Chapter 47: Lee Clan

*Lee Clan Arc Begins*

We transition to Colonel Johnston who impatiently waits to begin his mission. Suddenly, Lt. Campos approaches with an urgent message.

"It seems we have a new mission," Lt. Campos informs the Colonel.

Colonel Johnston, though slightly annoyed, accepts the situation. "Well, I suppose it's time for a new assignment since Riley's whereabouts are unknown. What's this mission about?"

From the mission report, Lt. Campos explains, "We are to track down one of the top 10 targets."

"One has been spotted?" Colonel Johnston inquires.

"Yes, our orders are to verify the target's location without engaging," Lt. Campos responds.

"A scouting mission then," the Colonel remarks. "It makes sense given the potential danger. Which of the most wanted is our target?"

"It's the Survivor, Josue," Lt. Campos reveals.

"Ah, that monster has resurfaced," Colonel Johnston remarks with concern.

Meanwhile, Christian's group embarks on their journey, driving in their vehicle.

"So, where should we go now, Master?" Christian asks Harrison.

Harrison ponders for a moment. "At the moment, I don't have a specific location in mind."

"Why don't we head to News City?" Teddy suggests. "I believe it's in this direction."

Curious, Eve asks, "What's News City?"

Teddy can't believe his ears. "You've never heard of News City?"

Eve admits, "Well, no..."

Christian chimes in, "I haven't either..."

Teddy sighs in disbelief. "Seriously? Have you both been living under a rock?"

Harrison suggests Teddy explain it to them.

"Alright," Teddy says, ready to enlighten his friends. "Purgatory City may be considered the most advanced city, but News City takes the crown for popularity. They have cutting-edge technology, almost on par with ours. But what truly sets them apart is the vibrant atmosphere. Countless restaurants, gaming areas—everyone dreams of visiting."

Impressed, Eve and Christian respond, "Wow!"

Teddy continues, "And the best part? Specials and non-specials coexist peacefully. Violence is strictly forbidden within the city."

Christian's excitement grows. "That sounds amazing!"

Eve expresses her interest, saying, "Yeah, it sounds like a lot of fun. But how do they manage to maintain peace without violence?"

Teddy admits, "I'm not entirely sure, to be honest."

Harrison interjects, "Well, Eve, there are rumors of a secretive organization that operates behind the scenes in News City. They might have something to do with it."

Christian's eyes light up. "A shadow organization? That's so cool!"

Harrison clarifies, "It's merely a rumor, though."

Christian concludes, "Regardless, we have to go to News City!"

Harrison agrees, "Well, it appears we've found our next destination."

Before heading to News City, they make a stop in a nearby town to gather supplies.

"We'll be here for a few hours while I collect the necessary supplies for our journey to News City," Harrison informs the group.

Teddy wonders, "How long do you think it will take us to get there?"

Harrison ponders the question. "That's a good question. I'll look around and try to get a rough estimate."

Willing to assist, Teddy offers, "I can help, Mr. Harrison."

Harrison appreciates the offer. "That's great. Let's reconvene here in about three hours."

Eve, Christian, and Teddy all agree in unison, "Okay!"

Harrison adds a final instruction. "Oh, and Christian..."

Christian eagerly awaits his Master's words. "Yes?"

"Try not to get into any trouble," Harrison advises with a hint of concern.

Saluting, Christian responds, "Yes, sir!"

As they explore the town, Teddy suddenly spots a girl purchasing supplies from an elderly woman.

Teddy's face reddens as he gazes at her.

Noticing Teddy's infatuation, Christian nudges Eve and whispers, "Hey, Eve, I think Teddy has a crush on that girl over there."

Smiling, Eve acknowledges, "I can see that. It's sweet."

Teddy, flustered, denies it. "I don't know what you're both talking about."

Christian persists, teasing Teddy. "Come on, Teddy, no need to be shy. I can be your wingman."

Teddy hesitates. "Wingman?"

Christian explains, "Yeah, I can help you get her number."

Unconvinced, Teddy declines. "I think I'll pass, thank you."

Encouraging Teddy, Christian insists, "Come on, pal. I can see how you're looking at her. Why don't you at least strike up a conversation?"

Teddy remains firm. "No, we're here to gather supplies, and that's it. Besides, I'll probably never see her again."

Christian urges Teddy to seize the moment. "That's precisely why you should live in the moment and go talk to her." With a mischievous grin, Christian playfully pushes Teddy, causing him* to stumble into the girl.

"Ouch," the girl exclaims as she falls.

Panicking, Teddy apologizes, "I'm so sorry, so, so sorry. My idiot friend pushed me into you."

Amused, the girl chuckles. "Haha, it's alright. I'm used to it."

Teddy introduces himself, albeit nervously. "My name is Teddy."

The girl responds warmly, "Hello, Teddy. You can call me Quin."

Teddy, captivated by her beauty, stumbles over his words. "Quin, what a beautiful name..."

Quin, perplexed, asks, "What?"

Teddy, flustered, quickly covers up his slip. "Nothing, nothing!"

Observing the scene from a distance, Eve and Christian share their thoughts.

"Oh, brother," Christian sighs.

Eve, with a gentle smile, remarks, "I think it was sweet."

Christian playfully protests, "Eve, you're too kind. That was so corny."

Eve teases Christian, reminding him, "Well, I've heard worse." She looks at him with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

Defending himself, Christian declares, "What are you looking at me for? I would never say anything that corny."

Eve raises an eyebrow, suggesting otherwise.

Meanwhile, Teddy and Quin continue their conversation, engrossed in each other's company.

"So, your mother is Elsa Gates?" Quin asks curiously.

Teddy nods proudly. "Yes, she is."

Quin confesses, "I'm sorry, but I've never heard of her."

Surprised, Teddy exclaims, "What?! That's almost impossible!"

Quin explains, "To be honest, I don't know much about the outside world."

"The outside world?" Teddy inquires, intrigued.

Quin nods, "Yes, you see, I'm from..."

Suddenly, a voice interrupts them. "Quin! Who are you talking to?"

Quin's brother approaches, his tone filled with suspicion. "Oh, hello, brother."

Teddy looking surprised prepares to meet her brother.

Quin introduces Teddy, saying, "Brother, this is Teddy. Teddy, this is my brother, Koa."

Koa, brimming with aggression, demands answers. "Teddy, huh? What do you think you're doing, talking to my younger sister?"

Quin interjects, trying to diffuse the situation. "Koa, we're the same age."

Unyielding, Koa directs his anger at Teddy, stepping closer. "Answer me, Teddy!"

Caught off guard, Teddy stammers, "Uh..."

Christian, unable to stay silent, steps forward. "Hey, you! What do you think you're doing, yelling at my friend?"

Koa retaliates, fueled by anger. "I'll yell at whoever I want if they mess with my sister!"

Quin interjects once again, attempting to ease tensions. "Koa, he's not messing with me. He's just sharing information about the outside world."

Koa dismisses Quin's explanation. "The outside world doesn't matter. You're a proud member of the Lee Clan!"

Teddy, confused feels like he heard that somewhere before and mutters to himself, "The Lee Clan..."

Koa asserts his dominance, emphasizing, "Yes, my name is Koa Lee, the head of the Lee Clan."