7:05 a.m.

Ring Ring

"No one is picking up"

"What" August said madly

Knock Knock


"Who is this at the door, so early" Rai said getting out of bed

"What do you need, August what are you doing up so damn early" Rai asked

"I tried to call my mom and she isnt picking up, I'm worried something went wrong" August said

"Do you know her flight" Rai asked

"No" August said

"Well, if she isn't answering her phone, maybe it's off" Rai said

"Not a chance she would do that" August said

"Alright, well we can't do anything if we don't know her flight" Rai said turning the TV on and heading to the kitchen

"I was hoping you could ask that guy, the one who found out that stuff about those robot Android whatever people" August said following Rai

"A crash has ensued, at around 2 a.m. this morning, so far there are two known survivors with a total of 35 passengers on board"

"RAI!!!!!" August yelled

"it is not known if there are more survivors, emergency personnel are working, especially with a Tsunami warning in the area, the flight is DL670 and will be investigated"

"Dude that's the flight my dad was on" August said

"Really, I hope he's okay" Rai said

"Rai what do we do, my dad could be dead, I don't even know where my mom is" August said scared

"I don't know but we are going to do everything we can" Rai said

"That place is by the Tide's Point ocean" Rai said

"There, is a severe Tsunami warning" Rai said showing his phone

"I don't know how we are going to get there, it's off of Japan, in a kind of remote spot" Rai said

"Hey, August, you can stay here if you want, or you can come with me to work, I do have a shift today" Rai said

"Actually, can I come help you" August asked

"Uh, sure you can, I don't think Alder would mind" August said

"I gotta do something to keep this off my mind, Rai I may never see my parents again" August said

"We don't know that yet, August your parents are alive" Rai said

"Now come, we still have so much packages to unload" Rai said


"Now, you have to do these tasks to prepare to get your sight back, in about a week you should be ready" Elysia said

"Thank you, Elysia it is nice what you are doing for me, I have no way to know how to thank you" Maylin said

"You can just say thank you" Elysia said smiling

"Thank you, so much, Elysia, I get to see my baby brother's baby face again" She said laughing

"I don't have a baby face, May" Matthew said frowning

"When you frown you do" Elysia said

"See, Matéo you have a baby face" Maylin said laughing

"I'm leaving" Matthew said

The girls laughed

"Hey, May I'm going to check the mail I want to see if the insurance will cover some of your costs, well explain it to you, cuz I don't know some of this stuff doesn't make sense sometimes" Matthew said

"El, would you like to come" Matthew asked

"Uh, no, I want to stay and talk to May, I want to get to know her more" Elysia said

"Alright, May do NOT show her anything about me under the age of ten" Matthew said

"I can't promise that!!!!" she said laughing


"Damn these are the packages, that guy you were talking about probably didn't call in for a reason" August said

"Yeah, everyone knew they were coming in, so of course no one but me decided to work yesterday" Rai said

"You got extra pay for this stuff right" August said

"Yeah of course, but even that isn't enough for people to come in, they just straight up avoid this stuff" Rai said

"Elysia was here yesterday, getting some flowers for Matthew's sister, I heard she is getting her sight back" Rai said

"That's awesome for May and Matthew" August said ripping open a box

"Stop obsessing, actually August can you take those Birds of Paradises, they are simple to maneuver with" Rai said

"Wait, y'all sell birds here too" August said confused

"No, it's a type of flower, you've never heard of em" Rai asked

"No" August said

"Well they're nice" Rai said

"Maybe I could give these to El and make up with her" August said

"Alright, August" Rai said


Rai put his phone up and quickly ran to the back to find August under some boxes

"Oh man, August are you alright" Rai said

"What did you try to do climb the boxes" August said helping him up


"AHHH!!!!" Rai held his side

"Owww, August what the hell are you doing" Rai said looking down at his side

"August this isn't a game, dude you could've broken my back, man" Rai said madly

"I'm going to kill you" August said

"What, August are you alright" Rai said waving his hands in front of August's face

August grabbed Rai's hands and threw him across the wall

"Owwww" Rai said in pain

"August what's going on" Rai said standing up


"Junk mail, junk mail, there's the insurance, hmm what's this" Matthew said

"What the hell, a letter from China, why would someone send us a letter from China" Matthew said looking around

"He opened it, and read it, it's come from China, but it's in Spanish" Matthew said confused

"Is this a prank or something, what a silly little prank" Matthew said laughing

"May is not gonna believe this" Matthew said scanning it

"Cora Guo, wait a minute" Matthew said reading the letter

Matthew ran out of the postal office and straight to his car

He busted through the door

"What was that" Elysia said

"I don't know, maybe it was Matthew" Maylin said

"May, May you gotta see this" Matthew said breathing heavily

"Matthew what's going on, are you alright" May said

"I think mom is alive" Matthew said



- Heroes' Association

"Isn't that the flight that Nicholas was on"

"Oh my goodness yes it is"

"I really hope he's ok"

"Yes, this is devastating he has a son and a wife"

"He got divorced though, but you're right, this is really sad"


I'm going to kill you" August said again

"Dude, what is going on with you man" Rai said

Rai punched August in the face, but he continued his rant and rampage

"What the heck"

Rai ran around a corner and he called Alder

"Where are you" Rai said

"I'm home still putting these seeds together" Alder said

"Listen to me I'm not maki- BOOM

"Rai, you destroying my store" Alder said

"No, I am not, August is" Rai said

"August is destroying the store, why, why is he even there" Alder said

"I let him come help me, mainly because his dad was in a crash, and he can't get in contact with his mom, he wanted something to take his mind off of everything, but then he just went crazy" Rai said

"What did you have him do" Alder asked

"Well I asked him to unload the Bird's of paradises" Rai said

"I think those flowers may have triggered something in him" Alder said

"Lead him out of my store, I'll get there soon" Alder said

"You can do this Rai" Alder said


"Mom is alive" Maylin said

"Yes, read this letter" He said

"Querido, pequeño Matty y mi flor May

Estoy en China y quería que ustedes dos supieran que estoy bien, por favor no se preocupen, estoy realmente muy bien, logré escapar de ese lugar y de alguna manera encontré una manera de estar lejos de él y permanecer así, todo lo que puedo Lo que puedo decirles es que estoy en China y los amo mucho. Ojalá pudiera ver sus caras. Ahora sé que ustedes dos ya crecieron y lamento no poder estar allí para ustedes dos. Lo siento, por favor perdóname, Maylin, gracias por cuidar de ti. hermano y Matthew, espero que ahora estén cuidando y protegiendo a su hermana, solo quiero estar con ustedes dos por ahora, pero realmente quiero estarlo, los amo a ambos más de lo que deseo estar aquí.

- Cora Guo


"Dear, Little Matty and my Flower May

I am in China, and I wanted you two to know I am ok, please do not worry I am really really ok, I managed to escape that place and somehow found a way to be far from it, and stay that way, all I can tell you is I am in China, and I love you two very much, I wish I could see your faces, now, I know you two have grown up already and I am sorry that I could not be there for you two, I am sorry please forgive me, Maylin thank you for taking care for your brother, and Matthew I hope you now are taking care and protecting your sister, I only with to be with you two for now on, but I just really want to be, I love you both more than I wish to be here.

- Cora Guo

"Matéo this is her, no one else called us those names but, mom" May said

"She's in China, we can find her, May" Matthew said

"We can, I want to find her" May said

"Mom's alive" May said crying

"And we can find her" Matthew said hugging her

"I'm going to get you some tea, May" Matthew said

"Oh, Elysia I didn't know you were in here" He said

"Yeah, I just wanted to give you two space, I'm glad your mother is alive and well" She said

"I'm so overjoyed, Elysia, I don't know what to do" He said happily with tears in his eyes

Matthew had kissed Elysia

"I'm sorry Elysia, I didn't mean to" He said

"It's ok, I get i- THUMP

"Elysia, Elysia!!!

Elysia had passed out

"What have I done" Matthew said