Chapter forty four

In the sky, the moon showed herself a small piece. There were no stars, and the wind was blowing slightly.

By the window, Yang Ying stood looking at the view silently. She stood there for a long time that even herself didn't know how long it was. 

From her window she could watch the beautiful white water Lily pond, but her eyes ignored the view that the women in the Wan Hua Lou cherished; instead her peepers attached the open balcony of her former sisterhood's room which was on the right of her.

That room belonged to Caihong, the late courtesan and Yang Ying's life saver; now it was for Lantian when she wanted to have a night stay in Wan Hua Lou.

These days, after meeting with the second daughter of Yang, Yang Ying's mind was triggered by the past a lot. This caused her to not have a good sleep, bringing her health down.

Because she was the visual flower of the house, mother Wang cared about her so much. She allowed her to get a full time rest inside her own room and put the order to everyone to not disturb her. However the girl could not have a peaceful time. Staying alone and quiet made her feel cold and her brain flew around without stopping; hence, she decided to go out to the market to release her anxiety, but who knew, she met with Caihong and it made her mind think about the past more and more.

Everyone in the house realized the strong relationship between her and the late flower lady and they usually had the same thought that she missed her. Of course they were right but not right at all. In the memory of Yang Ying there was another person besides her beloved sister.

Yang Ying didn't remember well the images of her family or her suffering when she lived on the street. She recalled only the scenes during her childhood living in Wan Hau Lou and it started from one day, when she was twelve years old, that she has remembered clearly until today.

It was a late evening. Caihong was putting on her makeup in the room. When she brought her tea, Caihong said, "Later on, young master Qiao will come. You go to wait for him. When you see him, take him here."

"I don't know that young master Qiao," Yang Ying said.

"It's easy to recognize him. He is handsome and has manners as a gentleman."

"Um." Yang Ying nodded her head and went to stand at the stair waiting for the guy her sister had told. Then a man appeared before her eyes.

"Little girl, are you waiting for me?" He said.

But Yang Ying didn't hear his voice because she was stalled by the handsomeness like the god of this guy. Until he asked a second time, she woke up and hurriedly replied, "I am waiting for young master Qiao."

"Caihong sent you, right?"

"Yes." Yang Ying nodded.

"I am that young master Qiao. My name is Qiao Bulong."

"Qiao Bulong," she murmured.

It was the first time she met an older man who was not only good looking but also had a good personality. His name was stuck with not only her lips but also her heart. Every evening she stood by the stair waiting for him to come. When she saw him, she would smile big to welcome him.

"Hello Yang Ying. How are you doing? I bought this cake for you."

These were the sentences Qiao Bulong spoke every time he met her and he said these with a smile. The small girl knew that she was not the person he was coming for, but she didn't care, she was happy enough to meet his face, hear his voice and see his smile. Every time he came to Wan Hau Lou, he looked for Caihong and the two spent time in the room happily like the loving birds in the spring. Sometimes, when Yang Ying brought food to the room, she was called to enjoy it along with the two lovers. This made her learn that Qiao Bulong was a scholar and his strong potential was composing poems and producing dance. He said he loved to come to Wan Hau Lou, staying in the room of Caihong because that place was full of nature that could inspire him with an idea of the arts. When he wanted to think of a poem, he liked to stand by the rail of the balcony with clasped hands behind his back, eyes looking at the sky and the pond while Caihong sat by the guzheng and played the music she was good at.

Yang Ying didn't know the details of her sisterhood and her male. She just heard that they met by chance in the Central pagoda and started to contact each other.

Qiao Bulong knew that Caihong was a woman in the whore house, but he didn't mind; he insisted to love her and wished to marry her. However their wish to live together was like shooting an arrow in the dark night. They didn't know when they could achieve this tiny dream because Caihong was in debt with mother Wang. To get freedom, she had to pay a big amount of money. Though Qiao Bulong was a top scholar, he didn't have much money because he was unemployed. In fact there were several rich families wanting to cast him to teach their kids, but he refused since he had a high criteria for choosing his student.

One day Qiao Bulong came to tell Caihong that a high ranking family hired him to teach their child and he accepted because that child was qualified to be his student. It was good news as the two thought their route was about to start. But for Yang Ying, this news made her not very happy and worried. She thought if they married, they would leave and she had to stay here alone. Everyday she held a sad face and was not active like before. Until Caihong told her, "I will not abandon you. I will take you with me."

Yang Ying was glad and returned to smile.

This idea was supported by Qiao Bulong. After that, Caihong usually made Yang Ying stay with her even when she was with her male. She did this because she wanted her to feel close with them two like they were one family and she wanted to warn mother Wang in advance to not have an idea over Yang Ying.

When thinking about this part, Yang Ying took a long blow. She eyed the rail then she rotated her body and walked away from the window. When she arrived at her bed, she dropped her body to sit on it then looked around the space she was in.

Yang Ying continued recalling during her stay with Caihong and Qiao Bulong. It was the happiest time in her life that she would never be able to forget, especially how nice and caring Qiao Bulong was towards her. He taught her a lot including alphabets and painting. He was a very good man she never ever met, making her sometimes envious of her sister and wanting to be a female entertainer.

Yang Ying laughed at herself when she was reminded of her foolish idea that year. She was just only thirteen years old and fell in love with a twenty six years old man. At that time, everyday she dreamed of the man coming to her and staying in her room - kissing her, hugging her and caressing her for the whole night. Even though it was an insane and naive dream, it was a very sweet and happy imagination for a silly girl like her. 

But like the people said - the happy time was very short.

Yang Ying didn't have an inkling what was going on after that. She just remembered the day she went to the market to buy things for the kitchen then when she came back, she heard that Caihong committed suicide in her room. It was shocking news for her. She wanted to meet her sister but she was not permitted to even see her body. Then a few days later she was told that Qiao Bulong also died. In a short time she lost two beloved people in her life. Yang Ying felt her life was in blue. She could not do anything, just locked herself in the cooking wood storage and cried. After this scene, the memory seemed to be blurred. She just remembered that she was allowed to work in the Wan Hau Lou until she was sixteen, then mother Wang organized her to start a career as an entertainer. In fact it was not her own will, but at that time she was still young, she didn't know how to refuse, so at last she ended up working in this room until today.

Yang Ying blew a long wind from her nostrils. It has been three years already that she labored for such a low job. The young lassie ran her left hand over the soft mattress she was sitting on. Her mind thought about her insane dream when she was young. She had wished to become a courtesan, now she got it, but it turned out to be wrong halfway as she was unable to receive Qiao Bulong.  Sometimes Yang Ying admired her sister. While she was working here, she was not famous but her bed was able to welcome the man she loved. Different from her, she was very famous in the house, but her bed received only the males who she was not familiar with.

It was sorrowful in her life that she felt hard to accept it during her first year of being a hostess. Yang Ying thought her body was dirty and shameful. She ever thought about taking her life, but she was afraid to do it. Hence, she tried to encourage herself to continue living. Until one day she met a cruel guest. He harassed her badly, making her depressed so much, then she decided to get rid of her life to escape from this dark world. 

Suddenly a girl arrived and saved her on time.

"Why do you save me? Let me die," Yang Ying cried.

"Why do you want to die?" The girl said.

"My life is ruined. I don't have face to continue living."

"You want to die because of those guys. Those guys are bad, it's them who should die, not you."

Hearing that Yang Ying was calm.

"Though you are a hostess, your life is precious," the girl continued. "They can abuse you because you allow them to do it. Why do you want to end your life? Why don't you continue living and fight for your own justice?"

"You don't understand."

"If I don't understand, make me understand."

"No one helps me." Yang Ying sobbed.

"I'll help you."

This sentence made Yang Ying look at the unfamiliar girl. "Who are you?" She asked.

"My name is Wu Lantian. I am a daughter of Lin'an mayor, and I am the student of Qiao Bulong."

Everyone in the scene unlocked their eyes and mouths when they heard the background of the young lady. Even Yang Ying was surprised, but when she learnt that the girl was the student of the man she crushed, her depression and sadness seemed to be reduced.

Lantian usually came to visit her, have a talk with her, and took care of her making her feel like being born again. Because she came regularly, Lantian sensed how worse the women in Wan Hau Lou experienced. The girl didn't have a good feeling with the action of the male guests, so she announced herself as a protector of the brothel. Due to the power of her father, the men were afraid, they didn't dare to violence the women in Wan Hau Lou anymore. Then she and Yang Ying became close friends that could exchange the story in their heart. 

Yang Ying sensed that Lantian knew about why her teacher died, also she seemed to know the reason causing her sisterhood commit suicide; she tried to ask but Lantian kept her lips shut very well. At first she was upset with her as she thought she was hiding from her, she didn't consider her as a friend like her mouth spoke. But after staying with her for a long time, she felt that this high girl had a heavy burden over her heart that made her unable to speak out. She remembered one night, Lantian came to Wan Hua Lou with a dark face. She didn't say any word, just raised wine jars to pour into her mouth. Then she hugged her and cried, "I feel difficult in my body. My heart is in pain. What should I do? I want to say it, but I cannot say. I want to remove it, but I cannot remove it. What should I do?"

Didn't know why, just seeing that, Yang Ying stopped being angry immediately and turned to pity the Wu girl instead. She embraced her, comforted her and wiped tears from her cheeks.

At that time there was an unexpected incident that both of them didn't determine it to happen, but it happened. Lantian stopped crying and jumped to kiss her. It was a sudden event; Yang Ying was surprised, but without knowing why she didn't push her away, instead she agreed her lips to be suck and...

It was a very exciting moment and Yang Ying felt the warm pleasure for the first time. Her mind didn't think Lantian was a woman, she felt she was a man or she was better than the men because the men did not caress her like this girl did. What she got from Lantian at this time, she didn't grant it from the men even a bit. During her one year as a courtesan, it was the only great time. Yang Ying knew clearly that it was because Lantian was down very deep on that day or she would never ever have an idea to touch her. Since then they returned to be good friends and respected each other.

However Yang Ying still remembered that happy night in her mind. She didn't wish Lantian to provide her one more time, but if she wanted, she would nod her head without thinking twice.

The moon in the sky started to hide her light step by step behind the smoky clouds. The wind began to be cold like the ice from the winter.

Under the bright candle light, Yang Ying was resting silently under the blanket. Whenever she thought about the exciting night between the city mayor's daughter and her, her body seemed to get warm and it made her heart walk slowly, then soon after she fell into a very peaceful sleep like she was having now.