Chapter 16: Purgatory City

*Purgatory City Arc Begins*We transition to Colonel Johnston, fully recovered and preparing for his next mission. Lieutenant Campos enters the room with new orders."Sir, we got new orders."Colonel Johnston puts on his uniform and addresses the Lieutenant, his frustration evident. "New orders? What about Riley?""I've been told we have been taken off the case."Colonel Johnston clenches his fists, thinking to himself, "Damn that guy..." As he thinks about General Fang."Sir, I know you're upset, but we can't do anything about it for now."Taking a deep breath, Colonel Johnston calms down and asks, "So who was assigned the case?"Lt. Campos hesitates slightly before responding, "Lt. General Squid."Colonel Johnston is perplexed, thinking to himself, "Why would they let a beast like him deal with this?" Still disappointed he then asks about the new mission."We were ordered to investigate the great city known as Purgatory."Colonel Johnston's confusion deepens. "Purgatory? Isn't that the technologically advanced city created by Elsa Gates?"Lt. Campos retrieves the mission report and replies, "Yes, sir. Ms. Elsa Gates is not only one of our biggest supporters but also one of our biggest threats. They say she is the smartest person in the world, and she created Purgatory, one of the most creative and popular cities in the world. However, we haven't been able to contact Ms. Gates recently, and lower-ranked personnel have faced resistance when attempting to enter Purgatory City. Hence, we were ordered to investigate what happened."Colonel Johnston ponders for a moment, then dons his coat and walks out. "I see. Well, let's get going, then."As Colonel Johnston leaves with Lt. Campos, a tall man with a scar on his face and a vicious demeanor watches them from a nearby building. "I don't get the hype behind that child prodigy he seems frail to me." Lt. General Squid says with a condescending tone.All of a sudden Cpt. Jackson appears behind him smoking a cigarette appearing out of nowhere."I see, so you must be Lt. General Squid. Honestly, the name doesn't fit the face," Cpt Jackson remarks.Lt. General Squid responds, a smile forming on his face, "Do you want to die?"Captain Jackson remains calm and replies, "No thanks. I'm not into dying for no reason." Suddenly, Lt. General Squid smashes Captain Jackson into the wall. However, the body disintegrates into smoke, leaving a few words behind, "I wonder if you can kill that bastard? Or will you be just as frail?"Lt. General Squid examines his hand, realizing that it was a smoke clone. "Not bad."Outside, Captain Jackson walks toward Colonel Johnston and Lt. Campos, deep in thought. He wonders, "Why would General Fang allow a loose cannon like him to go after Riley? It just doesn't make sense."Lt. Campos yells at Cpt. Jackson asks where he has been. Finally catching up to them, Captain Jackson smiles and says, "Just getting a smoke."The three of them set off for Purgatory City.Meanwhile, someone approaches Lt. General Squid. It's Major Saxy, his right-hand man."Sir, you can't keep destroying everything you see. It will only further damage your reputation," Major Saxy advises.Lt. General Squid scoffs, "Like I care. I'm just here for a good hunt. Have you figured out his whereabouts?"Major Saxy presents some documents. "No, sir. But I have a place we can start."Lt. General Squid looks at Major Saxy expectantly. "Where is that?""News City," Major Saxy responds.Lt. General Squid starts laughing. "Excellent. Let the hunt begin!"The scene transitions to the top floor of a large tower situated in the heart of Purgatory City. Mr. J, a man wearing a large suit with a cigar in hand, gazes out the window. As he looks out to the city he addresses an artificial intelligence named Melody, who resides throughout the city."Hey, Melody. Have you found the boy yet?""No, Mr. J. He is yet to be found."Mr. J appears annoyed and breaks the cigar. "Send 30 more guards out into the city to find him.""Yes, Mr. J."Mr. J then turns to a woman tied up in the corner, visibly beaten."So, Elsa, when I find your son, maybe then you will have a change of heart?"Elsa Gates looks up at him defiantly. "You're a despicable man. I won't give you the password, and you will never find my son. You're too much of an idiot, after all."Enraged, Mr. J slaps her across the face. He then turns and addresses the shadows, "I want you to scout the city and find this boy." He tosses a picture into the shadows. "Then bring him back here alive. Is that clear, assassin?"The assassin emerges from the shadows, dressed in all black with a white mask covering their entire face. They pick up the picture and respond, "Very well. Also, my name is Ace." Ace is the world's deadliest assassin, currently ranked as the fourth most wanted person in the world.The world government has compiled a list of the ten individuals deemed the biggest threats to society. Each of them poses such danger that capturing or eliminating them grants a special prize from the king himself. The reward can be anything the captor desires, with the limit determined by the rank of the targeted individual. These ten individuals, including Ace, hold a place on that list.As Ace departs, Mr. J remains in his tower, his intentions shrouded in mystery.The scene begins with a frantic chase as we transition to a young boy named Theodore, also known as Teddy Gates, running through the city. Mr. J's guards pursue him relentlessly. Teddy is filled with fear and desperation, his primary goal being to escape the city."Oh no, they're catching up," Teddy gasps, his voice trembling. "Mama, I'm scared. I don't want to do this. I just want to go back and play video games. Mama, please help me..."Teddy continues to sprint toward the city's exit, hoping to find a way out. However, his path is suddenly blocked by some guards. Panic sets in as he realizes the danger he's in. "What should I do? They're going to catch me. I played Outlast before, so I can only imagine..." Teddy breaks down, his tears flowing.Just as hope seems to dwindle, a sudden explosion erupts at the exit, creating a path for Teddy to escape. Without a second thought, he seizes the opportunity and races through the newly formed opening, not daring to look back.The guards are left bewildered by the turn of events, unable to comprehend the situation. With Teddy safely outside the city, their pursuit comes to an abrupt halt.Meanwhile, atop one of the buildings, Ace, the enigmatic assassin, observes the chaos below with a detached interest."Catching a child isn't much fun. It doesn't excite me by any means," Ace muses, their voice carrying an air of indifference. "Hopefully, these circumstances bring me much more entertainment."With those words hanging in the air, Ace vanishes from sight, leaving behind a sense of anticipation and intrigue.