Chapter 51: Justin, The Bounty Hunter

The confrontation between Christian's group and Josue's gang takes an unexpected turn as a new figure appears on the scene. Morbius, recognizing the newcomer, expresses his frustration."Not you again!" Morbius exclaims, his tone filled with annoyance.With a cheerful smile and a friendly wave, Justin interrupts the tense atmosphere. "Hey, guys, sorry for interrupting. Mind if I join?" he asks.Harrison, observing Justin closely, silently thinks to himself, "I didn't even notice his presence or his ability being activated. He must be a bounty hunter and a high level one as well."Bingo," Justin confirms with a nod, his voice filled with confidence. In a flash of incredible speed, he moves to stand next to Christian, casually draping his arm around Christian's shoulders. "I've been after these guys for a while. The leader is known as Josue, currently ranked number 8 on the Most Wanted List. The kid next to him is Rax, a bit of a mystery, but his sword can be incredibly dangerous. The woman is Lucy, a formidable mutant, and we can't forget Morbius, their pet," Justin explains, his gaze shifting to the shadowy figure in the back. "Though I don't remember seeing that other guy before."Teddy, intrigued by Justin's knowledge, chimes in. "So, Morbius can force people in any direction he pleases, right?"Justin nods, confirming Teddy's assumption. "Yeah, that's right. However, there's a trick to it. He needs to be within 5 meters of his target and verbally state the direction. He can send them flying for about 20 miles, or at least that's my best guess."Harrison expresses his surprise at Justin's extensive knowledge. "Wow, you're quite well-informed."A smirk plays across Justin's face as he boasts, "Well, I am the best bounty hunter for a reason." He chuckles confidently.Morbius, speaking to Josue, seeks guidance. "Sir, what do we do now?"Josue remains resolute. "The plan doesn't change. We will continue toward our goal," he declares, raising his hand slowly.Christian, feeling a sense of urgency, mutters to himself, "Dammit, I have to do something."Sensing Christian's restlessness, Justin places a firm grip on his shoulder, restraining him. "Don't worry, kid," he assures him.Curiosity fills Christian's mind as he ponders Justin's actions. "What do you mean? He's about to attack the village!"Justin's reassuring smile remains as he says, "Like I said, don't worry."Just as Josue aims his hand towards the village, a massive explosion erupts from the group, enveloping them in smoke. When the smoke clears, an invisible barrier shields Josue and his subordinates from harm.Frustration seeps into Morbius's voice. "Dammit, another interference."Lucy, her heightened senses alert, points towards a stack of rocks in the distance. "I can smell them in that direction," she announces.Rax, determined to eliminate the threat, unleashes a powerful slash with his sword. However, to his astonishment, the slash is obliterated by a fiery explosion."What the hell?!" Rax exclaims in disbelief.With a knowing smile, Justin remarks, "Took them long enough."Teddy, filled with curiosity, questions the identity of the newcomers. "Who are they?"Emerging from the shadows, Colonel Johnston, accompanied by Lieutenant Emma Campos and Captain James Jackson, reveals himself.Christian expresses surprise at their arrival. "It's you guys."Colonel Johnston acknowledges them, his voice filled with authority. "It's been a long time, everyone. Is this guy with you?" he asks, noticing Koa's presence.Koa, determined to seek revenge, states firmly, "I will get my payback."Justin's eyes meet Colonel Johnston's, a sense of familiarity passing between them. "It's been a while, John."Lieutenant Campos and Captain Jackson, equally surprised, exchange glances and whisper among themselves."What is he doing here?" Lt Campos asks.Cpt. Jackson responds, "It's possible he leaked the intel about Josue."Justin then turns toward Josue and his group, "Now that you're here, things should be easier. But the real problem is Morbius. No attacks will reach Josue with him around, and I'm the only one who can handle him." He turns to the rest of the group. "The rest of you, focus on taking down Josue."Christian, filled with questions, begins to speak, but before he can utter a word, Colonel Johnston launches another attack towards Josue.Colonel Johnston, in his mind, contemplates the events unfolding. "I didn't want to get involved, but I can't let this village be destroyed. Also, why is Justin here? It seems like he was expecting us. And to see the priest and the kid again... It's quite shocking. There's a lot happening, but for now, I need to focus on the fight." He steels his resolve.Captain Jackson generates smoke, covering the area to create separation, while Lieutenant Campos skillfully fires her gun, exploiting blind spots. Morbius, attempting to deflect the onslaught of attacks, finds himself overwhelmed. Taking advantage of the chaos, Colonel Johnston unleashes a spiral of fire from opposite directions, forcing Morbius to choose one to defend against. At that moment, Justin springs into action, his lightning-fast speed allowing him to grab Morbius by the face and swiftly move him far away."What the hell? Let me go!" Morbius protests, struggling against Justin's grip.With a calm and confident demeanor, Justin dismisses Morbius. "Sit, doggie," he commands, forcefully throwing Morbius to the ground.Morbius, filled with frustration, questions Justin's authority. "Dammit, who do you think you are?"Justin chuckles responding to the question, "Well I'm the number one bounty hunter of course."As the tension reaches its peak, Morbius extends his hands and tries to speak, but no sound emerges. Confusion fills his thoughts as he wonders, "What's going on?"Justin, the enigmatic bounty hunter, takes this opportunity to shed light on the situation. A playful smile graces his lips as he addresses Morbius. "You might be wondering what's happening. It's quite simple, my friend. I've eradicated all sound within this space," he explains, his voice shrouded in mystery. In a split second, he vanishes from Morbius's sight, only to reappear behind him, his presence barely perceptible.With a touch of arrogance, Justin reveals his extraordinary abilities. "I harness the stolen sound and infuse it into my being, augmenting my speed to unimaginable levels," he proclaims. Drawing his gaze to his hands, Justin showcases his unique weaponry. "These guns, forged specifically for me, possess the power to amplify sound," he declares, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "By channeling the enhanced sound as projectiles, all I need to do is pull the trigger." The entire time while Justin is explaining his abilities behind Morbius, Morbius doesn't hear a single word. All the sound was gone and it made it easy for Justin to take him out. Without hesitation, he fires a shot directly at the back of Morbius's head, rendering him unconscious. Justin, unfazed by the swift victory, exclaims with nonchalance, "Well, that was easy." His eyes shift toward the remaining combatants, a glimmer of curiosity igniting within him. "Now, I'm eager to see how the rest of them will fare," he muses, a sense of anticipation coloring his voice.With Morbius subdued and the odds slightly tipped in their favor, the stage is set for an epic showdown.