The Scholarly Atmosphere of Sancai Academy

"In this world, things are... Quite fantastical and bizarre."

Aboard the flying treasure carriage, Lu Xuan and Cheng Lingzhu sat facing each other.

"It is indeed so," Cheng Lingzhu nodded vigorously in agreement.

It had been five days since they left the Sky Demon Sect. The incident of "I treated you like a brother, but you wanted to sleep with me as a woman" had given Cheng Lingzhu quite a shock.

In her memory, when she traveled with Lu Xuan years ago, they had never come across such outrageous incidents!

Waking up to a world that had drastically changed was something else.

"I hope that Daoist Yi can successfully reach the Western Desert and become a holy monk," Lu Xuan said as he poured a cup of tea for Cheng Lingzhu.

"I remember that you didn't like drinking this in the past," she remarked, taking a sip from the cup.