Lu Xuan Rebels, Qin Fu Steals Books

Qian Chong hastily intervened: "A solution... of course, there is one. My Black Lotus Sect can dispatch five hundred elite troops."

"Only five hundred?" Lu Xuan looked at him.

"These five hundred are the elite of my sect, capable of defeating the Great Kang Dynasty's official soldiers in battle. They will wait outside the city, and once the time is right, you open the city gates, and my brothers will rush in," Qian Chong explained.

Lu Xuan nodded slightly, listening as Qian Chong continued, "As for inside the city, I can also muster a group of followers. These wealthy households all have servants and workers. While they may not be the main force, they can still stand against the Qingxian Society's men to some extent."

"Leave the matter of rallying the public and overthrowing the three major families to me," Lu Xuan said crisply.