
Everyone seemed to be well acquainted with each other, I sat there Shoulders up-waiting for the class to begin. Then all of a sudden someone started poking my back with what felt like the eraser of a pencil.

I turned around,

Me: "Excuse me, but do you have some sort of mental condition that has impaired your etiquette? I mean seriously!".

His hood hid his face, and all I could see was his beard,

Him: "Yeah, they passed you the sign-in sheet can you pass it back to me?"

I wish people would respect my personal space.

Me: "Next time, please just ask." keep it cool, I said to myself.

Him: "Thanks-I'm Eric, by the way." he said.

I think it's safe to assume that this person lacks common sense- what an idiot. I sat there for a microsecond remembering how to breathe, trying my best not to blow up in his face.

"Katerina," I said.

He remained silent as he looked me up and down.

Eric: "Well-" Everything stopped.

His lips remained slightly open as if he was getting ready to form the next word. The time came to a rest, as everyone in the room froze.

Eric's skin color began to desaturate as his eyes faded to black, this was something straight out of my dreams.

Again I came face to face with this inexplicably blurry line between what's real and what's a dream. I breathed in, taking a couple of seconds to calm my nerves. I sat there trying to pass the time- hoping I would wake up, just scribbling on my notebook waiting.

Everyone was silent. I turned to give Eric a second glance, and I about fell out of my seat.

Me: "What's going on?"I was shocked, I could barely breathe.

His eyes were now solid black with dark veins around his eyes- blood slowly oozed from his nostrils. I looked around the classroom- trying to make sense of all of this but all of the students were hideously disfigured, they were disgusting creatures.

Suddenly a black-darkened fog entered the room from out of nowhere, a woman with two massive wolves at her side walked towards me as the heads of all the students moved following her.

She kept her gaze on me the entire time without breaking my concentration. Her eyes were jet black, her lips as red as blood.

The Woman: "Katerina, You can't keep me out forever." her voice echoed throughout my head, sending goosebumps down my spine.

The wolves got off of their hind legs and stood up like men- hovering over her. I think- no I know, I have seen her before in my dreams. Is this real? no, it just- couldn't be.

Me: "This isn't another dream, is it?" my voice broke.

The woman smiled heinously as she closed in.

The Woman: "No, I am afraid not child-you need to let me in before it's too late." The darkness started fading away as her voice echoed in the distance.

Her wolves escorted her back into the darkness- leaving me in this picture-frame-like classroom.

My disfigured classmates reverted back to their normal selves just as their eyes returned to their natural colors. I wonder if everything is going back to normal now, is it all over? Eric's lips began to move finally!

Eric: "So- wait, why are you staring at me like that, is there something on my face? if there is please tell me?" He said nervously.

A split second ago there was something on his face, well his face was something completely different- but I can't tell him that.

Me: " There isn't any way to know for sure since your hood is completely covering your face." I couldn't act normal at this point.

He pulled his hood off, letting his black hair show- he wasn't bad looking at all.

Eric"Is that better, or shall I put it back on?" He was grinning now- this guy was definitely a character.

Me: " I think you might have made it worse- cause now you definitely do have something on your face." had to continue playing along, but I just couldn't get that woman out of my head, and those wolves.

Everything was back to normal though so I couldn't exactly complain or vent to this guy who I had just met a couple of seconds ago. Still, I can't grasp what exactly happened just a moment ago, who was that woman and those wolves.

Not to mention what happened to my classmates. I have too many questions and no way to get any of the answers- at least not yet, hopefully, that's foreshadowing something less frightening.

A few of the missing students finally arrived and Mr. Zeigler stopped walking around and made his way to the front once again. He took attendance as I continued drawing in my notebook- realizing that I drew a wolf and not a moment later saw two of them standing right in front of me. I started drawing the woman I had seen next to the wolf- just as my notebook gets taken away from me.

Mr. Zeigler: "This isn't high school, now please pay attention. You do not want to start your first day in detention, do you?" Jeez, what was going on with this guy and his strange attitude?

Me: "I'm sorry sir."

He continued by ripping the drawing out and trashing it.

Mr. Zeigler: "Don't let it happen again."

This teacher seriously has some issues- the entire class had their eyes on me waiting to see my response but I wasn't going to let this man's immaturity bring a rise out of me, especially not on my first day at this Uni or over something I could just redraw later on.

I must be destined for disaster, things like this have always happened to me but how can it get worse today? Hope I didn't just set myself up for a chaotic day, It started off with the pouring rain, a strange man poking me, that freak show with the two wolves and now this teacher trying to humiliate me in front of the entire class.

I guess it wouldn't be considered normal if any of that wouldn't have happened today, yep just another day in the average life of an average psychopath. The rest of the classroom was pretty textbook- exactly what you would expect out of a University class on the first day.

A Teacher talking and venting to his students about his entire life, mistakes, and hobbies- basically passing the time because he didn't prepare for today like he probably should have.


It's the first day of college and I'm already running a couple minutes late, but there's no way that I can be the only one. It looked just the same as it did last year and the other 2 years before that, besides the new entrance. The parking lot was overflowing with cars and mopeds, I wonder how much the parking badge replacements are?

I just got my car and I'm a really forgetful guy, so I'm sure that's going to be an issue. I just got my car, so I'm overly excited about getting my parking badge! Hilda looks as ancient as ever, I wonder how old she is now- probably a hundred and sixty-five.

Me: "Hey Hilda, you got my schedule?"I said, hoping she heard me.

Receptionist Hilda: "Good morning Eric, I sure do." Hilda replied, extremely nice lady.

Looks like Econ with the lecherous Ziegler as my teacher and on top of that it is my first class of the day, ecstatic. I can't wait for him to freak out on somebody today, I swear this man is a day or two from snapping completely. Ever since his son disappeared he just hasn't been the same.

The class was pretty full, so I just picked the seat next to the windows on the fourth row.

Teacher:"Good Morning class, my name is Mr. Ziegler I'll be your econ teacher for the year. I'm going to give you an attendance sheet to pass around, I need you all to write down your names, thank you."

Ziegler said as he buried his face behind his computer- probably watching all kinds of perversions on that monitor, that creep.

I sat there waiting for the girl in front of me to pass me the attendance sheet, but it seemed like she was daydreaming. I decided to poke her with a pencil to get her attention. She turned around to face me, she was absolutely stunning.

She looked at me surprised, The Girl: "Excuse me, but do you have some sort of mental condition that has impaired your etiquette" Damn, she sure had an attitude, but still I couldn't take my eyes off her face.

Me: "Yeah, they passed you the sign-in sheet can you pass it back to me?" I tried keeping my cool.

Her: "Next time please just ask me." Even her words sent shivers down my spine, who is this chick?

Me: "Thanks, I'm Eric, by the way." I said flirtatiously.

She sat there staring at me without moving,

Her:"Katerina. " she replied, confidently.

There was something different about her, she had such a strong aura around her it was beautiful and yet terrifying. I couldn't help it I had to keep looking at her. She suddenly looked at me with a disgusted look on her face.


I didn't really see much of Eric for the rest of the day, although I did have him in my World History class as well. I must have really scared him off, cause he sure seemed to avoid eye contact all throughout that class.

Lunch will have to wait on me today, I needed to figure out where my locker was located. The college had areas that looked like a dungeon, large stone walls, and dimmed lights that slightly resembled torches- I wonder what the interior designer was thinking, or what the Uni was thinking when they hired him or after they saw this.

Locating my locker ended up not being that big of an ordeal, since all of the lockers had decent-sized tags with their locker numbers. My locker was number 45, but strangely my locker wasn't green..it was gray

Me: "Maybe they haven't painted this one yet" I said to myself. I managed to open it, and of course, it was already jammed packed with school propaganda and events for the following weeks...