Chapter 20: Melody the A.I.

Christian looked at Teddy, his brows furrowed in confusion. "So, what's the plan you were talking about, Teddy?"

Teddy took a deep breath and began explaining, "To save my mother and the city, we need to address a few critical factors. First and foremost, there's Melody, an A.I. system my mother created. She has complete control over it, and it monitors the entire city."

Christian interrupted, scratching his head. "Wait, what's an A.I.?"

Teddy facepalmed in frustration. "Seriously? An A.I. is an artificial intelligence, like a really smart robot. Melody sees everything happening in the city, making it impossible for us to act without being noticed."

Eve, equally clueless, shared Christian's confusion. Teddy sighed, exasperated. "Where on earth did you two come from?"

Harrison chuckled and chimed in, providing a simplified explanation, "Think of Melody as the mastermind behind the city's operations."

Understanding dawned on Christian and Eve's faces, lighting them up with newfound knowledge.

Teddy continued, "The second problem is the assassin. Most of Mr. J's troops are uncoordinated thugs, but the assassin is different. He's dangerous and can easily eliminate anyone who approaches the city."

Christian raised an eyebrow, doubting the assassin is a true threat. Teddy shuddered, recounting a chilling encounter. "You remember how I told you about Melody's surveillance? Well, somehow, that assassin breached the tower effortlessly. That's how Mr. J gained control."

Harrison, deep in thought, seemed to possess some information about the assassin. "Leave the assassin to me," he declared confidently.

Teddy was taken aback, unsure of Harrison's capabilities. "Did you not hear what I just said? He's dangerous!"

Christian, brimming with confidence, chuckled. "Don't worry, Mr. Harrison is strong! He's my master, after all."

Harrison smiled reassuringly at Teddy. "Kid, I can handle myself."

Reluctantly, Teddy decided to trust Harrison and moved on to the last challenge. "We also need to find out what happened to the military officials."

Eve raised her hand, perplexing Teddy. "Yes, Eve?"

Eve smiled, "I think I've found them."

Teddy's face contorted in disbelief. "Wait, how? Who are you people?"

Eve answered, her innocence contrasting her mysterious knowledge. "I had a hunch you'd want to find them."

Harrison chimed in, a note of admonishment in his voice. "Eve, I thought I told you to stop reading minds. without permission"

Eve apologized, her demeanor suddenly innocent again.

Though confused, Teddy decided to press on. "Alright, perfect. Now that we've identified the major obstacles, here's the plan."

As Teddy delved into the intricate details of the plan, the scene transitioned to Colonel Johnston and Ace.

Ace emerged from the shadows, approaching the cell where the injured Colonel Johnston was held captive. "How are you doing, Colonel?"

The colonel remained motionless, refusing to answer.

Nonchalantly, Ace took a seat across from the cell. "What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?"

Colonel Johnston's intense glare pierced Ace. "Touch them, and I'll kill you."

Ace chuckled, delighted by the colonel's spirit. "That's the spirit!"

The scene shifted back to Teddy as he concluded explaining the plan. "Are we all clear on our roles?"

Harrison and Eve nodded in agreement, but Christian hesitated.

Teddy looked at Christian, noticing his discontent. "Still unsure, Christian?"

Christian seemed irritated and muttered, "I guess so." Internally, he wondered why he had to be paired with Teddy. "Man, why do I have to be stuck with this bore? I'd rather be with Eve or Master."

Teddy, fed up with Christian's constant sighs, finally responded. "Look, I get it."

Christian snapped back, "What do you mean?"

Teddy sighed in frustration. "You don't like me, and honestly, I don't appreciate your idiocy and idealism either. But for this plan to work, we have to work together. I might be a coward, as you say, but I have to save my city and my mother from Mr. J, no matter what."

Christian let out another sigh, further irritating Teddy. Moments later the plan began as everyone moved into their positions. 

"We're almost there," Teddy said, diverting Christian's attention. He gestured toward a prominent structure.

Christian grumbled, "Is that the building?"

Teddy confirmed, "Yes, that's the main building housing Melody's A.I. program. It seems there are a few guards stationed there."

Christian grinned, ready for action. "Sounds good to me. Be right back."

Teddy tried to stop him, but Christian activated his powers and swiftly incapacitated the guards.

Dusting off his hands, Christian remarked casually, "Easy peasy."

Surprised by Christian's display, Teddy exclaimed, "Wow, impressive."

Christian, eager for the next step, asked Teddy, "What now?"

Teddy explained that he needed to hack into Melody's A.I. system, a process that would take approximately five minutes. Meanwhile, Christian was assigned the task of keeping watch, ensuring no one discovered their covert operation.

However, an unknown voice interrupted their conversation, remarking, "Five minutes? That's quite a long time."

Teddy responded cautiously, "It's not that long, Christian. Just be patient."

Christian, perplexed, wondered why Teddy addressed him when he hadn't spoken. Suddenly, it dawned on Teddy that an unexpected presence had joined them.

Emerging from the shadows, a dark figure revealed itself. Teddy's fear overwhelmed him, and he collapsed to the ground, his voice trembling. "Oh no..."

Christian, sensing danger, instinctively assumed a defensive stance while trying to comprehend the situation.

Teddy, his voice barely a whisper, revealed the truth. "That's the assassin."

Christian locked eyes with the assassin, a hint of nervousness creeping into their gaze.

Ace, their voice dripping with amusement, acknowledged Teddy. "Ah, the prodigious son returns."

Teddy's fear immobilized him, and he desperately implored Christian to flee. However, Christian, his resolve unyielding, interrupted Teddy, fixating his gaze on Ace.

"My name is Christian, and I am the future king of this world," Christian proclaimed with unwavering confidence.

Ace chuckled, amused by Christian's bold statement.

While Teddy wondered why Harrison and Eve hadn't drawn the assassin's attention as planned, Ace divulged an intriguing piece of information. "By the way, some people are causing quite a scene in the city, providing an excellent diversion." 

Ace walks closer to Teddy, "Isn't that silly? Now, I wonder what your plan is, scaredy boy and future king."

Teddy, still paralyzed by fear, urged Christian to escape.

Christian, his voice filled with determination, walks in between Teddy and Ace, his words echoing with resolve. "You have three minutes. I believe in you."

Teddy's tears flowed freely as he absorbed Christian's unwavering faith in him. "Alright, three minutes. I won't let you down."

As Teddy focused on hacking into Melody's A.I. system, Christian confronted the formidable assassin, preparing for an intense battle that would test his skills and determination.