Ch 179: Clearing the Tower (7)

First Leonhart looked around himself to observe his surroundings properly. What he saw was not very encouraging as it was filled with only dilapidated wooden houses. The memories of the person whom Leonhart had possessed was also not very helpful as he had no memories of anything other than begging in the streets.

So Leonhart tried to gather some information about the town and mostly about the nation but his actions earned him nothing but a severe beating from other beggars as he was interrupting their trade. It was very humiliating for him as the emperor of a large nation, but Leonhart was powerless in this weak and malnourished body.

Leonhart had a majestic atmosphere around himself that he had cultivated in his years of ruling the nation as an emperor. And that natural atmosphere did not vanish when he got into the body of this malnourished person. But the contrast of a malnourished, dying body having some kind of magnificent presence was very weird and eerie.