Detrick glanced at Cecilia, who gazed over the edge of the falls into the thick mists below.
From their current vantage point, Detrick could see that the river turned into a massive swamp in the distance. A cloud-thick fog wove its way through what looked like a cypress and willow wetland forest.
He hoped that wasn’t where they were going.
“So,” Detrick said, turning to look at Cecilia. “Where to now?”
Cecilia glanced up at him, smiling, but not answering. Caught in the winds generated by the falls, her blonde hair blew out behind her. The gusts were strong enough that even Detrick had to widen his stance to not lose his balance.
When she said nothing, Detrick continued. “It’s just that, if we keep following the river, we have to go down there,” he said, pointing off the edge of the cliff and towards the swamp far below.
Cecilia nodded, still smiling.