Lu Xuan Rebels, Qin Fu Steals Books

Qian Chong was utterly baffled by Lu Xuan's declaration.

Join the sect? The Black Lotus Sect? But that was a seditious group, openly defying the imperial court and inciting rebellions across the land. And now, a respected county magistrate was expressing a desire to join them...

Does this mean that he was planning a rebellion?

Qian Chong, thoroughly perplexed, reflexively said, "My lord, as the saying goes, 'He who takes the emperor's grain should serve the emperor loyally...'"

"Am I the rebel or are you the rebel?!" Lu Xuan pressed the blade against Qian Chong's neck, clearly irritated.

Qian Chong fell silent, realizing the irony in his own words. He'd been in Qingxian City for a while, operating discreetly with only a few guards, using Rabbit Alley as a base for seeking followers and spreading the sect's teachings.