Chapter 02:The lady and The Serpents Eye.

"H-ha.. haha….that just happened huh?.."

Previously, After receiving the "Gift" from Vergo and Karma V, for the first time in his life he saw the sky. Such a warm view, it was as if the skies were covered in Gold in its purest of forms. V wobbles as he tries to climb up to get out of Hel's peek.

As he saw outside all he could see was a lifeless environment and pitiful draught. For some moment he felt a sense of relief. And in that relaxed state, he loses all of his strength as he falls. Thankfully his landing was softened by sand and for some moment he's body and mind separated as his mind had gone somewhere else.

*V dozes off*

V-"Where am I?... It feels cold but it also feels like I'm being hugged by a very strong presence…"

V wakes up around nothing but water and the beautiful blue sky. He stands up confused as he looks around and sees nothing on the horizon. Even as he looks down he sees the floor is made of water so deep and black, it was as if something in the water was calling for his name. He then hears a voice, not so familiar.

As he turns his head….

-He sees the same casket stating,


V slowly opens his eyes as he wakes up from the dream, only to be carried by the back of a horse. Regarding the situation, V remembers his previous betrayal and snaps back and lunges away from the horse's main body.

*This isn't good… I'm gonna get used again…No... Not like this, I refuse to be tormented again*

As V in midair turns back to see the face of the person who was carrying him. His eyes widen as he sees another of his kin, a girl so beautiful, so elegant in his eyes.

*Such beautiful eyes …*

He gets distracted as an unknown Man pins him down.

The Unknown man: Hold on now kid, You calm down and we can all be civilized here.


V displays strength, unusual for his state. As V gets free from the Man's pin he looks at his current condition.

He sees that his injuries have completely been healed.

*My leg.. wasn't it broken…I'm not sure what's going on here…*

As V thinks he goes into an unconscious state. Sometime later V gains back his consciousness but sees that he is in a rather slightly dimmed room and his arms and legs, tied up.

"Ha…haha..ha... I can't feel much of myself…I don't even recognize this room … I feel tired and yet I don't want to fall asleep again…"

V hearing the unrecognizable voice, wakes up. Later on, the girl from earlier comes to V with a plate of food. The girl wanted V to feel comfortable as if to let V know they don't mean Harm.

V doesn't trust them and thus refuses to eat what the girl has brought.

The girl-"Hey ahh…look I get don't know us and we don't know you either, but at least you can eat…I ah promise nothing weird in it…haha..."

Even after the kind gesture of the girl. V stayed quiet without a hint of emotion. The girl already realized V had no intention of answering her gestures or calls. But sooner or later V had seemed somewhat…soft towards her.

"From what it looks like you've been through a lot as well huh?"

After hearing such a statement, V felt a sting in his heart, as he turned his head he saw the girl's face but what he had seen gave him such an indescribable feeling in his heart. It was as if time had slowed…The girl was giving out such a pained expression in her eyes…that somehow gave V a sense of remorse,

The girl-"I know it's none of my business but ah…have you lost someone dear or something of sorts?.."

The girl had expected not to get an answer from V but was surprised as V nodded no to her prior statement.

As the girl talked to V more and more and V grew softer towards her, V nodded yes or no to her questions. Then the girl started to talk about a topic that caught V's attention.

The girl opens up about the girl's dreams on how she wanted to be a doctor to help people. The word"Doctor" was very unfamiliar to V but he continued to listen, The man with poor first impressions came to V's room while Calling the girl's name.

The Unknown man-"EVE!! I've been calling you for the past 5 mins what are you even doing?!"

Eve-"Wha- I was just ahh bringing food to him"

The Unknown man-"It's been 2 hours since I told you to give him food"

The man orders the girl to go to her room while the man and V sit down to have a chat.

The unknown man-"Now then why don't we start with some introductions what I mean by introducing I mean telling us everything you know about the *Race* "

V didn't understand what the man had meant by *Race*

*V- yet another sort of information I don't understand... nonetheless..*

As the man continued with his interrogation, V without any signs of cooperation stayed silent for the entire time. At the end of the interrogation, the man understood this was just a waste of time. The man breaks the news to V.

The Unknown man-"Hm…I guess that's all we can get from the likes of you…Savor your dinner…might as well be the last meal you'll ever have"

V looks at the man leaving from the corner of his eyes. V at the moment felt if what he had felt that night was all a facade. V falls asleep while trying to sort out his thoughts.

And that moment...

-Someone very unexpected showed up

Unfamiliar voice-"Please…any..thing bu-t the-m……my daugh-te-.....Please…oh.the one who listens to our cries"

V-"Wha-.. who are you-"

At that moment V had woken up as the man rustled his body and told V to wake up.V saw the girl with a very saddened expression on her face. V taking notice of that showed concern but wondered why he felt like that.

At last, they set out on their journey but had they known what had been waiting for them that day, would haunt the rest of their lives.

They were supposed to go to the city by the normal route but due to certain reasons, they took the urban route. But there was some... Certain implication. Nonetheless, they still went the urban route.

The man-"Grr…from the looks of it we can't take the normal route"


The man-"Yeah and a whole load of them"

Eve-"Think we can handle them?"

The man-"We shouldn't, not while this dead weights around"

Eve-"Hey don't call him that he has-"

The man-"Well in any case we can't stay here for long We gotta move, fast"

Eve-"You know there's always that route.."

The man-" way in hell we're going to take that route, its way too dangerous, I promised your mother I would- "

Eve-"Look I know you promised my mom but it's the best option we have, even if we go back to where we were we'll just be found again, and I don't think they'll give us a second chance to escape this time"

The man stayed quiet because he didn't want to listen to Eve's idea but as reluctant as the man was to not go as Eve planned he agreed on the terms which were…

 The man-*Something about this kid just doesn't seem right… much as I hate to go with Eve's idea…if anything happens I'll use this kid as a decoy and get Eve out of there as fast as I can...I don't want to do this but… *

The man-"Fine we'll go with your plan let's head back and take the route of-

"The Serpent's Eye"

After coming back from the main trail they soon faced the entrance of the great canyon known as"The Serpent's Eye".As they entered the canyon they soon realized what a grave mistake they had made in their insignificant lives.

The man-"Eve, keep a close lookout for anything dangerous and tell me as soon as you see something out of the ordinary"

Eve-"Will do but keep quiet we can't mess this up"

V doesn't quite understand why they are on such high alert, but thanks to that V doesn't see many gaps to escape from them. It was as if they were expecting something very vicious, frightening, and all and all something so revolting. V saw Eve quivering in fear.


As V tried to talk to Eve trying to comfort her, What they were expecting…had shown its hideous face.

As Eve screams in disbelief, the face of The man sees despair as if they were staring at their graves. As V tries to see what it is, he says to himself-

"Ahh~..This is going to be such a drag"

As he says that, the walls of the canyon come alive and collide with each other. Thus comes forth the very Demon connected to the soil of their world. As Eve screams she shouts out


V-"w-wha? Hey, what's going on!? Hey tell me what-"

As he gets interrupted, the carriage gets snapped in half by the tail of the serpent and V sees the serpent for the first time. V hits his shoulder and rolls down behind a boulder. Since his hands and feet were tied up he couldn't walk nor run.


Eve-"yeah…damn that shitty snake- *gasps* KEVIN BEHIND YOU-"


*The man (Kevin) was able to dodge the attack with a slight cut on his left cheek*

V learns the name of the man for the first time, for the time being, while all of this is happening, a nerve-racking cold voice starts to call out for V, he looks out of the corner of his eyes at a lady standing as if she was expecting V to do something.

Whilst amongst this, Eve and the supposed unknown man known as Kevin were fighting to desperately hold on to their lives.



The man (Kevin) looks for a way to engrave great damage to the serpent, he notices there is a scar right beside the base of the serpent's head.

The man(Kevin)-"JUST FOLLOW MY LEAD"

With a strong determination and a clear plan, the man(Kevin) and Eve started their counterattack. But it would not be as easy as they might think.



Eve while keeping a distance from the serpent's attacks, covers for The man(Kevin), going as fast as possible to kill the serpent as effectively and as fast as possible. The man(Kevin) dodges and guards any attacks that might be redirected to Eve. The more they keep fighting in this formation, the closer they get until the man(Kevin) hits a critical hit on the tail of the serpent and slices it off cleanly.



The man (Kevin) swiftly dodges the rubble and goes behind the severed tail while Eve shoots for the eyes and temporarily blinds the serpent, The man(Kevin) uses the leverage of the severed tail to propel himself forward and lands a successful hit on its head but it's still not enough to severe the head.

The man(kevin)-"ER…ARG...HA- ERGGH"


The man(Kevin) struggles as the serpent waves its head around to knock the man (Kevin) out. But right as then he makes a quick decision and goes for the finishing blow.



The man(Kevin)-"THE SCAR!!"

As soon as Eve notices the scar, she makes up her resolve and shoots her shot.


As the arrow hits, the serpent feels immense pain and with that, the man(Kevin) pulls out the sword from its head and finally with all of his might…


And with that, they successfully cut the snake's head off and everyone lived happily ever after with V sold off in a slave auction….

At least….that's what they hoped for…

As soon as the man(Kevin) finishes killing the serpent, he gets attacked and sent flying through the walls of the cavern…what had easily been the worst foe they have ever fought in their lives…


*Eve looks back slowly as she sees another serpent looking straight into her eyes, filling her up with nothing but a feeling of hopelessness, fear, and despair*

The man(Kevin)-"E-...Eve…*coughs out blood*...RUN!"

Blood pouring from the eyes of the man(Kevin), coughing in sheer amounts of pain and hopelessness as he sees Eve about to get devoured by the serpent…


V, from above the serpent lands over a very heavy kick thus putting enough force, resulting in the serpent's head exploding. Eve looks over at V and sees such a stoic face, it is as if he has no fear whatsoever. Something about V's face made Eve, instead of fearing the serpent, fear V.

V-"Man….i was right…you do have beautiful eyes…"

Saying this Eve felt relieved as she didn't see another monster, instead, she felt safe as she saw another one of their own, but…

Let's rewind a little bit, shall we?




Whilst the battle was ongoing, Instead of V trying to figure out a way to escape, he was staring at the lady, wearing a beautiful veil made of silk-like no other in the world. The lady was trying to call out something.. Or in this case, call out to someone.

V-"What is she trying to do?..."

*V keeps staring at the lady who has been trying to call out someone*

V-"What a strange person…'

After seeing it, V looks out to see what the lady in the beautiful veil has been calling out to. V's eyes widen as V notices the one the lady was trying to call out to…was Eve.

As soon as he realizes this, he looks back at the woman staring right at him. V was stunned not because of the lady staring at him but instead because he was stunned at what the lady was trying to say to V.

The lady-" dau-...r…."

V tries to understand but fails. Just then a dagger falls off the broken carriage and with that V cuts his bindings off and runs in the opposite direction to flee from the area. But just then as he was running, he looked back. He looked at Eve, almost getting devoured and the man(Kevin) helpless and powerless. He looked at the lady was as if V was…expecting something the lady would say..his eyes kept widening as his heart rate increased and yet time slowed...

The lady-"Please. Help my daughter.."

V looked at himself in disgust as he saw himself do the same thing that had been done to him

*Man….im such a scumbag…I've stooped this low..*

V-"So that's what you were trying to say all this time"

With that V stopped as his bare feet dug into the ground from stopping…he ran back having thoughts about what had happened…

V-"What was I thinking…. I've stooped so low…revenge?....who am I to take revenge...


And with that, he jumps forward and smashes the head of the serpent with his bare feet.


V-"Hahaha…I wonder why I didn't run … maybe cuz it didn't fit with me right…maybe cuz that lady requested me to save you both … I don't know but whatever the reason is-"

*3 more serpents emerge from the soil*


As V leaps through, he lands on one of the serpents and hits a very heavy punch leaving the serpent in a daze. A second serpent hits V with its tail and rails him into the wall leaving a very huge indent to signify the force. While all this a discussion was ongoing-

Vergo-"HAHAHAHAHA!..the kids got guts huh, shitty bastard went to kill himself hahaha"

Karma-"Indeed, from what it looks like the kids got no sense of fear…I do hope for the best for this brat"

Vergo-"Woah woah woah you of all people? Having hopes for this guy? HAHAHAHA that's hilarious!"

Karma-"Might be so…might also be cuz I'm tired of wondering around…you and I have the same case-"

"We're both bored of watching over this shit hole"

*Vergo looks at karma from the corner of his eyes*

Vergo-"Well, in any case, I think it's time for him-"

" To use my*gift* "

V-*I wonder why I came back….I wonder why I ran...I wonder who that lady was…whatever it is, it doesn't matter anymore…what matters is to keep her safe..*

At that moment when the 3 serpents came together to devour V, that is when he remembered everything that had happened in that labyrinth.

V-"i ..remember!…the intent…the bloodlust…the anger…the words…them…"


V, after remembering what had previously happened, used his hands to push forward the tail of the serpent. He then took a big leap and as the serpent opened its mouth to devour V…




*V and Vergo synchronize their words*


As soon as V leaps while being in the zone of almost being devoured only a single word is shouted out as he grips his fist for a punch.


WIth his fist turning pitch black with a pitch black mist, he punches the serpent head on, thus starting from the head, down to its tail, the serpent gets engulfed in the burning sensation of what looked like black flames, but it was more than that. It was like a creature's mouth emitting from the mist, such emitting greed and disgusting sight, devoured the snake whole. While the snake is what seems like burning from a distance, V looks at the sight of what he did, and with that comes out a sigh of relief saying-


The other 2 serpents backed off slowly due to fear, but their fate was already set. V emerges from the fire of the dead serpent's corpse. With nothing but his eyes widening, his eyes were filled with nothing but a void of emotions and insanity. He smacks his hand to the ground and in an instant, the very soil becomes, dark sand engulfing the serpents and whatever was ahead in the canyon. As all of of this happens Eve watches all of this, as she sees the snakes getting engulfed with The black sand with whatever in it that's eating the serpents alive. She can only ask...

Eve-"W-what..are you?..."

With V looking back at her with what seems like a menacing look in his eyes…he says...

V-"... I…(suspense build, Eve gulps as she waited for his answer)...i'm…. hungry.."





A few days had passed after that incident. V suddenly sees himself in an unfamiliar place, WIth the lady being right beside that "Casket"... As the lady looks back at V.. She gives off a gentle smile as she whispers..

The lady-".. Thank you.."

*V offers a gentle smile back*

V-"You're very much welcome"

As she opens the coffin V tries to look inside the casket but the lady pushes him back saying…

"It's not time yet.."

In an instant V jolted out of his dream, sweating…, and looked around confused about where he was.

Eve-"woah!? Ya scared me!.."

V looked at Eve with a confused face, but he got distracted by her eyes once more.

Eve-"ah…you ok?.."

V-"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine…where am I.."

Eve -"Yeah a lot happened after that, you slept for like 2 days you know?"

V-".....w-what happened at the canyon?"

While Eve was preparing food for V, they were conversing about what happened that day,

Eve-"You were knocked out pretty hard you know…just said *I'm hungry* and then fell flat and unconscious"

V-"ha…I see.."

Eve-"After that-...

As V passed out Eve stood up and went to the man(Kevin) who passed out after the heavy blow. She treated his wounds with a med kit. After regaining consciousness Eve helps the man walk over to V

The man(Kevin)-"Just what is this kid…. He did all this by himself…"

Eve-"You saw huh?.... He's…. Asleep? Wha- how can ya sleep in a situation like this?"

The man(Kevin)-"hahaha…must've worn himself out…. Cmon let's keep moving let's see what we can find"

Eve-"What about him?"

The man(Kevin)-"Let's take him with us…. Seems like he's got a hell of a story to tell.."

Soon after, right up ahead were rubbles and scrapes of the misfortune ones who went through this path, there they found a somewhat workable carriage which they used to pass the canyon.

Eve-"And that sums up…we found this abandoned inn and yeah we've been camping here for the past 2 days.."

V-I-Ii see…where's that man? "

Eve-"Hmm? Kevin? Yeah he's gone out to look for some supplies and food"

V-"I see .."

Eve-"Anyways you must be starving no? Here you are, eat up"


Eve-"Don't worry it's not like I put something in it, rest assured"

V-"huh..ah yeah…"

*Eve looks over V's shoulder and understands that he is having problems*

Eve-"hmm…Ah I know"

Eve takes the spoonful of food and gently blows on it with the intent of feeding V.

Eve-"H-here..say ah.."

*V feeling embarrassed about what's going on*

V-"W-w-w-what are you doing?"

Eve-"Hey! It's not like I got a choice, seems like you haven't regained your shoulder yet..s-s..I.I thought I could you know…help you out.."

V is reluctant to do this but gives in to Eve's words. For a moment, both share a sentimental moment as Eve gently blows every bit,e and V eating it without making a fuss but both being quite bashful.

V-*what a strange person…feeding an unknown person Like e. And what…is this feeling…It's like my mind is afloat..*

*...she smells good too….*


V-"huh!? W-what is it?"

Eve-"AhIi was asking you something…what are you?... How did you kill those serpents that easily? They're one of the most feared creatures.."

V-"..even if you ask me I can't answer…I don't know anything.. what's going on, where I am…I can't answer anything..sorry"

*Eve looked at V with a concerned look*

Eve-"Hmm….hey you don't have a place to be yeah?"

V-"More or so yeah.."

Eve-"Then why don't you join us?"

As soon as Eve gives V this bizarre offer, the man(Kevin) enters the room, questioning Eve-

The man(Kevin)-"Woah there kiddo…it ain't that easy…first of all we don't even know how dangerous he is and he'll cause a lot of commotion with that power of his…"

Silence falls down the room

V-"... he's right might as well be an equal threat…plus you guys aren't even obligated to look after a stranger like me it's best to leave me be.."

Eve-"But.. but it's still a fact that you saved saved us..we should return the favor…please Kevin..let him stay"

The manKevinn), while reluctant gave into Eve's demands and agreed to let V stay with them.

The man(Kevin)-"...Fine…he can stay"

Eve-"YAY! ya hear that?? Now you have a place to stay isn't that great?"

V-" to stay.."

These words.. rumbled V's heart in a strange but wonderful way.

The man(Kevin)-"I know you're all stoked and all but we've got an early start tomorrow…We're going to enter the city Tomorrow"


The man(Kevin)-"Yeah so better get to bed early…and by the way what's your-"...

And with that, V had now obtained something he previously did not have-

-"A place to stay"-

and with that, they set for their journey for the city…

"Never had I imagined being in a situation like this…These strange people…but I have a good feeling about this…"

Eve-"Oi V! Whatcha waiting for?! get on!"

The man(Kevin)-"Let's get a move on, hurry up kid!"

As V runs towards the carriage he looks back, remembering all that had happened till now…

"I don't know what holds for me in the future…but whatever it is...I know I can deal with it... As I swear on it before…"


__________Chapter End__________

Character analysis-


Date of Birth-13 April


Weight-51 kg (112)

Height-5 ft 6 inches (168)

Likes-Sweets, flowers, Books about medical stuff 

Dislikes-Insects, Liars.

History-Eve is the only niece of the man(Kevin). Her parents were killed in the great purge after she was born. She was raised by her uncle thus resulting in her having some boy-ish characteristics.

 The man(Kevin)-

Date of Birth-04,July


Weight-76kg (167 pounds)

Height-6 ft 2 inches (188)

Likes-Woman, Woman, Woman...Also Booze

Dislikes-Rejection from women....also the smell of raw fish

The man(Kevin) is the Uncle of Eve and is the Captain of the 2nd Division of his guild(More information will be given in later chapters). He met V after the weird interference came from the great Labyrinth.

 Raghtail-A type of Demon that resides in the Earth and the wastelands, It hides itself inside the Earth. Looks wise it strongly resembles the body of a snake with sharp fangs and the head of a dragon