Romantic-Drama Story where the protagonist is a girl named Maeda Ayame, who has experienced a series of unpleasant situations throughout her life, both at school and within her family. These unpleasant events have led her to completely isolate herself from the real world.
This continued until high school when one day she decides to commit suicide by getting hit by a car. However, she is saved by a boy named Nakagawa Yuto, who eventually becomes her neighbor, first friend, classmate, and also her first love. Thus begins a period of getting to know each other and opening up to the world for the young girl, something she had hoped for but never thought would happen.
The boy, despite initially appearing cheerful and carefree (and somewhat foolish in the girl's eyes), actually has a secret.
The two of them decide to open up to each other, trying to enjoy themselves to the fullest and have as many experiences together as possible. Alongside all of this, there are ghosts from the past, such as the return of an old acquaintance of the protagonist, who caused her to become so distrustful of other people, and the reasons behind the downfall of her family.
the story intrigues me a lot, I already like the female protagonist. I'm looking forward to reading the other chapters. go ahead!!
Buona lettura. Già dal prologo si intuisce che è una storia che descrive molto le vicende della protagonista. Non è noiosa, piacevole da leggere.