Chapter 21: Ace vs Christian

Christian remained on guard, his thoughts racing. "So this guy is the person Mr. Harrison was wary of?"

In a flashback, Christian and Harrison were engaged in a conversation before the plan commenced.

Curious, Christian asked Harrison, "Who is this assassin? Can you give me more information about Ace?"

Harrison responded, his tone serious, "If it's the person I have in mind, then they are very dangerous."

Christian's nerves started to creep in as he inquired further, "Hmmm, are they stronger than you?"

Harrison smiled reassuringly at Christian and replied, "Let's just say that if they wanted to, they could eliminate anyone. However, there's no way I would lose to them."

Returning to the present, Ace and Christian faced each other. Christian's body crackled with lightning as he prepared for an intense battle.

Ace stretched and spoke, "Well, let's begin, shall we?" They swiftly threw one of their kunai knives toward Christian.

Anticipating the attack, Christian easily dodged it, remarking, "Too slow."

Ace chuckled, "I wasn't aiming for you."

Christian's gaze darted toward Teddy, realizing that the kunai was hurtling straight towards his companion. "Shit!" In a split second, Christian raced to intercept the projectile before it reached Teddy. With lightning reflexes, he caught the kunai, relieving Teddy from danger. "Phew, that was close."

Ace, witnessing Christian's swift action, couldn't help but be impressed. "You should stop easing up, future king."

Christian locked eyes with Ace and noticed multiple kunai hurtling towards Teddy from various directions. "What the hell!" He intensified his powers, capturing all the kunai with lightning-infused precision.

Ace applauded slowly. "Well done."

As Christian looked towards the clapping sound, he suddenly realized Ace had appeared behind him, about to touch his shoulder. At that moment, a warning from Mr. Harrison flashed in Christian's mind.

"Oh, I almost forgot. If you ever face this assassin, never let them touch you, no matter what."

Christian determinedly thought to himself, "I can't let him touch me."

Swiftly jumping forward, Christian evaded Ace's touch and noticed another kunai hurtling towards Teddy. In mid-air, he extended one arm and tightly gripped it with the other, channeling lightning into his palm. "Here we go, lightning stream!"

A slender stream of lightning shot forth, piercing the incoming kunai just before it reached Teddy.

Ace paused momentarily, clapping again. "Impressive! You have some potential. And you, scaredy boy, not wavering for a second and putting all your faith in this guy right here. I'm rather impressed by you both. This has been fun." Ace glanced at their watch and noticed that two and a half minutes had passed. "I guess it's time for me to kill you both." Ace sighed after uttering those words.

"I don't think so!" Teddy pressed a button, causing Ace to be instantly transported across the city.

Ace surveyed their new surroundings. "Not bad, kid."

Teddy, still feeling the tension, touched his chest. "Phew."

"Sir Teddy, transportation was activated successfully."

"Thank you, Melody."

Christian also sighing in relief approached Teddy, "But I thought you needed five minutes."

Teddy smiled in response, "Don't underestimate me."

Christian and Teddy burst into laughter, but Christian couldn't shake off his unsatisfied expression. "Hmmmmmmmmmmm."

Teddy, confused, asked, "What's wrong?"

With a chuckle, Christian replied, "We weren't done fighting yet..."

Teddy responded with irritation, "Are you an idiot? He was going to kill you."

Christian hesitated for a moment, then agreed, "Whatever... So what now?"

Teddy rose with a serious expression. "Phase two of the plan commences."

The story transitioned to Eve and Harrison walking through the city, executing the second phase of their plan. Harrison, having subdued multiple assailants, left a trail of unconscious bodies in his wake.

"It looks like this was the last one of the grunts around the city," Harrison remarked.

Eve stood by his side, closing her eyes before reopening them slowly. "It seems the assassin did not show up."

Scratching his head, Harrison asked, "Do you know where the assassin is?"

Eve responded, "I'm not exactly sure. It's harder if I've never met the person before."

Harrison thought to himself, "It seems the assassin didn't fall for the boy's plans." Determined, he shifts his focus to another task asking Eve, "Well, were you able to locate them?"

Eve closed her eyes again, reopening them as if she had found something. "Yes, they are about 20 minutes from here."

"Alright, let's go."

As Harrison and Eve made their way in the indicated direction, they engaged in a conversation.

"So, Mr. Harrison, I have a question," Eve began.

Confused, Harrison responded, "Yeah, what is it?"

Eve continued, "Do you remember when we first met?"

Harrison looked at Eve and nodded, saying, "Yeah, I do."

Eve continued, her voice filled with gratitude, "I was so confused about the world back then. Constant voices flowing through my head, a flux of emotions that corrupted me every day. You helped me get through all of that... helped me control my abilities. You introduced me to Mother Joyce, the orphanage, and you were like a father to me during a troubling time in my life. Thank you, Mr. Harrison."

Harrison noticed Eve's determination and placed his hand on her head. "No problem, Eve. It should be second nature to help others in need."

Eve blushed slightly and spoke with conviction, "I agree. And not only do I want to help you, but I also want to help Christian too. He's such a kind soul with a good heart, but..."

Harrison, now a little confused, asked, "But what?"

Eve's nervousness became apparent as she revealed, "Mr. Harrison, I know you've told me not to pry into people's inner thoughts, but I delved deeper into who Christian is."

Harrison grew slightly concerned. "And what did you find?"

Eve continued, her face filled with sadness, "Despite the kindness he shows, he has so much darkness buried in his soul. It's deeply hidden, to the point where it's concealed."

Harrison fell silent, pondering her words.

Eve added one more thing, her tone passionate, "He's just like you in that way. Both of you have a lot of darkness within."

Harrison appeared somber after hearing that, and Eve spoke with fervor.

"THAT'S WHY, Mr. Harrison, I want to help and get rid of the darkness in both you and Christian."

Harrison looked at Eve, a smile forming on his lips, responding in a soft tone, "I appreciate the sentiment, but all I could ask for..." He says as he puts his hand on her head in a gentle manner, "Is that you continue to support Christian for me... alright?"

Eve gazed at Harrison and said, "But..."

Observing her concern, Harrison smiled. Eve could sense the underlying emotions.

"Fine, I will stick with Christian until the end. No matter what."

"Thank you, Eve..." He says with a smile.