
"Enough, that's enough, cease this commotion!"

Chen Xu hastened forward, raising his voice to intervene.

With the academy's grand celebration imminent, such turmoil was unacceptable.

"Senior Brother Chen."

Upon his arrival, the ruckus immediately ceased.

As the chosen disciple of the future headmaster and the prospective chancellor of Sancai Academy, not to mention a renowned saint in a major sect, Chen Xu commanded immense respect and authority.

His words held weight, and as such, he was able to investigate the cause of the commotion with relative ease.

It was as the disciple holding the pitchfork had reported: his graduation project had been devoured by a peer's research.

Mid-semester, with graduation merely months away, his spirit was understandably fractured.

"This isn't an unprecedented incident. Why cause such a huge stir?" Chen Xu questioned, his sleeves fluttering.