Chapter 40: 1st Lt. Snape makes his Move

Several days had passed since the encounter between Major General Brock and Madeline. The major general and his subordinates had returned to their base, located a few kilometers away from Kirin Village. Meanwhile, in his barracks, 1st Lieutenant Snape was brooding to himself.

1st Lieutenant Snape muttered, "I'll never get anywhere at this rate."

Just moments later, Major Taylor walked into the lieutenant's room without warning. "1st Lieutenant," she called out.

Annoyed by her intrusion, 1st Lieutenant Snape replied curtly, "What do you want?"

Sighing in exasperation, Major Taylor said, "As insubordinate as ever. You have duty tomorrow at the border."

Showing his disinterest, 1st Lieutenant Snape responded dismissively, "Whatever."

Major Taylor sighed once more and left the room to report back to Major General Brock. Frustrated, she muttered, "Why do we have to put up with him?"

Meanwhile, inside Major General Brock's office, he sat down, sipping his coffee. Observing Major Taylor's agitation, he asked, "Are you referring to the 1st Lieutenant?"

Major Taylor vented her frustration, replying, "YES! He's a brat, and he's rude to superiors. I don't understand why you allowed him to be stationed here."

Major General Brock let out a sigh and revealed, "Actually, it wasn't my decision to bring him here."

Surprised by this revelation, Major Taylor asks, "Then whose decision was it?"

Recalling a memory from before he embarked on his mission to watch over Kirin Village, Major General Brock explained, "Before I left, I received a direct order from General Fang, the General of the Marine Corps, to bring 1st Lieutenant Snape along."

Confused, Major Taylor questioned, "That's strange. But since he's not our superior officer, why did you accept the order?"

Major General Brock leaned back in his chair and explained, "Initially, I was inclined to disregard the order. As a Major General, there are very few people who can give me orders. However, this was a favor for the Navy General, and I didn't want to create further tensions between General Fang, General Rebecca, and our General Kai. So, to avoid any more conflicts, I decided to accept the order. After all, I can handle one 1st lieutenant."

As the conversation continued, 1st Lieutenant Snape, in his own quarters, was throwing a fit, angered by the idea of being ordered around. "That bastard woman, who does she think she is, ordering me around? I deserve more, DAMMIT!"

Suddenly, the lieutenant's phone rang, interrupting his tantrum. He answered hesitantly, "Hello?"

On the other end of the line, General Fang's voice calmly calls out, "1st Lieutenant Snape."

Startled, 1st Lieutenant Snape stammered, "Y-y-y-yes SIR!"

General Fang acknowledged his progress, saying, "It seems you are doing well."

With renewed confidence, 1st Lieutenant Snape replied, "Yes, sir!"

"This is a top-secret mission. I need you to capture a special individual."

Wide-eyed, 1st Lieutenant Snape asked, "A special? Who?"

General Fang revealed, "A special in the village of Kirin. He is the prime elemental of water."

Realizing the magnitude of the task, 1st Lieutenant Snape exclaimed, "A PRIME ELEMENTAL IN THAT VILLAGE!"

General Fang confirmed his understanding, stating, "That's correct. We need you to bring him to us."

Concerned about the existing truce, 1st Lieutenant Snape questioned, "But sir! What about the truce?"

General Fang reassured him, "I don't want to cause any unnecessary tension, so you must handle this covertly. Don't let anyone find out, not even the Major General."

Although hesitant, 1st Lieutenant Snape complied, declaring with forced confidence, "I understand, but..."

Interrupting him, General Fang asserted, "Listen, Lieutenant. The only thing you have to worry about is getting him outside the village. Once that happens, the truce no longer applies. You should know what to do then."

As the call ended, General Fang sat in his room. A woman emerged from the shadows and inquired, "Why trust such an important mission to him?"

General Fang calmly replied, "It's simple. He is expendable."

Back in 1st Lieutenant Snape's room, he contemplated the mission, saying to himself, "This is what I have been waiting for, my time to rank up. I WILL NOT FAIL!"

The scene shifted to Jimmy and Christian, who were still undergoing training with Madeline.

Madeline announced, "All right, you two, we're done."

Jimmy, visibly tired but determined, protested, "I can still go."

Christian chimed in, "Nah, I'm good. When is training tomorrow?"

Madeline corrected them, "No, I meant we're done training."

Jimmy exclaimed in disbelief, "What?!?"

Christian added, "Yes!"

Jimmy puzzled asks, "Why, Miss Madeline?"

Christian cuts him off with arrogance, "Isn't it obvious? It's because we're already crazy strong."

Madeline corrected Christian's assumption, punching him lightly on the head. "That's wrong, idiot!" she exclaimed. "Although you are both stronger, you haven't reached your peaks yet. Training at this point won't be as effective. You'll have to find your own ways to become stronger from now on."

Christian confidently responded, "I can do that."

Jimmy hesitated, unsure of his abilities.

Approaching Jimmy, Madeline placed her hand on his shoulder and encouraged him, "You can do this. Believe in yourself."

Jimmy nodded, finding renewed determination.

Madeline then informed them, "Alright, tomorrow we will have a party to celebrate the end of your training here. For now, both of you are free to go."

Jimmy replied respectfully, "Yes, ma'am."

Christian responded with excitement, "Sweet."

As Madeline left Jimmy and Christian alone, they exchanged words.

Christian asked Jimmy, "So what are you going to do?"

Jimmy replied, "I'm going to keep on training."

Confused, Christian reminded him, "Didn't you hear her? Training won't help us at this point."

Unwavering, Jimmy declared, "That doesn't matter. I can still become stronger."

Christian couldn't understand his determination and questioned, "I don't get you, kid. Why do you want to become strong anyway?"

Jimmy snapped back, "That's none of your business."

Christian, refusing to back down, retorted, "You're so obnoxious. I'm not scared to say why I want to become stronger. It's very simple—I want to become the future king of this world!"

Surprised by Christian's ambition, Jimmy commented, "What an idiotic thing to say."

Offended, Christian challenged him, "What was that?"

Jimmy replied firmly, "I said that was idiotic."

Christian, now angry, taunted him, "I don't want to hear that from a spoiled brat who has no reason to become strong."

Jimmy snapped, "SHUT UP!"

Harrison, their master, intervened, saying, "That's enough, you two."

Christian greeted Harrison, calling him "Master."

Jimmy clicked his tongue and decided to leave.

Harrison questioned Christian, "What was all that about?"

Christian admitted, "I have no idea."

As Jimmy walked away, he muttered to himself, "Become king? Is he an idiot? That's impossible. I... I just want to protect Miss Madeline..." Suddenly, he heard a noise and turned around.

In the shadows, 1st Lieutenant Snape appeared and addressed him, "So, you must be Jimmy."