Chapter Three || Sam

As I make my way into the kitchen which has now been transformed into the 'drinks place', I pause in my tracks for a good second waiting until Nick walks away from Lexi. She looks good tonight, not exposing much but doing the absolute most in her outfit. Once he finally leaves, I walk into the room so I can get a drink, and hopefully talk to her about my proposal again.

"Having a good time?" I ask once I stop right in front of her, to the point where she has to tilt her head a bit. I smile as I take in the annoyance on her face.

"Now that you're here nope." She smiles at me, the same little smile from earlier on. It's annoying when I see it since I know it's a fake and a I'm-trying-to-piss-you-off smile.

"Well, that's a shame." I shrug with a smirk then get myself water since I'd been drinking a beer before. I don't like to get wasted in general, so I want to drown out the beer before it does too much.

"You're getting water." She tilts her head to the side, as she observes me. I look at her and nod my head.


"It's a school night, one beer is enough." I say as I now make my way to stand next to her rather than in front of her.

"Huh, some of us just go straight to water." She jokes.


"Don't like alcohol." She admits hesitantly.

"I get it." I say after noticing how uncomfortable she is. Is she uncomfortable because she told me something about herself? Or is it my presence?

"Also, I prefer to be kidnapped while sober." She jokes again but that falls flat.

Dry humour got it.


"Okay so-"

Ignoring her joke or whatever that was, I interrupt her. "I have a plan."

"Okay, I want to hear this." She says with her eyes sparkling with interest.

"We can't talk here." I gesture to the people coming in and out and others that are just hanging out.

"Suggestion?" she asks me oblivious to my plan, perfect.

"Come on." I take her hand in mine and lead her upstairs to one of Bell's guestrooms which is Layla's when she visits. I open the door and pray that she's not actually in the room. Luckily for me its unoccupied so I close the door after Lexi enters then lock it.

"So, the big plan, tell me." She looks at me expectantly as if she's actually interested, I really hope she is.

"Okay so," I start off. "I was thinking since the whole school knows I'm running already, I don't have to do a big official formal announcement, I can just organise a small thing at my house for the clubs and society people and you can be there. Not as a member and head of photography club but as my campaign manager and girlfriend. The girlfriend part will make people buy into me being this relatable guy who can romance a girl like Lexi which wins me points with a lot of the jocks in these committees." I know for a fact that I can get her to help me, I just need a good enough reason for her to do so.

"A girl like Lexi?" She questions with her brow raised.


"Haven't you heard Larson? Nobody wants to date Lexi Beverly."

"That's not what I heard." I say truthfully.

"Whatever. What do I get out of this?"

"Is there anything you want?" The ball is completely in her court, anything she wants, I'll do.

She thinks for a moment, before she narrows her eyes at me then she smiles.

"A prom date."

I stare at her, trying to see if she's being serious.

"This will be over by then." I state.

"Well, we have to find a way to keep the flame going till prom." She says as she moves over to the big bed in the middle of the room.


She gives me a tight-lipped smile. I see the wheels turning her head as she thinks of it all.

"Okay. But the girlfriend part will seem a bit farfetched." I nod. It will, considering how we've been acting around each other for the past four years.

"Well, if the Seer mentions it, no-one will think much of it."

"Okay. So, what we kiss in front of people?" I nearly choke on air as I hear her words.

I know PDA will be thrown into the mix, because this is Everson High we're trying to fool and she's Lexi the girl no-ones really dated and I'm Sam the guy everyone wants to date but hearing her say it is way different than thinking about kissing her.

"I guess so, yeah."

"Well okay, when we doing this?" I look at her as I try to figure this out.

"Oh, I have an idea!" I sit down on the bed as I brace myself for her idea.

"You mentioned doing something for the seniors at your house right?"

I nod then she continues. "I can be there, then everyone will figure it out. You will be just having fun, not doing much because you don't want to seem too eager or desperate."

I nod again, agreeing to what she says as she sinks down onto the bed next to me.

"That's a good idea and the rest of the campaign?"

"Don't worry about its Larson, we'll tackle that when it's time to."

"Before I forget, we need rules for the whole kissing thing." I search her face after saying the words.

"Oh yeah, you're right. Well, I'm down if there are people around or anything like that but it's all for display, nothing else and we can't obviously tell anyone else about this." Kissing her when there are people around, I can do that.

"Agreed. So, you're in?" I ask, confirming all this.

"You're stuck with me Larson until the end of senior year."



New day, new slate and a new I've Heard That! post that woke me up this morning. I almost passed out when I read it, how does this prick see or hear so damn much?

'Everson's High newest couple??

I'm pretty sure I saw Sam Larson (as in the King-slash-Captain of our soccer team) and (our dear princess of the football team) Lexi Beverly enter a room together at a party and not leave for hours? What's going on people, has Sam really managed to get Lexi to look at him?

Till next time, Ciao!


Not only has this been taken out of context entirely, but it has also ruined our plan on non-verbally announcing our 'relationship', the Seer however seems to be determined to ruin my fucking life.

I unlock my phone, to text Lexi.

Me: Hey have you seen the Post yet??

I know adding two question marks is grammatically incorrect, but I do it anyway.

I wait for a few minutes before she replies.

Lexi: Yep, I just read it. I guess we have to go with the flow now??

Me: Yes.

Me: Although, I don't even know 'the flow' right now.

I see my phone light up.

Lexi: We're in a relationship… and yes, it's true what the Seer wrote.

Lexi: This is for if anyone asks you.

Me: Thanks? Didn't need you to tell me what to say, I could've played it by ear.

Lexi: Well, 'playing it by ear' is how lies end up not adding up, you're welcome.

I roll my eyes at her words, even though she can't see me.

Me: Ugh. Why'd I ask for your help again??

Lexi: Because you trust me.

Lexi: And I'm the only girl at our school who hates you.

Me: True. Although, I'm not sure about the last part...

Lexi: I'll see you at school Larson.

I read the text then shut my phone so that I can get my life in order.

When I get done with all my morning tasks, I make my way downstairs to get fruit and wait for Layla to get done, because she takes forever. Once she does get done, we go to my car, then we make our way to school.

"What's going on with you and Lexi?" she asks while texting. You would think she's kinder to me since she's my little sister, but nope, the same nasty brat she is to everyone she is to me too.

"Nothing." I sigh.

"Well, it's not nothing because it was in today's post which of course tells no lies right?" She shoots back while quoting me. This little jerk.

A while back she was mentioned by the famous Seer and let's just say when it comes to her posts the truth certainly hurts.

"Not my fault that most my posts aren't true." She looks up from her phone and now faces me. Shit.

"Huh, is that why you're asking Lexi to help you with your campaign stuff?"

"Lexi isn't helping with anything." I deny. It's not like she knows the truth anyway, she's probably spit balling.

"Sure, lie to me, lie to the stupid little sister. It wouldn't be the first time anyway!" She screeches from her seat, which is right next to me by the way.

"Layla, shut up!" I shout as I stop at a red light and turn the face her.

With that she goes quiet, and the car finally goes to its silent vibe that I yearn for in the mornings. I really hate driving Layla to school because of her stupid mouth that can't stay shut. I look over briefly wondering if I upset her, but she's looking out her window, oh well. Once we get into the school gates, I find my usual parking spot.

Before I even kill my engine Layla opens the door with so much force and makes her into her school leaving the door open.


Before the passenger door closes Lexi appears, holds it open and hops into my car.

"What's up with little princess Larson?" She quickly looks out the window at Layla, as I look at her for a moment, trying to decide if I should respond to her, because that's rich coming from her.

"Princess?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"You don't see Layla as a princess?" She feigns shock.

I snort then say. "She's a brat, not a princess." I then take my belongs from the backseat. Lexi's closer to that princess title than Layla will ever be, even if she doesn't know it.

"You ready for school today?" I look at her.

"Yeah, you?"

"I was born ready Larson, plus, I'm kind of interested to see how many people will actually be invested in us dating." She's never dated. Ever. So, people will probably be more interested in her than me or the us factor.

"Never dated right?" I 'ask' even though I already know the answer. Lexi Beverly is many things but a guy's girl, romantically that is.


"You'll be alright princess." I wink at her before getting out of my car.

"Ugh, never wink at me ever again." She fakes disgust, as we walk towards the entrance of the school.

"Whatever princess. Also, if you don't mind me asking, why'd you come to my car?"

"This is supposed to be our first real appearance as a couple, keep up Larson."

"You sound crazy."

"You sound like an underachiever." She says with sass, right before we walk through the front doors.

As we walk through the halls, I realise this time it's different. While we're walking side by side, guys shoot daggers at me while the girls look once and go one with the days, which never happens when I'm with a girl. After observing everyone's reactions, the moment is then cut short with Chase walking over to us and standing right in front of Lexi.
