Superhuman Squad, Forbidden Existence... Welcome to Great Xia

That night, Li Suifeng's friend had a very strange dream.

He dreamt he had turned into a fish, one among billions, all guarding a great being.

Its form was indescribable, like an ocean of mud with countless bubbles bursting and shattering. Faces of people emerged from the mud, wailing and screeching.

This dream should have been terrifying, but his friend felt completely different at the time.

He felt as though he was serving this great being, rejoicing and dancing with it, without any discomfort.

Upon waking, his friend was astonished by the dream, but didn't think too much of it.

At first, his body seemed normal.

But on the third day after finding the strange stone fragment, he noticed an increased need for water.

He liked drinking water excessively, but his bathroom habits remained unchanged.

He thought it was due to the hot weather and didn't pay much attention.