"Well the exam is next class Rai" Flynn said taking a seat

"Did you study well enough, buddy" Rai said

"I hope so, Elysia would have been a great help, she's so smart, but she taught me ways to study, so I got this" Flynn said

"That's the spirit Flynny" Rai said

"What are you up to" Flynn asked

"Two more classes, and I got a shift at the flower shop" Rai said

"We were supposed to get new loads in this morning around 7 something" Rai said

"New arrangements, I guess" Rai said

"Are you guys gonna have to put that stuff together, like take it apart and stuff like that" Flynn asked

"Yeah, something like that" Rai said

"Because, at the pizza place, we usually put the dough together that we need now and the dough up, we don't need" Flynn said

"Yeah, Flynn I would hope so" Rai said picking his phone up

"Hey, what time is the time of your test" Rai asked

"8:45 why" Flynn asked

Rai turned his phone on which showed 8:55

"Oh, no I'm already late, see you Rai" Flynn said grabbing his math books and running

Ring Ring

"Hell-O" Rai said

"Rai what, ok, I need you to run the shop today" Alder said

"Wait, why" Rai asked

"Because I have to go to a meeting about some type of seeds" Alder said

"You don't have anyone under you, like a second in command, dude I got two more classes" Rai said

"No? second in command, dude this is a flower shop, not a army" Alder said laughing

"That guy that works with you is holding out, until you get in" Alder said

"Alright, go to your weird seed meeting" Rai said hanging up

"A seed meeting, what the hell is that" Alder said

- Matthew's House


"A girl, Matthew, you have a girl over" May said smiling

"Yes, but no, not like that, she's here to help you, May" Matthew said

"Hello, Maylin, it's me, remember you gave me a ride one time" Elysia said

"Oh, you're the girl that Matthew talks about, he really admires you, dont you, Matéo" May said laughing

"Oh, you talk about me Matthew" Elysia said getting her tools ready

"Well yes, but only because you're an awesome healer" Matthew said

"It's true I am an amazing healer, and by the looks of everything, I think you're going to be completely healed, you'll get your sight back, May" Elysia said

"Oh my goodness, I'm going to get my sight back, Matthew, did you hear" May said reaching for Matthew

"I heard May, I heard" They both cried

Elysia stood back and smiled


"Elysia thank you again for coming over, I can't thank you enough, this means a lot to us" Matthew said

"It's no problem, I really wanted to help, really, I can't imagine my sibling, not being able to see" She said

"Yeah, you want anything, you're going so soon" Matthew said

"Yeah, I got a lot to study for" She said laughing

"Oh, yeah I totally forgot, I have a lot to study too" He said

"I'll see you out" He said

"See you out, so proper" She said

"I didn't know what else to say" Matthew said laughing nervously, opening the door


"What the hell" Rai said

"What do you have on, August" Rai said laughing

"Stop laughing" August said madly

"Until you explain what this is" Rai said dying

"My mom is making me wear this dumb shit, for her stupid boyfriend, I hate three piece suits" August said

"They're arriving today, and she wants me to make a good appearance" August said

"Oh wow, that must suck" Rai said

"Yeah, it does" August said

"I might punch that guy in the face, if he tries to be like a dad to me" August said

"You know, why don't you get your own place" Rai said

"Get a job and find a place that you can rent out" Rai said

"Yeah, lucky you, Rai, your mom and dad pays your way, I ain't wasting my money on a house payment" August said

"I can't blame you, shit is high, well I guess you're just gonna have to live with that guy, just get some jobs, so you don't have to be there all the time" Rai said

"Yeah, I'll look into that, but I got bigger problems" August said

"Let's see, Elysia" Rai said

"Damn, Rai you're so smart" August said

"What did you do now, August" Rai said

"Well, actually I have to tell you, Miguel could be in town" August said

"Oh, that is no good" Rai said

"Yeah, and he pretended to be, Matthew" August said

"To lure Elysia in, to get her powers" He said

"That's horrible, is El alright" Rai asked

"She's fine, shes probably with Matthew as we speak, but anyway, I recommend we fight him-

"Why would you do that, that's a little stupid, don't ya think" Rai said

"That's what everyone said, El especially, and I told her if she's scared then she should not put that on everyone else" August said

"Dude why would you do that, especially since she was the only one out of all of us who took him on, and managed to escape, she knows how dangerous he is" Rai said

"Damn dude, do you have to make me feel any worse than I already am" August said

"Sorry, but it's the truth, you want to jump into situations, and then everyone has to well, clean your mess up" Rai said

"Huh, so she hates me again" August said

"August, I'll help you, you need to stop worrying about girls and worry about, August" Rai said

"I got a class in five, I hope your meeting with your new dad, I mean mom's boyfriend goes well" Rai said leaving

"hhhuuuhh" August sunk into the chair


"Hey, Rai, I took my exam, I think I did alright" Flynn

"A lot of the stuff looked liked things El helped me with" Flynn said

"That's awesome Flynn, I hoped you passed" Rai said

"I gotta go to work, see ya Flynn" Rai said


"Hey bro, uhh your shift is ove- wait there's no body here


"What the heck, there's a load of boxes, what this was supposed to be unloaded this morning" Rai said

"Hell no, I'm calling Alder" Rai said

Ring Ring

"Excuse me" Alder said walking out of the meeting

"RAI, I'm in the middle of a meeting what do you want" Alder said

"Dude, there's an entire load of boxes unopened, from the looks of it, it literally looks like no one was working today" Rai said

"What, I had that guy, in today" Alder said

"Tyler? Let me see, there's no indication of purchases" Rai said

"Let's see here, you did put him on the schedule to watch the shop, Alder" Rai said

"I'm looking on your computer, he's no where to be found" Rai said

"Oh so this is my fault" Alder said

"Wow, ok, so Rai I'm going to need you to do a big favor" Alder said

"Oh boy" Rai said



Rai ripped the tape off of the sixth box

"I am the only person working the store, outrageous, this is" Rai said angrily

Ding Ding

"Hello, welcome to Corrigan's Flower shop, how may I help you" Rai said coming from the back

"Oh, Elysia hey, how are you" Rai said

"Wow, Rai, you look tired" She said

"Yeah I am, can you believe there was literally no one working the entire day, I just got in" He said

"Oh, my that's horrible, how did that happen" She asked

"Adler's dumbass" Rai said

"Are you allowed to say that" She laughed

"Of course I am, who the hell, forgets to make a schedule for the most important time of their business" Rai said

"So what are you here for" Rai asked

"Oh, I was just looking to get flowers for Matthew's sister" She said

"Oh, how is she doing and Matthew too" Rai asked

"They are doing well" Elysia said

"Unfortunately, Miguel might be back in town" She said

"Yeah, August told me" Rai said

"Oh he did" Elysia said

"You guys aren't doing to well are ya" Rai asked

"Not at all" She said

"He wanted to fight Miguel, like what, he could have put Matthew, himself and me in danger" She said

"True, he does need to be better, I agree" Rai said

"I'll help you find some flowers" Rai said


"So dear, uhh are you still upset with your ex" John asked

"No, he gets me worked up on purpose, and he tries to turn our son against me, but August knows better" She said

"I promise, you have nothing to worry about" She said kissing John

"Alright, sweetie if you say so, I'll believe it" He said

"Good job, dear, now sit back and rest you look tired" She said

"Yeah, getting ready is- woah


"They drive planes like-

"Hello, anyone, oh no John, John


" JOHN!!!!!!!

"OH MY JOHN!!!!!!


"Huh" Charlotte said looking back

"Little girl, are you ok" Charlotte said

"No, I don't know where my mommy is" She said panicking

"What happened" the little girl asked

"Your head is bleeding" She said

"My head, I think maybe there was a little accident" Charlotte said

"What's your name"

"My name's Jeana" The little girl said

"Alright, Jeana, I'm Charlotte and we need to get help, but where are we" Charlotte said looking around to see

"There's an ocean right there we are a little ways from it" Charlotte said

"Sit over there, Jeana, dont go anywhere" Charlotte said

"Yes ma'am"

"Hello, how may I help you" Someone said

"Uhh, I was on an uhm plane and it crashed me and a little girl are the only conscience ones, I have no idea, where my boyfriend is, he was next to me, and this girl is looking for her mom, please send help" Charlotte said

"Ma'am do you remember where your plane was going" The dispatcher said

"We were headed to Connorida" Charlotte said

"Uh, ma'am, if you can look ahead is there an ocean" The lady says

"Yes, why" Charlotte asked

"I just need you and the girl to stay by each other" the dispatcher said


"Captain there was a crash by Tide's Point"

"Alright, get 911 personnel out there" The captain said

"Yes, but it's a plane crash, ma'am a woman and a little girl are the only ones conscious, it's possible that there are survivors, she talked about a husband and the girl's mother"

"Tide's Point, give me your headset

"Any stations that are available, need to make their way to Tide's Point, a plane crash has ensued, and a Tsunami is supposed to get there in a few hours

"Captain, are they going to make it" the dispatcher said

"I don't know" the captain said

"Missus Charlotte, it's really windy" The girl said

"I know, it's probably just some rain" Charlotte said looking at the ocean