
After discovering that I would never see you again, on the day of my discharge, I tried to be strong, as you told me to be when you last saw me. I tried in every way to react and move forward, and it was incredibly difficult.

Now, months later, during the cherry blossom season, I find myself here again in front of your grave, accompanied by Euiko. She has transferred to my class, and we have become very close. Today, together, we visited Yuto-kun's resting place.

With our hands joined, we pray, and in my heart, I speak to you, hoping to reach you. I want to tell you that since you've been gone, I have decided to be just like you. You always insisted that I was the strong one between the two of us, but in truth, in my eyes, you had something more.

Even though you suffered, unlike me, you looked ahead with your head held high, trying to move forward. I, on the other hand, preferred to shut myself off and run away from others.

You said your fortune was having the illness because it brought you the chance to meet me. Similarly, I was unfortunate, but within that misfortune, I found you. That's life. There are beautiful things and ugly things. Life cannot be called life if you don't experience both types of emotions. Even though I can't see you, I know deep down that you're here with me.

"Shall we go?" Euiko said, and I nodded in agreement.

Where are we going? We don't know, but we will continue walking without ever looking back, carrying within us what we have learned.