Chapter 55: Rax's Fateful Encounter

A few months had passed since Rax had left the village, wandering the world in a state of desperation, loneliness, and hunger. Cut off from civilization, Rax was completely ignorant of the ways of the outside world. Throughout his life, he had been coddled and sheltered, never taught how to survive on his own. He had managed to survive thus far by scavenging the leftovers from his village, but now, with the food gone, he found himself unable to sustain himself. Weakened by hunger, Rax's body finally succumbed to exhaustion, and he collapsed while trudging through the dense forest.As he lay on the brink of death, Rax resigned himself to his fate. Just before he slipped into unconsciousness, a blurry figure appeared before him, too indistinct to discern. And then, darkness enveloped him completely.When Rax regained consciousness several hours later, he found himself lying beside a crackling fire. His head felt hazy and disoriented, but his gaze immediately fell upon a bowl of water and a steaming bowl of stew placed nearby. Overwhelmed with hunger and thirst, Rax wasted no time in drinking the water and devouring the nourishing meal, revitalizing his depleted body.Relieved to have finally consumed a real meal and clean water after such a long time, Rax's spirits lifted. It was then that he noticed the presence of a stranger observing him intently."Looks like you're in better shape than I thought," the stranger remarked, his voice carrying an air of curiosity.Startled by the stranger's sudden voice, Rax instinctively leaped to his feet, assuming a defensive stance. His body radiated intense heat, causing the surroundings to smolder under its scorching influence.Unfazed by Rax's defensive posture, the stranger remained motionless, simply pointing a finger at him. In one swift motion, he gestured downward, compelling Rax to collapse to the ground, the force of the motion overpowering him.Seated comfortably near the fire, the stranger attempted to communicate with Rax. "That power of yours is dangerous, kid. You need to learn how to control it."Rax struggled against the invisible force pinning him down. Unable to comprehend the stranger's words, he remained unresponsive. However, the memories of his time suspended above the volcano resurfaced, intensifying the heat emanating from his body.Seeing Rax's power grow stronger, the stranger observed, "Looks like you're quite the handful." Without hesitation, he pointed upward, causing Rax's body to be propelled into the air. "Sorry, kid," the stranger muttered. As he directed his finger downward, Rax plummeted to the ground, the impact rendering him unconscious and subduing the raging heat.The passing of time was marked by the rise and fall of the sun. It was several hours later when Rax regained consciousness once again. This time, however, he woke up to find himself in a different setting. The stranger had relocated them to a modest campsite, nestled within the forest. Rax could see the stranger sitting by the fire, tending to the flickering flames.The stranger noticed Rax stirring and looked up, meeting his gaze. "You're awake," he said, his voice calm and reassuring.Rax felt a mix of emotions—confusion, fear, and curiosity. He cautiously approached the fire, drawn to its warmth and the stranger's enigmatic presence."What... happened?" Rax managed to stammer, his voice weak.The stranger's eyes bore into Rax's, filled with a combination of empathy and curiosity. "You collapsed in the woods. I found you and brought you here. You were in bad shape, kid."Rax struggled to process the stranger's words, his mind still clouded. "Who... are you?"A faint smile crept across the stranger's face. "They call me Josue," he answered. "And you... What's your name?"Rax hesitated for a moment before responding. "I... I'm Rax.""Well, Rax," Josue said, his tone gentle, "I couldn't just leave you out there to die. You have a power—a power that needs guidance and control. I can help you harness it."The realization of his own power and the offer of assistance filled Rax with a mix of trepidation and hope. He had always been an outsider, never truly understanding his abilities or how to control them. The prospect of mastering his own strength was both exhilarating and daunting.Over time, Rax came to trust Josue. The stranger became his mentor, guiding him through the process of taming his uncontrollable power. Under Josue's patient tutelage, Rax learned to temper his fiery nature, harnessing his abilities for the betterment of himself and others. He discovered the intricacies of the world he had been sheltered from, adapting to modern civilization and discovering the true meaning of strength.Years passed, and Rax transformed from a wild, untamed boy into a disciplined and formidable individual. Alongside Josue and another companion named Morbius, they formed an unbreakable bond, their shared experiences forging a unique family. Rax's journey from despair and isolation to self-discovery and empowerment was a testament to the transformative power of human connection.