, radiating determination. "I don't remember any of that, but My name... (he starts laughing)! Remember this name well, old man. I am Christian, and I'm going to be the king of this world!"