The Clown's Stage Play

In Ancheng.

In an ordinary house.

"It's raining again today."

Yang Huan, sprawled on the sofa, stood up, took a can of cola from the fridge, stretched lazily, and walked to his room.

Tomorrow is a day off. No work… and no overtime.

Yang Huan pulled back the curtains, stood by the window, watching the night sky, listening to the rain pouring outside.

He opened the cola can with a hiss.

A rainy night, alone at home, with no work the next day...

Ever since graduating from university, Yang Huan hadn't relaxed like this in a long time.

He took a big gulp of the chilled cola, exhaled deeply, and took out a game disc from his bag.

[ A Stage Play by a Clown ] / "虚伪戏剧".

Directly translated, it could be... The Clown's Stage Play.

But given it's translated with a bit more interpretation, there must be a reason for that.