Chapter 50: Number 8 Most Wanted Man

We take a brief break between the fierce clash of Christian and Koa to transition to another group of characters who are in a car driving to their destination."Are both of you ready?" Colonel Johnston asks."Yes, Sir," Lieutenant Campos responds."So, what's the plan again?" Captain Jackson asks."Cpt. Jackson, were you even paying attention during the briefing?" Lt. Campos chides.Captain James Jackson stammers, "Uh..."The colonel chuckles. "Well, that's alright. We're on the lookout for one of the world's most notorious criminals. He was recently sighted in this area, providing us with the perfect opportunity to scout him.""Is he one of the top 10?" Captain Jackson asks."Yes, he ranks at number 8," Colonel Johnston confirms.Captain Jackson ponders, "Oh, do you think we have what it takes to bring him down?"The colonel's response is cautious. "Probably not. That's why our primary objective is surveillance."Captain Jackson sighs. "Sounds a bit dull. But given the caliber of our opponent, it might be for the best." Lieutenant Campos informs the team, "Sir, we're almost there.""I see. Let's make our way to Lee Clan Village," Colonel Johnston commands.Meanwhile, the clash between Christian and Koa intensifies, with Koa struggling to comprehend his opponent's agile movements."How is this guy keeping up with me? And what kind of fighting style is this?" Koa wonders aloud.Christian swiftly maneuvers, bouncing from one location to another, landing a powerful blow on Koa from behind."Is that the best you can do?" Christian taunts.Koa grits his teeth. "Dammit! I'll... I'll..."The elder interrupts, calling an end to the fight. "That's enough. You both fought valiantly, but it's time to bring it to a close.""No, Elder! I will not be defeated!" Koa protests.Christian tries to reassure him. "Calm down, man. It's over. We had a good fight, and I even acquired a new ability from it.""No! I..." Koa's words trail off as a deafening explosion rocks the outskirts of the village."What the...? What was that?" Teddy exclaims."It sounded like it came from the south of the village," Quin adds.The team rushes towards the source of the blast, discussing the situation as they go.As the smoke dissipates, they discover five individuals standing amidst the chaos."Boss, is this the place?" one of them asks."Yes, this is Lee Clan Village..." the leader responds.The enigmatic man before them is Josue, one of the world's most wanted criminals, accompanied by his formidable comrades. Christian and his group approach cautiously."Master, who are these people?" Christian asks his mentor, Harrison.Harrison's expression darkens. "Trouble..."Josue and his gang engage in a hushed conversation among themselves."Boss, there are a couple of onlookers. Should I take care of them?" Rax suggests.Josue dismisses the idea. "No, we're not here to involve strangers." He then yells loud enough for Chirstian and his group to hear him. "You should leave this place immediately. Shortly, I will lay waste to this village."Christian's group is taken aback by Josue's emotionless proclamation, sensing the overwhelming power he possesses.Harrison steps forward, his expression nonchalant. "Destroying everything sounds rather morbid, don't you think?"Josue locks eyes with Harrison. "This does not concern you."In an instant, Koa lunges towards Josue, consumed by rage, ready to strike."Who the hell do you think you are?" Koa shouts, his voice filled with fury.Before Koa can reach Josue, Morbius swiftly intervenes, raising his hand towards Koa and uttering a single word, "Left." Instantly, Koa is forcefully thrown to the left, disappearing from sight.Christian, Teddy, and the others watch in astonishment as Morbius demonstrates his unique ability."What was that?!" Christian exclaims, his eyes wide with surprise.Teddy steps forward, offering an explanation. "I've heard of this special ability. It's called 'Arrows.' Morbius can manipulate the direction and trajectory of objects or individuals at will."Harrison, with a determined look, unsheathes his wooden sword. "Looks like things are about to get dangerous."Christian takes a deep breath, the weight of the situation sinking in. "I guess it's up to me then." Turning his attention to Josue and his gang, he addresses them boldly. "Hey, you bastards! I won't let you set foot in this village."Josue smirks, amused by Christian's defiance. "Is that so?"Christian's voice grows firm. "Yeah, my name is Christian, and I'm destined to become the king of this world. Allowing scum like you to roam freely is something I cannot tolerate."Josue's laughter echoes through the air, chilling the atmosphere. "King, huh...?" His tone turns darker, his eyes gleaming with malevolence. "That's a good one, kid. But I couldn't care less about your childish dreams. Kings are nothing more than disgusting tyrants! Just like this village, I'll destroy everything, including the king!"Christian's resolve strengthens, his determination unwavering. "Pretty dark, man. But it only means I have to take you down right here and right now!"As tension rises and everyone begins to unleash their powers, an eerie silence envelops the battlefield, muffling all sounds. It is in this profound stillness that a mysterious figure emerges."Well, well, well. Look what we have here," the stranger speaks with a sly grin. "A shouting match between two idiots. It's been a long time, Josue. I'm glad I finally caught up to you. The bounty on the 8th most wanted person in the world will fetch a handsome price."All eyes turn to the newcomer, his presence adding another layer of complexity to the already perilous situation.