Chapter 41: Tina the Clairvoyant

As 1st Lieutenant Snape approached Jimmy with a sinister look on his face, Jimmy instinctively tensed up. "What do you want with me?" he asked, his voice laced with caution.

1st Lieutenant Snape smirked, his eyes glinting with malice. "Don't worry about it," he replied cryptically, his hand discreetly reaching into his sleeve. It looked like something came out of it disappearing in the darkness.

Unsettled, Jimmy couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity emanating from the lieutenant. Before he could make a move, something caused him to get paralyzed, rendering him immobile as he collapsed to the ground.

As Jimmy lay helpless on the ground, unable to move, 1st Lieutenant Snape approached him, a mocking laugh escaping his lips. "You may be a prime elemental, but you're still just a brat," he taunted, relishing in his power over Jimmy.

Though his body was immobilized, Jimmy managed to speak weakly, frustration evident in his voice. "Dammit, what did you do to me?"

1st Lieutenant Snape's smile widened. "I simply made it easier for you to sleep," he explained, savoring the helplessness of his captive.

Struggling against the encroaching drowsiness, Jimmy attempted to utter more words, but his consciousness slipped away, leaving him with only a whispered curse.

Having successfully captured Jimmy, 1st Lieutenant Snape wasted no time. He transported Jimmy to his base and immediately reached out to General Fang.

"Good morning, sir. I have the prime elemental," 1st Lieutenant Snape reported, a sense of accomplishment in his voice.

"Excellent," General Fang replied, his satisfaction evident. "When will the extraction arrive?"

"It should be there by tomorrow at around 0900," Snape informed him.

"Very well," General Fang acknowledged, pleased with the progress. "Keep a close eye on him until then."

While they conversed, Major General Brock stormed into the room, his face twisted with anger. "What have you done?" he shouted at 1st Lieutenant Snape.

Turning around, 1st Lieutenant Snape greeted the major general with a sinister smile. "Hello, Major General. It seems you're a bit late to the party."

Major General Brock's anger intensified. "What's with the nonchalant attitude, and why did you kidnap the boy?"

Laughter erupted from Snape, his eyes glinting with madness. "I no longer listen to you. This was a direct order from General Fang himself," he revealed, his voice dripping with defiance.

To substantiate his claim, 1st Lieutenant Snape put his phone on speaker, allowing General Fang's voice to fill the room.

"Hello Major General Brock."

Major General Brock seethed with frustration, realizing his powerlessness. "Damn that guy!"

Attempting to calm the situation, Major Taylor interjected, "We can't afford friction between two generals. Besides, General Fang outranks us."

General Fang's voice echoed through the speaker, reminding them of his authority. "I'll overlook this disrespect for now, but make sure you adhere to your duties under the truce with Kirin Village," he commanded.

Reluctantly, Major General Brock acknowledged, "Tsk... Fine. Just know that I won't forget this."

With the call ended, Major General Brock and Major Taylor left the room, their frustration lingering in the air.

Back in Kirin Village, Christian wandered around the village, sulking. Frustrated, he muttered to himself, "Why do I have to look after that brat?"

In a quick flashback, Madeline's voice echoed in Christian's mind, instructing him to search for Jimmy. Despite his efforts, Christian couldn't find any trace of Jimmy and eventually gave up, deciding to report to Madeline.

Madeline greeted Christian, sensing his lack of success. "You couldn't find him, huh?" she stated, her worry etched on her face.

Christian shook his head. "No, although I found a peculiar area with an odd amount of water droplets, but apart from that, nothing," he confessed.

A deep sense of concern filled Madeline, and she called out to the entire village, her voice carrying urgency. "SOMEONE GET ME TINA!"

Moments later, Tina appeared, ready to assist.

"Christian, lead us to the spot you found," Madeline commanded.

Christian complied, and the group, including Madeline's trusted companions, followed him to the scene.

Confirming their arrival, Madeline asked Christian, "Is this it?"

Christian nodded. "Yeah, this is the place."

Turning her attention to Tina, Madeline urged her, "Okay, Tina, do your thing."

Tina stepped forward, extending her hands as her eyes began to glow, invoking her unique and special ability.

Confusion filled Christian as he sensed a strange energy emanating from the area. "What's going on? I feel something... overwhelming."

Madeline revealed Tina's extraordinary ability. "This is my secret weapon, Tina. She possesses an incredibly rare and unique power. When she's in a place she can call home, she gains complete Clairvoyance of the area."

Teddy, intrigued, sought clarification. "Clairvoyance?"

Teddy's mother, a prominent researcher in specials, had never mentioned such an ability before.

Madeline explained, "It means she can see everything within the scope of her power past and present"

Understanding dawned on Teddy's face. "I see. Miss Madeline, this is incredible. I've never heard of such an ability."

Madeline reassured them, "It's not surprising. Tina is one of a kind. I came across her by chance, and she has been like a daughter to me ever since. Everyone in Kirin Village is family, including Jimmy, and we will do whatever it takes to find him."

Teddy, concerned about the potential danger of Tina's power, raised an objection. "But isn't it risky to show us? What if someone takes advantage of this knowledge?"

Madeline's gaze hardened. "I trust all of you because Harrison trusts you. He and I have a long history together."

As Tina's power activated, the entire area began to glow, and spectral figures materialized, reenacting Jimmy's capture.

Harrison's voice resounded with realization. "So, he was captured."

Anger surged within Madeline as she recognized the figure who had orchestrated Jimmy's abduction. "I know him. He was with Major General Brock. It was 1st Lieutenant Snape! That bastard!" she exclaimed, lightning crackling around her in fury.

Attempting to calm her down, Harrison spoke gently. "Calm down, Madeline."

Madeline's expression hardened, determination etched in her eyes. "Yes, you're right."

Christian, feeling the surge of righteous anger, suggested a course of action. "So, what now? Are we charging their base?"

Harrison reminded them of the village's restrictions. "You know we can't leave the village."

Ignoring Harrison's words, Madeline stared at him with unyielding determination. "Does it look like I give a damn?"

Teddy, his mind racing, interjected with an alternative plan. "Wait, hold on, Miss Madeline. I have a better idea, if you don't mind."