Chapter 44: Two Generals

The aircraft that was carrying General Rebecca Han soared through the sky, its engines humming softly. 

"Are you alright, General?" the pilot asked using their communication device in their ear, concern evident in her voice.

General Rebecca Han nodded firmly. "Yes, I'm fine. Focus on the mission at hand," she replied, her voice steady and resolute.

"Major Kat, go find Madeline," she commanded, her eyes conveying both urgency and trust.

"Yes, General," Kat responded, determination shining in her eyes as she prepared to carry out the order. She heads out with the helicopter to Kirin Village.

General Han then tosses Madeline's spear towards the open door of the helicopter, while she does this she gives Major General Brock a mean stare.

"I've got it," Major General Brock nodded with a nervous smile as he used his power to guide the spear in the helicopter.

Meanwhile, General Fang watched the exchange, his expression a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Thoughts raced through his mind as he tried to comprehend General Han's purpose.

"What brings you here, General?" he inquired, his voice tinged with both intrigue and a touch of arrogance.

General Rebecca Han's eyes narrowed, her gaze cutting through the air with a steely intensity. "Spare me the pleasantries, Fang! Your invasion of my territory has caused nothing but chaos and disruption," she retorted, her voice laced with a hint of righteous anger.

General Fang's reply was laced with conviction, his words tinged with a sense of duty. "Please, General Han, consider the importance of acquiring a prime elemental for the World Government. I was merely doing what was necessary in the pursuit of justice," he stated, his voice unwavering.

The tension between the two generals hung heavy in the air, each holding their ground with unwavering determination. General Han's eyes blazed with a fiery resolve as she dismissed Fang's words with a wave of her hand.

"Cut the crap!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with a commanding authority. "Anyone from Kirin Village is under my protection. Defy this rule, and..."

In that moment, a mysterious sword materialized in General Han's hands, its presence a testament to her fearsome reputation. One of the legendary swords, Arcane, whispered tales of its incredible power and the devastation it could unleash.

A wry smile crept onto General Fang's face, his eyes sparkling with a mixture of amusement and challenge. "Rebecca, Rebecca, Rebecca. I'd love to see you try," he taunted, his voice dripping with condescension.

The battlefield of wills and words reached a standstill. Silence enveloped the scene as both generals measured each other's resolve, their determination radiating in the charged atmosphere.

Unbeknownst to them, Major General Brock and Major Taylor observed the standoff, their expressions a mix of concern and hope. The weight of the situation rested heavily on their shoulders.

Major Taylor voiced her doubts, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "She made it in time, sir," She said, her words carrying a glimmer of relief.

Major General Brock sighed deeply, the weight of responsibility etched on his face. "Thank God," he murmured, his voice laden with a mix of gratitude and trepidation.

But doubt gnawed at their minds. Would General Fang yield in the face of General Han's determination? The fate of Kirin Village hung in the balance.

In the tense standoff between General Fang and General Han, neither of them made a move. The air crackled with anticipation, the weight of their clash threatening to shatter the fragile equilibrium.

But suddenly, breaking the silence with a weary sigh, General Fang reluctantly relented. "Fine, I give up," he conceded, raising his hands in a gesture of surrender. His gaze shifted to the helicopter, where both boys laid unconscious. 

"I may not be able to take that boy," General Fang spoke with a glint of mischief in his eyes, "but I'll settle for this one." His finger pointed directly at Christian, a boy who stood apart from the village, defying the protective shield of General Han's authority.

"No... C..." Jimmy's weak voice trembled, attempting to protest General Fang's actions.

"Silence, boy," General Fang's stare pierced through Jimmy's fear, freezing him in his tracks.

Observing this exchange, General Rebecca Han recognized the significance of Christian's presence to Jimmy. Her mind wrestled with the decision before her. Though Christian was not officially affiliated with Kirin Village according to Madeline's directory, his brave actions in aiding the village resonated with General Han's instincts.

As General Fang turned to leave, a surge of determination filled General Han's voice. "Stop, Fang. He's with me too."

Surprised by General Han's unexpected response, General Fang smirked, realizing that Christian's lack of official protection could potentially lead to a betrayal of the World Government's rules. "Is that so... Are you saying he's a member of Kirin Village?"

"Yes," General Han affirmed, her voice steady and resolute.

Curious about the unfolding events, Kat arrived with Madeline's spear in hand, eavesdropping on the conversation between the generals. Sensing the gravity of the situation, Teddy deduced that the boy General Fang intended to take must be Christian.

"It seems like General Fang is about to take a boy who was helping Jimmy," Kat informed the others.

"That must be Christian," Teddy interjected, a glimmer of realization in his eyes.

Nodding in understanding, Kat prepared to disclose Christian's name. But before she could utter a single word, a strange phenomenon silenced her. The ability to speak abandoned her, leaving her in a state of speechless confusion.

Perplexed, the group turned to Madeline for answers. "What's wrong?" she says confused and with concern etched on her face.

Unable to articulate her thoughts, Kat's frustration grew. The direness of the situation weighed heavily on her, but her voice remained trapped within.

Eve, sensing Kat's distress, reached out and made a connection, delving into Kat's mind to decipher her thoughts.

"She said she can't speak anymore," Eve relayed to the bewildered onlookers.

Shock and confusion spread among the group as they grappled with this inexplicable turn of events. In a desperate attempt to find a solution, Teddy suggested using Kat's communication device.

Eve's response shattered their hopes. "She said that's impossible. Kat's communication device can only be used by her and her alone."

Frustration seeped into General Rebecca Han's whispered words, her frustration at General Fang intensifying. "Kat... damn it. He must've done something."

Amidst the turmoil, the inhabitants of Kirin Village found themselves at a loss, searching for a way out of their checkmate situation. Panic and uncertainty gripped their hearts, leaving them teetering on the precipice of despair.

Teddy, feeling the weight of the moment, could no longer contain his frustration. "No, what do we do... Think, Teddy, think! What do I do?"

In the midst of their collective despair, one person refused to succumb to hopelessness. Eve closed her eyes, summoning her unwavering faith and belief in Christian.

"Christian... I don't want you to disappear," Eve whispered, her voice carrying a fervent conviction. "I believe in you. I believe you can become king, Christian."

As Eve uttered those words, an immense surge of power emanated from her being, rippling through the air. The resonance of Christian's name echoed in the minds of everyone present, stretching from Kirin Village to the distant military base. All except for General Fang, who remained unaffected by this extraordinary phenomenon.

Baffled by the sudden disturbance, General Fang observed his gloves acting strangely. "What is going on with my gloves?"

In the midst of the chaos, General Rebecca Han's voice rang out, infused with newfound authority. "His name is Christian."

General Fang's surprise was palpable. "How... did you..."

"I said his name is Christian, a member of Kirin Village. Now let him go!" General Han's declaration carried an unyielding determination.

Overwhelmed by a sense of defeat, General Fang realized that his meticulously devised plan had been thwarted.

Within the helicopter, the person accompanying General Fang sighed in resignation. "Here we go again."

A surge of fearsome aura engulfed General Fang, his power intensifying, radiating an overwhelming strength that sent tremors through the battlefield. "I've had enough of you all."

In response, General Rebecca Han's aura surged to match his, their clashing energies creating a spectacle of unparalleled proportions. "If you try anything, I will cut you down, Fang!"

The battlefield became a battleground of ethereal energies, shaking the very fabric of their surroundings. Standing amidst the chaos, Major Taylor could barely maintain her composure, struggling to stay on her feet.

"This incredible aura... so this is the strength of Generals," Major Taylor muttered, awestruck by the sheer magnitude of their power.

Amidst the escalating clash, three individuals remained untouched by the chaotic energies—the unwavering Madeline, the stalwart Major General Brock, and the enigmatic figure within General Fang's aircraft.

Major General Brock's expression grew grave. "This is not good..."