
My first day of Uni was a little shaky, to say the least... especially with that unusual hallucination I had in physics. I hope that boy didn't notice how out of it I was, maybe I'm just letting this paranoia get to me.

There are bigger things to focus on than some guy's opinion, this was my first year of Uni and I'm going to have a survive it.

Me and Natalie barely talked on our ride back home and maybe that was for the best, she seemed to have a lot on her mind. I wonder if she got to talk face-to-face with Aaron, she didn't seem as cheery as she did this morning.

The weather here is caught in a freeze frame, it's raining again; what's new? The house looked so lonely, Aunt Jens at work still- that's crazy, she's been so busy ever since Bill, Natalie's father passed.

We managed to get the rusty wagon up the driveway, I can't wait to lay in bed and fade away from all these thoughts- maybe I won't have any dreams tonight.

A hot cup of mint tea with honey has been my recipe for a night of good sleep- but lately, it hasn't been working.

Me: "I don't think I'll ever get used to this place and maybe that's a good thing." I sighed.

I was bored of my old life and sick of all the familiarities, I wanted an adventure away from life's dullness- something other than these nightmares.

I laid my eyes and body to rest on my cold bed and fell into a deep sleep- nothing but the sounds of raindrops hitting my window- the best thing for sleep.


A pale sky towered a city of ruins, a bare white ocean littered with dead oceanic monstrosities.

Me: "What the hell?!" I stood there trembling, stricken with fear.

I was knees deep in the murky white water, It felt like thick oil and smelled of rotten entrails. The sensation was undeniably real and it sent goosebumps throughout my body.

I know it's a dream, but the fact that I can differentiate between it being my reality and a dream is practically non-existent at this point.

Me: "God, I can't even breathe without wanting to vomit- I can taste it with every breath I take!"

I seem to have full control of my senses in this dream.

I'm beyond disgusted the aroma is putrid, even the air had a distinct rotten flavor to it.

Me: "I have every intention of exploring this dream world- perhaps I can end it once and for all If I find that woman with the wolves." I couldn't help grinning.

Me: "It's just a dream." Somehow I felt like I was finally home, it was quiet but liberating and different.

I ran through the water slicing my thighs open on the bare boney dorsal fins floating around, hidden under the murky waves.

I never felt so free in my life, the blood ran till it met the water- burning my flesh. I'm feeling something I hadn't ever felt before- It feels like my insides are inflating, getting ready to burst.

I woke up gagging.

My throat ached and it felt clogged. I stumbled out of bed and rushed into the bathroom down the hall, probably waking everybody up. I splashed water on my face and started drinking the water straight from the sink.

I felt a sharp burning pain as my jugular popped out of place, it felt like it had gotten caught and suddenly unhooked itself like a rubber band.

I gripped the porcelain sink as hard as I could- I struggled to keep myself from screaming in agony. I felt needles form like a millipede snaking itself around the insides of my neck- digging its needles in deeper.

I tried to scream but nothing would come out. I could feel my eyes burning-it felt like what I'd imagine sulfuric acid would feel like, I had an insatiable desire to have them ripped out. I felt my tongue being tugged and chewed on, needles ran rampant within my mouth cutting themselves out through my lips.

White scarabs drilled themselves out through my cheeks and lips, eating away at my flesh. I couldn't hold it any longer, I fell to my knees and screamed my heart out.

Aunt Jenny flung the door open and took me in her arms. My vision slowly blurred as I started blacking out.

Aunt Jenny: "What's wrong Kat?"She shouted, shaking me.

She kept shaking me and asking the same question over and over but I couldn't respond. The scarabs were clogging my throat, eating away at the flesh.

Aunt Jenny: "Natalie call 911, Hurry!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. I couldn't hear anything after that, I stared at her as she shouted and shouted trying to concentrate on what she might be saying.

My mind was invaded by a blackness that ate away at my soul, feeling its menacing presence dragging me down into a sea of madness.

I was lost within myself, a passenger in a body and I had no control. I woke up in a freezing hospital room shivering, the luminescent lights were so bright that they irritated my eyes.

The room was small without any windows, my aunt laid on a couch next to my small hospital bed. I pulled the I.V. out, it stung but it wasn't anything compared to what happened earlier. Aunt Jenny woke up startled.

Aunt Jen: "Oh my god sweetheart, what are you doing out of bed?" her voice was shaking.

I had just begun to gain some control of my own body but it felt like I was competing for the control. I stared her down, Me: "I'm fine." I muttered. That wasn't what I was trying to say to her, what is going on?

Everything went black all of a sudden, I was being held captive within my own body.

Hecate: "We are one-stop fighting it" a deep demonic voice spoke within my head. I was petrified, If I had any control over my body I can assure you I would be trembling in fear. Regardless I just couldn't suppress my curiosity.

Me: "What?"I thought to myself.

Two large black wolves appeared on their hind legs in front of me.

Both wolves: "Your time in that body has come to an end give me what belongs to me." They said simultaneously.

The darkness cleared up and I was back in the hospital room with Jenny.

Aunt Jen: "Sweetheart, are you alright? you passed out again- you have me so scared!" Jen is holding me tightly in her arms.

I laid in her arms trying to gather the right words to say, I was back in control of my body.

Me: "I must have just stood up too fast or something, I'm sorry." I smiled at her innocently, like I had done countless times before.

She embraced me,

Aunt Jen: "Don't scare me like that." Jen whispered.


The doctor finally told Jen that I could go home, apparently all that happened to me last night was a hallucination- of course.

Jen didn't exactly tell him what had happened to me. I was prescribed Neuroleptic medications, Jen used to date this doctor I believe- they must think I'm insane but that actually happened.

I couldn't get the image of those two wolves out of my head but I also knew that if I mentioned that to Jen I would end up in a psych ward.

We finally left the hospital and got into Jen's old junker, there were so many willow trees around the hospital- even this place reminds me of my dreams.

The drive was long we drove through town slowly with our windows down, the wind was nice and cool. Jen looked at me with a question slipping from her tongue.

Aunt Jen "Should we pick up something to eat, you barely touched your food at the hospital?" she asked.

Me: "Believe it or not, I'm actually quite full." I replied.

I just wanted to get home and hide in my room, just forget all of these strange occurrences.

We finally pulled up our driveway and parked next to Natalie's rusty beetle, this family sure loved driving antiques. As soon as we got out of Jen's old junker the neighbor's dog started growling at me, I just can't get a moment of silence.

Our neighbor walks his dog Max every night around the cul-de-sac, it never growled at me- I've known it ever since it was a pup.

I glared Max down and whispered to myself "Shut it mutt!". Max whimpered.

Zach: "I'm sorry Kat, I have no idea what has gotten into this dog, he's becoming a senile old man." our neighbor Zach said while running his fingers through his brown hair.

This is why I liked cats more,

Me: "No worries, it's okay." I gave him a faint smile.

We finally made it into the house, it was freezing and I loved it! Natalie must be passed out in her room since It's so peaceful.

Me: "Thanks for everything Jen, I'm going to head to bed I'm terribly exhausted."I said.

Jen placed her keys on top of the fridge,

Aunt Jen: "Okay, are you going to school tomorrow?" Jen asked.

I had completely forgotten all about school.

Me: "Yeah, I think I can manage it. Goodnight." I left it at that and locked myself in my room. It smelled like winter fresh mint in my room, it was easy to fall asleep with the air caressing my skin.