
I spent all night working on a song, I was inspired by that strange girl. I just couldn't get her vibrant red lips off of my mind- oh and her deep brown eyes too. I wonder If I'll get to see her today, she didn't show up yesterday so I'm hoping she's alright.

I'm walking around my room aimlessly looking for my leather jacket and black boots, I'll just wear the V-neck I fell asleep in. I could already smell the bacon sizzling downstairs and my brother Jason fighting over it with Ma.

Remembered to Grab my pack of cigarettes and car keys, let's set the world ablaze today. Managed to creep through the kitchen and grabbed a handful of bacon on my way out,

Me: "Thanks ma, gotta jet."I said as I crept out the back.

Revved my silver Maserati up and burnt rubber the whole way- until I got near the College parking lot. The parking lot was packed- crap! ended up having to park towards the back.Well shoot, I'm already late- might as well light one up.

I just kicked back and relaxed watching other late students rushing towards the entrance. I heard some old junker backfire as it parked next to me, Katerina was in the passenger seat! I instantly flung my cigarette out the window and stepped out of the car.

I rushed over to the passenger side and knocked on her window, she smiled at me with rosy red cheeks. She's gorgeous, she unlocked the door for me to open it for her.

Me: "Morning pretty lady." I winked at her flirtatiously.

She blushed even harder but didn't break eye contact.

I think the girl who was driving is glaring at me...

Katerina: "Good morning, Eric- right?" She asked casually.

I couldn't help smiling,

Me: " Yeah, that's right. Oh yeah, what happened yesterday- are you okay?"

She grabbed her bag and started walking towards the entrance.

Katerina: " Yeah, look I'll see you in class."

She was in a hurry, shoot I should be too. I made my way over to the entrance as well.

We just met the other day but there's something about this girl that separates her from the rest- she's like a wolf amongst sheep. We finally made it to Econ and it seemed like we were the only ones late to class.

Ziegler didn't seem to notice he tends to bury his face behind his laptop...what a creep. There was this new dark aura around her and it was even more intimidating. Ziegler couldn't help but perv out over her, I swear he had his eyes glued to her body.

I saw her head tilt up towards Ziegler and not a second after did he fall out of his chair unconscious. A couple of the students rushed towards him, I grabbed Katerina and told her to follow me. We left the Uni and sprinted back toward my car.

We hopped in the car and left the school behind us, I knew whatever happened had to do with her.

Me: "You're a witch, aren't you?" I asked, dead serious.

Katerina: "A witch..? are you saying I did that?" she said, trembling.

Me: " It will be okay, nobody knows it was you." I said.


Me: " I am not a Witch- stop being ridiculous!"I surely had nothing to do with that." I gasped.

Me: "It was her.." I Froze, as I felt her taking my body over feeling her squeezing into my skin.

My neck started popping as she climbed into my head, taking full control.

Hecate as Me: "Witch? A stray dog like you wouldn't know the definition."

He started suffocating- as I pulled my index finger closer to my thumb. Right as I was about to close the distance between my finger and thumb, I passed out.

I woke up in a large old cabin covered by cobwebs shivering in a small bed. Eric sat next to me on a wooden chair.

Eric: " You shouldn't move... I called the others to come and have a look at you."

Eric didn't want us going back to town just yet, I've been sitting in the same spot for the last twenty minutes waiting on him. The tree line that surrounded the cabin was tall and wide as far as my eyes could see.

Eric: " Katerina, my pack is coming here to help explain things to you." I'm so confused, what happened- and a pack of what?

Me: "Um pack?"I asked, thoroughly confused.

Eric: "My family and families who share our gift, can explain it better than I can." First that weird dream and everything else that has happened- this town is making everything worse.

I got the change I asked for, I sat on the porch enjoying the wildlife and listening to Eric play his guitar for me, as we waited for his so-called pack to arrive.

As we sang and laughed, forgetting the day the time flew by and the warm sunny day had quickly become a black night lit by thousands of fireflies. I heard the sound of twigs or branches being snapped and crushed in the distance, it was loud.

Eric stood up and signaled me to look towards the tree line just ahead of us. A huge white wolf stood up on its hind legs with a legion of different colored wolves behind it. I felt my skin getting colder and colder until my eyes turned pitch black.

I could see my reflection in the window, I looked horrifying.

Eric: "Calm down! you need to control your emotions-you're not in danger!" He yelled.

I had no idea what he was talking about but I bit my tongue and focused my eyes on the white wolf. It was staring straight at me as it made its way through the trees with the pack slowly following. It stood a couple of feet in front of us as it shifted into an older man probably in his mid-forties.

Mystery Man: "So this is the witch you were talking about Eric?" He has a deep growling voice.

Eric stepped down from the porch to speak with the man.

Eric: "Yeah, I believe she's a witch, but I haven't seen one like this before- she seems to be suffering from a severe case of Schizophrenia ." Eric calmly said. I was taken aback by all of this.

Mystery Man: "For example?"

Eric: "She was able to put a spell on our teacher without using an incantation or any kind of movement and then she...Almost suffocated me"Eric muttered.

Me: "Um, what in the world is going on?"I asked confused.

Eric: "Katerina, this is Sebastian he's the leader of our pack..."Eric answered nervously.

I wasn't really surprised at this point and I'm pretty sure it had to do with the wolves that talked to me in my dream before.

Sebastian: " We think that you are a witch and we would like to help you out before anybody gets hurt, it is quite difficult for young witches to control their magic especially because they are fueled by their emotions." Sebastian calmly said.

He stood a good couple of inches over six feet tall but still, Eric towered over him. He looked like he was really focusing for a second and just as that strenuous look disappeared so did half of the pack.

I suddenly lost control over my body-I walked slowly up to Sebastian and glared the little white dog down. He fell to his knees struggling against my power over him, he was but a mere house dog yielding to my command.

Me: "What's this? my play things are here for dinner." I said, laughing maniacally.

Sebastian growled furiously and fought until he broke my hold. Sebastian: " You expect me to help her when she mocks us!" Sebastian roared. Suddenly, his neck started slowly twisting as I forced him to transform halfway - stuck between wolf and man.

Me: "Now you can call yourself a Werewolf."

Sebastian launched at me cutting deep into my ribs- blood gushed onto the grass beneath my feet. His claws became trapped within my skin as he panicked trying to distance himself from me.