Chapter 56: A Fiery Threat

The intense confrontation between Rax, Christian, and Koa reached its climax as the searing heat radiating from Rax engulfed the battlefield. The scorching temperatures made it increasingly challenging for Christian and Koa to fend off the relentless assault.Grim determination etched across their faces, Christian and Koa exchanged a brief but resolute glance, readying themselves for the final charge."Are you ready?" Christian's voice cut through the heated atmosphere.Koa nodded, his eyes focused. "Yeah, let's end this."Meanwhile, Rax's body burned intensely, his tattoos spreading across his skin like fiery veins. A resolute thought echoed in his mind, "Boss, you saved me that day! I won't let anyone hinder your revenge!"With a firm grip on his sword, Rax channeled his overwhelming heat, causing the blade to glow brighter and grow hotter. Without hesitation, he launched himself toward Christian and Koa, his blade slicing through the air with malicious intent.Reacting swiftly, Christian and Koa narrowly evaded Rax's ferocious attack. The intense heat seared Koa's flesh, but his regenerative abilities swiftly repaired the damage. Meanwhile, Christian's lightning-infused beast form faltered under the relentless onslaught of heat, weakening his electrical prowess.Struggling to maintain their energy, Christian and Koa found themselves on the defensive. The heat emanating from Rax intensified with each passing moment, causing Christian to notice the alarming sight of Rax's body starting to burn."W-What are you doing? Your body is consuming itself!" Christian exclaimed, concern tainting his voice.Unyielding, Rax met Christian's gaze with a deathly stare. "Worry about yourself! I will do whatever it takes to fulfill my boss's dream!"Koa, his expression filled with anger, turned to Christian. "He attacked our village and seeks to kill us! We cannot show mercy!"Christian's voice softened slightly, his gaze distant. "I know... But something about this doesn't feel right..."Frustrated, Koa retorted, "I don't care about his feelings! We must stop him!"Christian sighed, resolving to take a different approach. "Fine! Follow my lead!"As Rax's power surged uncontrollably, intricate tattoos spread across his body, pulsating with raw energy. The scorching heat from his blade grew increasingly potent, casting an ominous glow in the air. Christian and Koa exchanged a brief, determined glance, realizing the need for swift action."I'll distract him. Can you deliver the finishing blow, Koa?" Christian's voice cut through the escalating tension.Koa smirked, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. "You can count on me. He won't know what hit him."Without wasting another moment, Rax launched another searing slash with his sword, aiming to engulf Christian and Koa in a wave of scorching heat. Reacting with impeccable coordination, the duo skillfully evaded the attack, their bodies moving in perfect synchronization. Seizing the initiative, Christian closed in on Rax while deftly evading his relentless assault.Harnessing the agility bestowed upon him by his lightning beast form, Christian effortlessly evaded Rax's strikes. With each nimble dodge, he closed the distance, inching closer to his fiery adversary. Sensing an opportunity, Rax plunged his blade into the ground, triggering a massive explosion of heat from below. The force of the blast sent Christian hurtling into the air, a tenacious smile on his face as he prepared for his final move.However, just as Rax prepared to strike, he found himself suddenly immobilized. Paralyzed and bewildered, he surveyed his surroundings and noticed a pair of gloves crackling with electricity lying nearby. Christian, inspired by Jimmy's advice, had stored his lightning abilities within those gloves, executing a flawless plan. Regaining his composure, Christian descended from above, ensnaring Rax's arms with his lightning claws, effectively restraining him.Rax struggled relentlessly as the temperature continued to rise, the scorching heat threatening to consume him. Urgently, Christian's voice pierced through the chaos. "Now, Koa!"Seizing the moment, Koa launched himself towards Rax with unyielding determination. Face to face with his opponent, he assumed a kung fu stance, his fists raining down a relentless barrage of punches upon Rax's defenseless form. The onslaught was merciless, each blow connecting with fierce precision. Finally, Koa positioned his hand, fingertips pressed against Rax's chest."Lee Clan Secret Art: One Inch Punch!"A burst of concentrated force emanated from Koa's punch, propelling Rax backward, his body hurtling through the air. Overwhelmed by the impact, Rax succumbed to unconsciousness, his tattoos gradually fading as the oppressive heat subsided.Christian powered down his lightning beast form, the electricity dissipating from his gloves. A faint smile played upon his lips as he observed the aftermath of their battle."Not bad," he remarked, his voice laced with a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction.Koa grinned, acknowledging their hard-fought victory. "Not bad yourself, lightning boy."The two warriors exchanged a knuckle touch, celebrating their triumph. However, amidst their jubilation, Christian's concentration was abruptly shattered by a voice echoing in his mind."Christian, watch out."Reacting with lightning-fast reflexes, Christian managed to evade an incoming attack, narrowly escaping harm. Unfortunately, Koa was not as fortunate, falling victim to the assailant's deadly claws that pierced his stomach.Grimacing in pain, Christian faced the enigmatic figure before him, weariness apparent from their previous encounter. Emerging from the billowing smoke, a being draped in crimson scales, with unfurled wings, stood with an air of sinister elegance. The reptilian aura emanating from the figure mirrored that of Lucy, the enigmatic woman they had encountered before.A sly smile curved on Lucy's lips as she spoke, her voice laced with amusement. "Ah, kid, you've recognized me. This form may not be visually appealing, so I tend to use it sparingly."Christian's gaze hardened, his resolve unyielding. "What are you doing here?"Lucy's eyes glinted with a mischievous gleam. "I simply desire to witness the extent of your power, kid. Consider this a game of cat and mouse, if you will."Christian clenched his fists, his determination resolute. "I won't let you harm anyone else. Prepare yourself!"With renewed resolve, Christian prepared to face Lucy, the battle entering a new phase of unrelenting intensity.