Which Is More Important to You, Me or The Game?

"I'll clean up later."

Lu Xuan untied her hair ribbon, letting her silky black hair cascade down.

It was noon, the sun shining brightly, but the curtains in the bedroom were drawn.


In the afternoon.

"My dear, bathing alone seems rather dull. Why not invite your husband to join? I can keep you company and help scrub your back..."

At the bathroom door, Lu Xuan suggested.

"Dear husband, that's not possible," Cheng Lingzhu smiled softly, gently declining: "You've been busy for a while; you must be tired. Rest for now..."

Lu Xuan raised an eyebrow, laughing: "How can I speak of tiredness with a beauty in the room? I'm in great form. If you don't believe me, you can..."

Cheng Lingzhu placed her fair arms on his shoulders, turning him around to face away from her.

"You haven't played the games you bought yet. It'd be a shame not to, having bought them."

Cheng Lingzhu reasoned.