Sage sat in her room, dark room watching a movie from her laptop. Her snack we're over and she was so lazy to go down stairs and get some, but she had to there is no way the movie will be interesting just dry.
She found Emily standing out her room, "Geez, Emily am still young to die from a heart attack." Emily looked like she was battling with her thoughts. "I thought that you were supposed in the school dorm what are you doing here?"
"Can you do me a fav' siz" Sage felt like laughing at Emily's face, but she didn't.
"OMG Emily did you get pregnant!!" Sage whisper yelled while holding her small mouth.
"What! No, Geez where did you even get the idea from," she held Sage's hand taking her back to her room and stood facing her,
"Mmmh" Sage raised her brows asking her to talk.
"Ok, a boy invited me to go to a party with him and I was scared of going…." Sage stood up narrowing her eyes,
"And you want me to go instead, I've seen this kind of things in movies never expected it to happen to me this quick," one glare from Emily and She sat down like a good girl and heard the whole story.
"So you want me to join you?" Emily nodded looking at Sage hopefully "But I have school tomorrow,"
Right she forgot about that, "How about this, you carry your school uniform and I'll drop you tomorrow. What do you say?"
"Sure if you say so." Sage was more than happy; it has long since she was invited to a party. A collage party.
She showered wore a black short dress that hugged her curves, and exposed her boobs covered by lace which did not help much. "I'm so not wearing this," And Emily agreed. She searched her closet and found a short purple dress that her dad bought her on her fifteenth birthday. It was dissent and she was always comfortable with it, "I'll wear this instead. She paired it with black heels did a simple make up and the two left.
"The dress looks cute," They sat in Emily's and she drove off.
"My dad bought it for me when I was fifteen," she smiled remembering it. Emily's smile was weird like she was hiding something which Sage didn't notice.
The ride was comfortably quiet; the radio played some soothing pop songs which Sage sang in her mind. It wasn't that far. The house was big and had people around it. Looks like the party just began.
They joined the others and walked to the kitchen to gent drinks, "No drinking alcohol." Emily spat, which made Sage, roll her eyes, duh.
Two boys came to them and greeted Emily, "You made it and you brought company…." The taller one looked down at Sage smiling, "Hey am Taylor,"
"Sage" she returned his polite smile. Emily was busy blushing on how he was near her, which was cute. Sage never thought that she would one day see this side of the always grumpy Emily; at least she found her weakness.
"Oh, this is my friend Fred," He moved a side and revealed this Fred guy. He was tall same height as Taylor; he carried a cold expression on his cute face, which made him look like he was bored and had his hands on his pocket not planning to remove them.
He just looked at Sage not saying a word, Rude. They sat in some couch in the corner and talked like the others,
"So she's your little sister," Taylor emphasized on the word little.
"A... excuse I am not little..."
"You're eighteen yet?" Sage shook her head and Taylor laughed. "No arguing here little doll your still a child." He made her feel so small. She looked a side and found Fred looking at her, but with no expression on his face. Mr grumpy.
"What are you looking at?" He wanted to play rude let's play rude.
"The white walls," came his deep voice that made girls knees weak. The two sat looking at each other over the blooming music that almost made one deaf. After Sage left to the bathroom some boys walked in one of them noticed her.
"I'll catch up with you later bro," he patted his friends shoulder.