Chapter 15: A New Companion

The bright light near Harrison ends the memory and asks Harrison, "So have you seen what you needed to see?"Harrison's mind reeled with the information he had witnessed, fragments of Christian's forgotten past. "Yeah, it seems the kid doesn't remember his past, and even more so, this isn't even all of it. But I do have one last question."The bright light glowed softly, awaiting Harrison's final inquiry."What is that power Christian possesses?" Harrison asked, his voice filled with curiosity and a tinge of concern.For a moment, the bright light remained silent, as if contemplating the weight of the answer. Then, with a gentle yet commanding voice, it responded, "The power he possesses is ancient and formidable, an energy intertwined with the destiny of this world. It is both a blessing and a burden, a force that can shape the course of kingdoms and destinies."Harrison's eyes widened, realizing the significance of the power concealed within Christian. Before he could process his thoughts further, the world around him began to fade, and he found himself gradually awakening in the same room where Mother Joyce, Eve, and Christian awaited.As Harrison stirred, Mother Joyce and Eve immediately turned their attention to him, concern etched on their faces. "Are you okay, Harrison?" Mother Joyce asked, her voice laced with worry."Yeah, I'm fine," Harrison replied, shaking off the residual effects of the encounter. "How long have I been out?"Eve glanced at her watch and answered, "Just about five minutes. Time works differently in that dream world."Harrison nodded, his mind still grappling with the revelations he had witnessed. Rising from his seat, he steadied himself and looked at Mother Joyce, his gaze firm. "Did you find what you were looking for, Harrison?" she asked, her eyes searching his face for any signs of resolution."I'm not sure," Harrison responded honestly, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "But I have decided to travel with this kid, to see where he goes." He says as he looks at Christian's body which is still asleep.Mother Joyce noticed a glimmer of unease in Harrison's expression. "Is it wise not to tell him what you saw? It's obvious he is completely oblivious to his past," she expressed her concern for Christian's well-being. Harrison paused for a moment, contemplating the weight of his knowledge. "It's not my place," he finally replied, his voice tinged with conviction. "I am sure the day will come when he has to confront his past himself. Until then, I will keep my mouth shut."Mother Joyce sighed, understanding the complexity of the situation. "Very well," she said softly. "So what do you intend to do now?"Harrison pondered for a moment, his mind still buzzing with the mysteries surrounding Christian's power and the path that lay ahead. "Not sure yet... hm?" he mused, a mischievous grin forming on his face. "I guess for now, we are going to just wing it." Laughter escaped from him, the sound filling the room with an air of adventure.Mother Joyce couldn't help but smile, a mixture of fondness and exasperation. "I see you haven't changed one bit, Wandering Priest," she remarked, her voice carrying a hint of nostalgia. "Well, I wish you the best of luck on your travels."Meanwhile, Christian woke up in a room, his surroundings unfamiliar. Confusion washed over him as he tried to piece together what had happened. With a furrowed brow, he ventured out of the room, searching for any signs of his companions. It didn't take long for his eyes to land on Harrison."HEY, HARRISON! WHAT THE HELL! YOU KNOCKED ME OUT!" Christian exclaimed, his frustration evident in his voice. However, before he could finish his sentence, Harrison swiftly tapped him on the head."It's Mr. Harrison to you, and don't worry about the details. Go play outside," Harrison retorted, his tone firm yet lighthearted.Christian, clearly annoyed, decided to comply, recognizing that there were matters beyond his understanding at play. He headed outside, determined to channel his energy into training.Meanwhile, Eve approached Harrison, her eyes filled with curiosity. "Is everything alright?" she asked, her voice gentle.Harrison turned to face her, a contemplative expression on his face. "There is much we don't know, Eve," he replied. "But we'll figure it out along the way."Eve nodded, her trust in Harrison evident. "I believe in you," she said, a hint of a smile playing on her lips.A few hours pass. Christian's determination and strength grew as he continued to train, fueled by his ambition to become the king of the world. As Christian completed a series of push-ups, Eve walked by, her smile brightening as she saw his dedication. "You're working hard, I see," she commented, her voice filled with admiration."Uh yeah... I've got to work hard to become the king of this world one day," Christian replied, a touch of determination in his voice.Eve's smile widened, and she expressed her gratitude. "Well, I hope you achieve your dream, and I appreciate you not using your special ability while you train. You're very considerate."Christian shrugged, trying to downplay the significance of his actions. "I don't know what you're talking about," he mumbled, slightly embarrassed."Well, before you started training, you thought to yourself that it's best if I don't use my lightning here. I could burn down the entire forest, am I right?" Eve gently revealed, her eyes filled with understanding.Christian's cheeks reddened, realizing that his thoughts were not as private as he had hoped. "So, I was right. You can read minds," he muttered, a mix of surprise and chagrin.Eve chuckled softly, her amusement evident. "Yes," she confirmed, her eyes twinkling. "And I'm flattered, also a little creeped out, but mostly flattered."Christian's embarrassment grew, and he turned away, attempting to hide his blushing face. Eve followed him, a gentle hand resting on his shoulder.Then, with a serious tone, Eve posed a thought-provoking question. "Hey, Christian...""Yeah, what is it?" he replied, his curiosity piqued."Do you think that if you became king, families wouldn't have to be torn apart?" Eve asked, her voice filled with hope and a hint of vulnerability.Christian's eyes widened, contemplating the weight of her question. He took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding, his voice filled with conviction. "That's a dumb question. Of course! I will make a better world for everyone, special or not. I will become the king this world needs," he declared, his resolve firm.Eve took a deep breath, her eyes shimmering with admiration. "I see," she said softly, a hint of a smile gracing her lips. "Well, it's settled then.""What is?" Christian asked, a mixture of confusion and curiosity in his voice.Eve's smile widened, and she looked directly into Christian's eyes. "I'm coming with you, of course," she announced, her voice brimming with determination.Christian's surprise was evident, his mouth agape. "WHAT!" he exclaimed.And so, with newfound resolve and a companion by his side, Christian embarked on his journey, unaware of the trials and revelations that awaited him. Harrison and Eve joining him on his adventure to achieve the goals he set out for himself.As the sun cast its warm glow upon them, the trio shared a knowing glance, their shared purpose strengthening their bond. Together, they would navigate the uncertainties of the world, unraveling the mysteries of Christian's past and shaping the destiny of their intertwined futures.And so, their journey began.*Origins Arc Ends*