I'm Truly Not a Taboo Master

With a final splatter, the last bloom of blood erupted.

A Special Operations agent stood with his blade drawn.

The beach was strewn with the lifeless bodies of mermaid-like creatures.

Yet, the protectors of Ancheng bore no relief on their faces.

For midnight had arrived.

A silent bell tolled, the sea fog churning as if invisible hands were parting it.

Waves surged, and a massive, dark shape rose from the sea.

Countless black arms, tangled like seaweed, dense and matted, formed a blanket. The arms, decaying and soft as mud, intertwined with each other.

Among these arms lay pale, lifeless heads, mouths agape in a piercing wail that scattered the fog.

Under an unseen force, the creature known as "Hydra" slowly ascended.

Li Suifeng's throat constricted painfully, even from a distance. The mere presence of this beast sent chills down his spine, rendering him immobile.