
Several days have passed since Eric presented me to Sebastian and the rest of his pack- that woman must have possessed me at that moment because I can't recall what happened after that and Eric won't tell me. My aunt must be growing tired of me by now, I had to tell her that I was going to be gone for a couple of days.

But I knew that I wouldn't be able to stay out here for long, but I was hoping that I'd be able to get my magic under control before we returned. I had been sleeping in Sebastian's guest house, which wasn't that far of a walk from Eric's cabin. Eric told me that the whole pack has little cabins on Sebastian's property- where they hunt.

This room is too cold, what's stranger is that I'm ready to get out and socialize for once. Thats it! it's been too long -I'm going to take a look around before heading home. Every room I walked into had dust everywhere- Natalie would love it. Whatever is inside me has calmed down ever since I got here, I felt in control.

This house, I mean this "Mansion" is enormous- it reminds me of that 1980's movie Labyrinth with David Bowie. I was so mesmerized and distracted by all the beautiful decor that I lost track of finding the way out.

I didn't really get much of an explanation after meeting those dogs- werewolves. Whatever was inside me kept pushing me into saying insulting them.

I finally found or rather say stumbled onto the exit, finally I've found my way out of this maze. Excitement filled me with butterflies and an adrenaline rush, what could be on the other side? perhaps a haven of wolves running wild.

No such luck, on the other side of the enormous red door, stood a man around his 40s, glaring at me.

Man: "We've prepared a vehicle for you."

Me: " A car... is Eric not here?" I asked nicely.

Man: "Sebastian called the pack elsewhere- you can take the car home." The man replied.

What a strange group of people, I got strange vibes from this one and especially Sebastian.

I got into the cherry red car.

Me: "Wow, This thing is wicked! it was so elegant and yet dangerous looking- red on black. My cousin and aunt can keep their rust buckets- I'm keeping this."

I revved up the engine and drove out through the gates making my way down the street and onto the highway. I just realized that I have no idea where I am! Oh wait, there's a navigation system! I clicked the home button- it seemed to already have my address, that's not creepy at all.

I turned on the satellite radio and listened to some peaceful indie music as I followed the GPS instructions back home. According to the GPS, I should be there in about two hours so I am still a ways away, I really am in the middle of nowhere.

As I drove down the path I saw no gas stations or cars this place was barren. I zoned away from the dark clouds and into the soothing and melodic sound of the musicians' voices. Each chord helped drift me farther and farther away from this long boring drive.

Suddenly, I was back in one of those dreams and the wolves appeared again but this time they stood on all fours. A woman in a dark shade of purple stood with the wolves as she slowly approached me.

The woman: "Let me in." She screamed inside my head.

Her voice came out from the wolves instead of her mouth. She lifted her arms and placed her palms on my cheeks, I can actually feel her cold soft skin against my cheeks.

The Woman: "We are the same- accept me."

She blew air onto my face and in that instance, a man appeared right in front of the car, it was far too late I panicked and swerved off the road- breaking the barrier and falling down the cliff.

It all happened in an instant my heart stopped just as time stood still. The car hung on its side in mid-air, what is going on? I looked around the car and everything had stopped even the music that I had playing was at a standstill.

I looked out through the cracked window and there is no way that I can make that drop. I swung the door open,

The woman: "Accept me." she whispered in my ear.

Me: "Okay.. alright, what's the use- I accept you." I whispered in fear.


Me: "It's good to be back in my own skin." both our voices blended in creating a different one.

Stupid mutts, always taking what isn't theirs to take- but not this time. With one swift kick- I ripped the door off of its hinges sending it down the cliff. I could only hold time for a short while- this body, my body is too weak for the kind of magic I use.

This man was familiar- had the same distinct smell as the wolves that Eric presented me to yesterday. I was foolish to even talk to that mutt, at least this course brought my body back to me.

Me: "You, that is all they sent? but I'm so hungry!" I ran up the side of the cliff at a blinding speed- jumping over the barrier.

Just like a shark- my eyes got pitch black, and I followed the sound of his heartbeat. Me:" I'm going to devour your entire pack and I'm starting with you." Laughing maniacally.

The skin on his face started bubbling up as I heated his internal organs, he fell to his knees screaming in pain. I could feel his blood boiling in his veins,

Me: " You'll be the message, not the messenger."

I let out a growl as I teleported behind him -twisting his neck round and round, watching his jugular stretching and bubbling up until it popped like a champaign cork.

His face became a flat surface without a mouth, nose, or eyes. I stood there watching his body convulsing on the road, asphyxiating him while sucking his blood out from his neck and consuming each drop.

I don't think I've left a trace of blood on this road, I can feel the blood rushing inside of me - all this power.

I waved my hand over the man and just like that he disappeared. Me:" I used a simple locater and teleportation spell to track Sebastian's location, dropping him off there. Well, that's over with, I better get Natalie to come to pick me up for now- I can only teleport short distances, this body is still very weak and limited.

A couple of hours had passed as I waited for Natalie to come to pick me up, I could see the rust bucket driving down the road towards me, I was starving. It Stopped, and Natalie started honking.

Natalie: Hey are you alright? Get in, let us get out of this dump." I got in the passenger seat.

Me: " Gladly, Thanks for picking me up." My eyes had returned to normal.

Natalie: " Look you can tell me all about it later, but for now you should just relax you're probably really freaked out right now. Oh and what phone number did you call me from? I didn't recognize it."

Me: "Oh, well I was with some friends and one of them gave me his phone and I guess when I woke up out here, it was still on me." I said.

She turned the radio on.

Natalie: "It really just sounds like you partied hard, must have gotten ditched by your friends." I nodded,

Me: "Yeah, that was probably what happened.

Sebastian's POV

Man: "Sebastian, we sent our tracker out to stop the witch as you ordered." A Werewolf said.

I wonder how well this witch will handle herself with an experienced tracker, and disgusting creatures.

Me: "Good, then the problem will be dealt with. Report to me when her death has been confirmed." I ordered.

Dumb mutts, can't do anything without me giving them commands. They really are nothing but dogs, I'll put an end to all of this soon enough. All of a sudden I overheard one of the elder werewolves in my pack running up the stairs.

Elder: "Sebastian, the tracker is downstairs. Dead."

How could a witch so early in stage be able to kill an experienced tracker!" I sprinted downstairs.

Me: "His face, it's completely gone!" I'm shocked- I've never seen this before. Take a look, all of you! this is the kind of wickedness that we are trying to stop. No one should have this kind of power." I said.


A full week passed since we took that man's life for trying to take mine. It was a new sporadic and cold world that I have started living in. I'm hoping that I'm just strolling by hopefully on my way out of it, and I don't mean by death.

I wanted to change and have an adventure when I decided to leave home and come live with my cousin and aunt but I never could have expected this do you blame me?

I spent all week working up different scenarios in my head on how everything might end up playing out and I wasn't a big fan of any of it. I practiced a few of my spells- but I still lacked a body strong enough to handle it.

I really do feel kind of like an ass for not replying to any of Eric's messages. He's left me over eight messages, I just don't know what to tell him. Hey Eric, someone that might or might not have been from your pack tried to kill me so I basically melted his face off and teleported him back.

Yeah, that might not do any of us any good, so I'm going to avoid that situation. One of the scenarios that I thought might be possible was that he might be in on it with whoever it was, what if the whole point of introducing me to the pack was to get me isolated in the middle of nowhere and then have me hunted down by that werewolf?

Now that I think about it that actually seems like a well-thought-out plan. That ass, I'm definitely going to give him a piece of my mind next time I see him. The big bad wolf couldn't handle us on our worst day.

The time had finally come to return to that dreadful school. Aunt Jen had finally returned to her normal self, or should I say the spell wore off. I couldn't keep her under it forever it wouldn't be right. I did get scolded for a little but eventually, she gave up and focused more on why she acted okay with it in the first place.

Me and Natalie were on our way to school and I have to say it felt just like that first day in the rust bucket. The beautiful trees, the breeze, and Natalie's music.

We made it to the parking lot, pretty early and we parked at the front I didn't see Eric's car anywhere.

Natalie: "Hey don't run away again okay? At least not without inviting me, I like to party." Said Natalie.

Me: "Bye!". I replied laughing.