It's been a week since all different incidents happened and the school continued as usual but with most people missing.

Agatha sat disturbed next to Maeve who was busy making fun of some new comers' shoes. Agatha's perspective of Maeve and wanting to live a rich life changed a lot and most of the time she avoided her which was suspicious.

"I have to leave," She stood up collecting her booked and shoving them into her bag.

 "I've noticed that you barely hangout with me these days…" Maeve held one of Agatha's textbook making her shake.

 "That's not true… I got myself a pat time job and it's gating late…" She pulled the book off Maeve's hand. 

"But it's barely four_" but before she could finish Agatha had already fled. She could only sign and mind her own business.

"This is so stupid." One of Simon's friend said, "She was so obsessed with you all this year…" They all nodded finding it strange. 

"It's nothing, maybe she found someone new to obsess to," Maeve joked and they all went with the joke.

 "I have an Idea," Simon looked at Maeve suspiciously.

Two sports cars drove out of school gates loudly and followed the clueless Agatha.

 She walked looking back to confirm that no one followed her. She had been living in fear and thought that one day the traffickers would come for her. She walked in an ally and the two cars lost count of her and had to give up.


 In a quiet dark night, a girl ran looking back. A scary man ran behind her with too much rage. She was soo scared of him she knew what he was capable of if he caught up with her.

She was done being his punching bag. Painful burning tears ran down her dry eyes, she was soo surprised about her waterfall tears. She had cried enough and her eyes had gone dry.

The emotional state made her slow down and the man grabbed her hair and pulled her with him. Her scalp had gone numb and she allowed him to drag her wherever he went to. She had given up.

 Maybe this was how her life was meant to end. She only lived as a looser and will die as one. He stopped in a deserted ally slammed her against the wall busting her lip and nose. 

The girl looked at the man with lifeless eyes and smiled, this man looked strange and yet familiar. 

 Dirty hands curved on her small delicate neck that looked like it would break any minute,

 "Just do it, I hate myself and I might as well as die…" she mumbled shaking, her body was as cold as ice. The purple bruises explained everything.

 The rage in the man's eyes increased even more and he choked her more tightly. She looked at him, murmured somethings but before she could pass out she heard someone's voice calling from the other side…

 She rose up and looked around, Khalil sat on her bed side holding her pale hands. Fred handed Khalil water so to feed it to her.

 "What happened… one minute I'm behind a truck the next I'm here?" she sat up drinking the water in slow sips. The boys looked at each other and kept a sad face. Alan looked at Khalil shaking his head telling him not to say anything. Not yet?

 Noticing this strange behaviour she was more eager to know what happened, "Damn it you guys!" she threw the glass at the wall which scatted and made them startled. 

 "This is not the right time to talk," Alan stood and stated parking some bag, that's when it hinted her that they were hiding. The house looked old and a hut?

 "Where are we…" they were interrupted by some knocking at the small door… 

 "They are here they located and broke in," a tall man came in and looked strangely at Sage… and that alerted her, this was the same man from her dream.

But before they could talk gunshots and cries were heard in a distance. 

"Leave now, I'm not ready to lose my family again just for her." His bony finger pointed at Sage. "I've done enough but all I've gotten is death…" he turned and left but stopped at the door step. "Never comeback ."