Chapter 01:Beginnings..

"Nobody knows how or why it happened, but on that day, the world seemed to have fallen apart...To some, it was like living in a fever dream, and to all…

"It was like Hell gracing us with its presence"

"I don't know how long it has been since that incident nor do I care but I do have to 

say I did not expect to die like this"




The boy while sitting down on a chair while being in an unfamiliar place, it was as if the worlds which he had no idea of, were colliding with the sky filled with a rather obscene yet beautiful color and the floor made out of black sand which shines like pearls, he finds himself recollected and at peace but to him, something didn't feel right. As it stands, a coffin filled with unimaginable things, The boy stares at the coffin and as he reaches into it, he hears a distant yet very familiar and close voice, which whispers to him-

-"Dont open us"-




The boy wakes up in a slum and sees rather an unfamiliar man looking and calling him out As the boy reclaims his consciousness, the boy is shocked, he pushes the man, and shouts, but being weak from an injury, he couldn't stand up. The man asks the boy to calm down in a rather suspicious tone.

Unknown man-"What's wrong kid? seems like the first time you've seen a person, now calm down everything's fine."

The boy-"W-where am I? And who are you? What is this place?"

Unknown man-"Hm…well I can tell ya this much that even I don't have a damn clue to where we are"

Unknown man-"I just found you lying in the cold like some dead fish. Who're you supposed to be?"

The boy, unable to remember his name or past, tries to say his name but is dumbfounded. Unable to remember his name he questions himself who he was. The man understands the situation and asks no further questions except for one.

Unknown man-"Look kid, now I ain't a saint so there's isn't much I can do but I've treated the wound you had in your leg you should be able to move in a couple of days, i'd suggest you take it easy but can't say if you'll survive out here." 

The boy-what do you-"

A loud yet distant roar shakes the very ground they stand on. The boy and the man feel a very heavy aura as if the aura from that scream made the weight of the atmosphere heavy to breathe.

The boy-"I can't breathe what's going on-"

Unknown man-"Hey kid over here! Hurry the fuck up!"

The boy and the man hide. As they hide the boy asks why the air has gotten so dense. the boy while asking this question sees such an unforgivable sight. A true demon returned to its lair with a dreadful amount of meat in its mouth. the boy didn't understand the situation before but he quickly figured out the meat that the beast had brought out was the very corpses of his kind. 

Unknown man-"See kid, this here labyrinth is called the Hels peak. those who fall into this place will see hell as mere grace, A place filled with Devils who worked under Satan and tortured people for the sake of their enjoyment.

The boy-"huh…Satan…eh..why does that sound familiar? I don't understand this at all.."

Unknown man-"We should be ok for now, I doubt the fact you'll survive in such a gore-ish place…in the first place why would a kid like you get in a place like this, either ya did the worst thing imaginable, or you're just hated by everyone."

The boy-"yeah…I still can't remember anything about myself nor am I familiar with the knowledge you have"

Unknown man-"Say then kid, how about you and I team up? It'll be way safer than being out here all alone, whatcha say?"

The boy hesitates to trust the man, but the man persists. The boy did not trust the words of the man but the boy knew to survive, he'll have to follow the man. Thus he agrees to the man's offer.

The boy-"I can't trust your word for it and I don't even know you at all"

Unknown man-"Well it's up to you kid. Either. You be alone and try to survive or we can work together, be partners, you cover my back I'll cover yours, we'll be partners we'll look out for each other…how about it kid? Ya in?"

*I don't have much of a choice. I don't know anything about what's going on or where I am…I guess I'll have to find out about all of this from him."

The boy-"Fine I'll follow you. I'll do as you say but in return, I want to learn about this place"

Unknown man-"We have a deal then, NIce to have ya on the team kid"

The boy-"Y-yeah sure…"

Unknown man-"Ah that's right since ya don't remember your name, how about a temporary one?"

The boy-"Does it matter that much? Having a name or something like that?"

Unknown man-"Course it does, Every living being has a name with each meaning."

The boy-"Hmm…meaning.."

Unknown man-"In this day and age having a name is very rare, but I believe that having a name is equal to one's existence. Having a name means you have left your mark in this unforgiving world"

The boy-"hmm…"

The boy and the man progress in the labyrinth for the remaining days of their journey. Many emotions, time, and lessons had taken hold of their journey. Together. protecting each other's back, the time spent together for the first time in the boy's life was very special and meaningful to him. As he learns about the labyrinth and the story of what happened to the people, The boy after time, slowly remembers some things but he still can't remember his name or his past, yet he only remembers the first letter of his name. Every day was the same…


 one day the boy wondered why this had happened that night.

The boy-"Say it's been a month or whatever you say but I've never heard your name."

Unknown man-"Hm? My name?.....hmmm let's see…I'm Cozbi."

The boy-"Cozbi? Hahaha that's a weird name"

Cozbi-"Haha it sure is but yeah that is my name, but alas I still haven't found a good name for you"

The boy-"That's fine I don't need a name"

Cozbi-"Hmmm, OK then name from now on your name is V."

The boy-"V?"

Unknown man-"Yep since ya said ya can't remember your name except for the first later your name is now V"

V-"You're not very good at naming are you?"

*Cozbi lets out a confused yet dumbfounded, but that day V was happy that he'd got a name.*

Cozbi-"geh- well i still tried"

V-"Yeah yeah I'll take it"

*V feels gratitude and seems cheerful that day*

That night, they both went to sleep yet they were not ready for what was to come that night. While sleeping, Cozbi was keeping watch, But-

 A sense of an overbearing aura overwhelmed Cozbi. As he panicked he tried to wake up V to escape from this prejudiced aura.

Cozbi-"Oi V wake up something isn't-"

Cozbi stares in horror as he sees a demon staring into his soul. The Demon screeches a sound so disorienting, that V kicks the Demon's face in the hopes of distracting the Demon's eyes on Cozbi. Cozbi astounded by V's kick, recollects himself. V and Cozbi both retreat yet the Demon chases them down as it breaks down everything on its path. Yet somehow they both got away from the Demon's sight. V, not understanding the situation asks Cozbi about the Demon.

*Both out of breath, V trying to ask Cozbi*


Cozbi-"U-ugh….calm down V…at least let me catch my breath boy….though I don't get why a Demon like that is at this level."

V-"What is that thing?"

Cozbi-"That's something only for the faint of heart, No one lives to tell the tale, those who cross paths with a Remnant."

V-'A remnant? What's that?'

Cozbi-"A remnant is a higher form of demons from hell, they are supposed to be at lower levels in this labyrinth, and in most cases, no records are found about them. To us people, they are unknown deities, but for the most part, they have transparent and form-less bodies, almost nothing can touch them and they're usually in herds. I just don't understand why there is one here at this level"

As Cozbi explains, they both cannot say a word when the very same beast stares them down. Cozbi falls into a pit of despair, consumed by the sheer fear of imminent death, it's as if Cozbi at that moment gave up everything as he knew, that whatever he tried would not work. And yet-


*V faces the Demon and lands a direct hit under the Demon's chin and lands a good hit* 

Cozbi, astonished by V's attack, comes to his senses. V grabs Cozbi's hand and runs

Through the hellish chasing, they both hit a wall in their path as Cozbi realizes this is the very end of the labyrinth. He realizes the labyrinth itself is a living organism.

Cozbi-"T-this…'s a dead end….h-hahaa….it's all over…"

V-"Hey is this it?DIdn't we come across a path last time?... HEY SPEAK TO ME COZ-'

*V cuts off his voice as he feels the bloodlust of the Demon in its purest form. There stands the Demon itself*

The demon attacks V head-on, destroying the wall and injuring V gravely.

*V covered in blood not comprehending the situation* 

V-"W-...What…just *blood gushes out V's mouth and eyes* M-y head…i can't see anything….i-i ha…have to move….move dammit"

The Demon charges at V again but by a thread, V avoids its attack, but in the process of evading the attack V's left leg gets severely damaged to the point it become unusable. V tries to stand up and go to Cozbi. But the immense amount of pain made him unable to move or talk. But with enough push and a mind filled with pure adrenalin V shouts at Cozbi and snaps him out of his shunned state.Cozbi rams towards V.

Cozbi-"V-V!...I don't know what to do…your leg.."

Cozbi sees a way out of the current situation. He puts V on his shoulders and tries everything in his power to run to that escape hole. But as soon they went past the escape hole Cozbi went into full despair at the sight of his eyes. At that moment he understood why it was called Hel's peak.

At the very peak of the cliff where light shines brighter than anything imaginable, it's as if the word "Freedom" is that very light in itself.

And yet….

The very bottom of the very cliff they stand on, unfolds horror never seen by mankind's eyes. Cozbi stands in awe at the beauty,

And the horrid image displayed in front of his very eyes.

The Demon breaks down the wall and chases down both Cozbi and V.Cozbi to see the far left ledge, which could be used to run away and move toward the light. But before he can do that the Demon attacks them and Cozbi and V both get separated. Cozbi sees the Demon coming in his direction…just at that moment, V uses all of his body strength and successfully pushes the Demon down the hellish pit under the cliff. But, V is holding the very edge of the cliff.

Cozbi goes up to V to pull him up.

But something ...

Cozbi saw something so horrendous and revolting…Cozbi took V's hand. but he did not pull him up…

V-"A-hahha we won didn't we?"

From that moment on, Cozbi didn't say a word. He nodded to everything V said.

V-"Man this freaking sucks though, hey could this be fixed-"

Cozbi-'Say V…you see that light over the horizon…."

V-"Hm..yeah what about it? Hey could lift me first-" 


without a hint of hesitation…

let V's hand go. As V fell, it was as if time had stopped moving, V, not understanding the situation, looked at the face of his trusted partner,

and yet-

He only sees the twisted grin on his trusted partner's face. Having that image burned into his very mind he falls down the pit where souls scream for their requiem.

*Why?....Where did it all go wrong?.....why did he look like that….why did he smile…..why…why..why…why…why…why…why…why…why…why…why…why…why…why…why…why…why…why…why…why…why…why…why…why…why…why…why…why…why…WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY*

....….V's mind had gone blank...…

V wakes yet he's unable to move and the sheer amount of pain has made his mind numb.

Broken limbs, twisted hands….he felt nothing more painful than that face…The face of a liar.

Not much time would pass…his body started to die off slowly. He sees at a distance the Demon's carcass. As he sees the herd of the Demon eating their brethren. Soon the herd sees V lying down on the ground. The smell of blood made the Demons thirst for it. While contemplating on what has happened.

*hahaha….I do.. have to say

 I did not expect to die like this*

V, Not caring about the situation steals his resolve and prepares for death….

And yet,

-"Am I really going to die? a state like this?...."


-"I'm not going to die like this…..not after whatever happened….."

V, filled with disgust and rage, forces himself to stand in front of this hellish situation.


V, despite the agonizing pain, stands up and remakes his resolve. Now all he could think of was...


At that moment, the herd of the demon jumped towards V to tear him into pieces, V screamed, signifying his remark.

And yet, something seemed off…

Unfamiliar voice-"ya sure got some guts kid…seems like it'll be entertaining to watch you struggle"-said with a grinning face.

Unfamiliar voice-"The poor soul…seems like the pain has gone to his head, don't you think so Vergo?"

Vergo-"HAHAHAHA! As if I care about that but, you know what Karma, I do gotta say, that's a very remark you just took over your dead body, kid."

It was as if time had stopped all and all ... the Demons..smell…sense of weight…every life and sense had stopped in that instant…for them.

V -"W-who are you guys?...huh…i can't feel anything…the bleeding…has stopped?"

Vergo -"Ahh yeah you can thank me for that kid, ya looked like shit and all…well ya still do look like shit."

V -"What's going on here…the Demons…they're not moving.."

Karma -"It seems like you're unaware of your current situation"

Vergo-"Yeah long story short-

"You're already dead, kid"

This statement said in a nonchalant tone…made V devastated.

Vergo-"Well you're technically dead and not dead at the same time so yeah might be a little bit confusing for your puny mind."

karma-"Now that's not nice to say something like that …. Since we do have some business with him" 

Vergo-"Ahh~ you're right, almost forgot about that. How about it kid?"

*V looks up at them with a devastated face*


"How about we have a deal?"

Such a sentence reminded V of his lying partner. Suddenly a spurge of hatred and rage came into his mind but he stayed calm. V with doubt in his eyes asked the both of them about the deal they proposed,

Vergo-"To be exact we want something from you and in return we will make your wishes come true.Simple isn't it?"

Karma-"Well as simple as it sounds by far all things this most certainly will not be as "simple" as we say"

Vergo-"You see we need these items for….personal reasons…we want you to get it for us and in return we'll fulfill all the desires you can imagine."

V-"H-ha..ha..why choose me in the first place…I don't know anything about this place or what's going on in general…m-maybe death is inevitable for me…asking to make a deal...that just sounds redundant….making my wishes come true…sorry to tell you this but I don't have any desires.."

Vergo-"Hmmm ~...and yet it doesn't seem like that"

V-"H-huh? What are-"

Karma-"You up in front defied death even in this state…People in this world don't get something like a painless death…in its current state we're all living in hell

Vergo-"Such pitiful souls, seeing you guys suffer makes me laugh…but I gotta this point "IT'S UNDENIABLY BORING "

"Listen, kid, if you don't know what to do at this point, then how about you seek revenge on that guy who was smiling at your demise? Or how about giving up your life for our entertainment HAHAHAHah!"

V goes into a state of mental instability...And yet he hated the situation, the status, the position…he hated it all. It was at that moment V made up his mind for his ultimate desire….The first ever emotion fueling his insatiable hunger for his revenge against the first person he'd have ever trusted….he will make sure he pays for what he had done.

V-"So what do you guys want from me?"

Vergo-"Now that's the spirit,"

Karma-"SInce from the dawn of creation and in the time of god's existence, You people of land worshiped so many phonies, But now it doesn't matter anymore, And to this world and you, we ask of this-

*Both Vergo and Karma synchronize their answers as V sees a sight as if he had seen it before* 








As both Vergo and Karma say their demands, both parties come to a deal that will change the distant unforeseen future. But who knew it would come at such a heavy cost…So unbearable…that it would eat out V's existence itself.

Vergo-"Oh and yeah a little gift from us kid, use it wisely~"

V feels a heavy sensation urging from his body. What was this"Gift" Vergo had talked about…

Nonetheless, All there is left to do…


A sudden choir had started when time had been restored…It was as if everything had happened in an instant.

*It's as if my body's been put through boiling water…This sensation..this grief….these emotions….the sorrows of these souls…I hear them all...

I'll get out of this place… I'll have my revenge…I will-


As V had made these swears. Vergo and Karma watch as spectators in the back…as they've now created An entity that will bring havoc to this world.

Now as the demons head on forward to devour V, only a single word muttered out of his voice as he points his hand towards the herd-


As V mutters the words never heard in his life. Something more vicious, vile, and darker than death itself engulfs the Demons. V sees something no one has ever been able to do…

"-To evoke fear into a Devil-"

The attack from V was so potent the very roof of this hideous hell hole, and for the first time in V's life he witnessed the sky….it was as if, it was the sky he first encountered in his dream from the beginning…As the sky opens and the other realms notice….so does the requiem of the lost souls…

-Hit their first note-

_________________Chapter End__________________

Character analysis:


Date of Birth: N/A


Weight-56kg (123 pounds)

Height-5 ft 8 inches (172cm)

Likes-Spicy food, grapes


History-V is a lost child found in the depths of Hel, the great labyrinth, where he, later on, gets found by Cozbi, His first "Friend"


Date of Birth-N/A




Likes-Gold, Fish grilled stew


History- Cozbi is the one who found V lying wounded in the Labyrinth, He later on took care of and teamed Up with V to go deeper into the great Labyrinth.

Remnant- A type of monster that specializes in poison attacks and heavy body slam attacks. Looks wise they resemble a rhino with vicious teeth and fangs

