—23— FINAL

[Lucero's POV]

Fuck! How did I let that fucker hit me so hard in the head?

I pat my head around for any injury but it had healed on its own.

"Sir? Are you still there? Sir? Please respo-" Marco says in a rush.

"Marco, get me a car and gather all the upper men."

"Yes Sir, is anyone injured?" He asks.

"Many, but two were kidnapped." I looked around and grabbed one of the guns lying on the floor. "Rhys is gone and Cara too, can you locate their gps?" I stand from the ground and almost lose my balance, but I changed.

"Of course." Typing sounds could be heard from my place.

I groan heavily as I feel my wings grow out.

"Sir, are you changing right now? But you can't." He yells.

"I can't afford to lose either." My voice becomes rougher than usual, I look at the mirror on my left and see my true self. A broken winged ex-angel.

My eyes turned red in an instant when I recalled the past events. How my girl was violated by that faceless fucker.

I jump, hard. My wings fly me up, pass through the run down house, up into the air.

I look down and take in a deep breath, enjoying the feeling of finally being able to fly again.

My wings grow back after a long time. I don't want to admit it but it's probably the love I felt for her. Cara mia.

I fly downward when I sense her presence in one of the buildings on the land. Blood. Whimpers. Chains. Multiple boots sound running.

I don't bother entering from the door as I jump right into the house, causing a big hole on the rooftop.

As I stand in the middle of the room, five men stop on their tracks and rush to pull out their guns. Before they can, I slice them all with the end of my wings leaving headless bodies on the ground with blood pouring out of their necks.

A soft gasp sounds behind me so I turn around and our eyes lock.

"L- Luce?" Her eyes teared up and her small lips quivered, it's as if she's happy to see me.

Cara made a grabby hand towards me, I went to grab it without a second thought and pulled her body against mine. She cries into my shirt, soaking it with her tears.

I pat her head and tell her "I'm here now, it's ok."

Suddenly, there is an explosion from the next room causing us to get blown away by the force.

I take most of the blow and without meaning to, use all of my powers on protecting Cara. I look at her body laying next to me, she looks lifeless. "Cara?" I crawl to her place. "No, Cara open your eyes please?"

My hand went to check the pulse, there's none.


She suddenly coughs out and her pulse is there but is very faint. "L- Luce?"

"Shh, it's okay, you'll be fine ok?"

"Luce I- have to t-tell you so-me thing." Her hand gingerly grazes my face. "I- I love you, I really d-do. I know you aren't as mean as y- you draw y- yourself out to b- be. I als- also know you didn't mean to hurt me and I- I love you so much for that. You've d- done amazing Luce and- and your wings, they're beautiful, I hope we can meet again in our next life." Her smile withers away and her eyes drop.

"I love you too, I love you too Cara, please open your eyes?" Tears running down my face seem strange to me, I never cry, not in my whole life. I get used to her presence a lot more than I'd like and now, now I have to live without her by my side. How do I live? Why?

"Sir? Sir we got him. You have to come quickly!" Marco says as I rush there with Cara on my arm.

"You think you can kill me? Hahahahha, impossible! She died because of you, her death is on your hands."

While Steven's eyes look around, searching for a way to escape, I throw my sharp blade right into his heart and slice off his head. It falls off his neck, rolling down in front of my foot.

"Burn him." I order and my men carry his body parts into a big bonfire they created to burn the bodies inside.

2 Years Later

I sit on her bed, her smell is fading slowly, I kept spraying her perfume once in a while, even bought more to keep the bottle she used full. Her bed is always tidy, her picture is now hanging on top of her bed as a reminder of her presence in this house.

When I got up from her bed a book fell from under the cover. I pick it up and see the butterfly bookmark hanging out of the top. She loved this book, "When The Sun Starts Rising".

I spend the day in her room, reading the part she left off. I hope she could hear me reading this to her. "Okay Cara, this is the last page." I flip the paper to the last page left and there is only one sentence embedded on the paper. "And When The Sun Starts Rising, I'll be waiting for you by the beach we used to build sandcastles at and we'll love each other like there is no tomorrow, and you'll be the only person for me. I love you, C̶a̶r̶l̶o̶s̶ Lucero Reyes, forever and ever."

A tear rolled down my eyes when I realized she finished reading the book and she put the bookmark in that specific page for me to read. It's her own way of confessing. "I love you Cara, forever and ever." I say to no one at all, looking at her beautifully framed face and could only wish we'd meet again in another life, in other circumstances.