Katerina POV

"I made my way through the school, dashing through the other students, trying to avoid getting chewed out by Mr. Ziegler for being late to class again. I could feel the eyes of some of the students glued to me as I entered the classroom.

Ziegler said, 'Late again, Katerina.' I looked him dead in his eyes and replied, 'I'm sorry for being late, sir. I wanted to bring each of my teachers a gift for excusing my absence.' I gave an innocent yet devilish smile as I conjured a vintage watch for him from my purse. 'I got this just for you, sir. I hope it's to your liking.' I handed him the watch and observed him remove his old one and replace it with the one I got him. Ziegler said, 'I'll excuse it this time. I have to say you have great taste, Katerina.' I bowed my head slightly and made my way towards my desk. 'Thank you, sir,' I said.

As I sat down, I thought to myself, 'Hmm, I guess I must be late. I wonder if he will miss the first period completely. Haha, I suppose his attendance must be worse than mine.' Suddenly, another girl approached me. 'Excuse me, hi, I'm Lily,' she said.

I wondered what she wanted. 'Oh, hi, Lily. Hmm, that name is the name of the main character in a book I enjoy! I'm Katerina, but you can just call me Kat.' Like a moth to the flame, burn for me.

'Kat? I really like that name! By the way, I and the rest of my friends wanted to invite you out to eat with us during lunch if you would like?' Or, I could eat you, haha.

Well, well, well. Looks like the tides are changing for me. Someone wants to be my friend. Hmm, maybe I could try and be like Natalie, for just a second...

"Sure, I would love to hang out with you guys," I said to Lily. I would love to fang you!

"Sweet! Give me your phone number so I can add you to our group chat. That way, you can exchange numbers with everyone else and start getting to know us between classes!" Lily said.

Well, that sure seems easier than having to meet them all at once and start a dialogue out of the blue. But, having them all in one place could be ideal, like door dash.

"Great idea!" I said as I scribbled my number on a small piece of paper for her. 'Hmm, maybe I should also draw a couple of flowers on it next to my number for her.' I handed her the paper and went back to pretending to pay attention in class."

The bell started ringing. "Buuuuzzz, what an annoying sound!" I thought to myself. "Well, at least this class is over," I said aloud.

Lily asked, "Hey Kat, what is your next class? Maybe we can walk together if it's by mine?"

I thought for a moment and responded, "Hmmm, I guess I can walk with this bundle of sunshine and flowers."

"I have creative writing next in room 101, I think," I added.

"Oh god, she is reaching out to grab my hand," I thought to myself. "Let's go together! My class is right across from it!" Lily said.

"Well, when she puts it that way, I may as well," I thought to myself. "Let's go then," I said to Lily.

"I'll text you, okay? Make sure you don't get caught, girly!" Lily said.

As I entered the classroom, I walked over to my seat and pulled out my sketchbook. "Perhaps I will use my abilities to synchronize some of my thoughts with my text messages in the group chat," I thought to myself.

"Hello Mrs. Elliot, how is your morning going?" I asked her.

"Good morning Kat, it's going good. Thanks for asking!" she answered.

I sat down and paid attention to Mrs. Elliot's lecture, but I couldn't help but notice my phone buzzing with text messages from Lily's group chat. I decided to use my magical abilities to respond to the messages while still paying attention to the class.

As I started to type a response, I noticed some of the other students from the group chat introducing themselves to me. All of the people were girls.

"Hi Kat, I'm Emily! It's nice to meet you," one of them said.

"Hey Emily, it's nice to meet you too," I responded quickly.

"Hi Kat, I'm Sophia! I'm so glad you're in our group chat," another girl said.

Ugh, kill me.

"Hey Sophia, it's great to meet you! I'm happy to be a part of the group chat," I replied.

I continued to respond to the messages while still paying attention to the lecture. It was a bit tricky, but my magical abilities allowed me to multitask with ease.

As I continued to respond to the messages, I felt a strange sensation in my head. Suddenly, I heard a voice in my head.

"We are Katerina or should I say Hecate" my voice mixed with Hecate's tone.

"What did you say?" Asked one of the other students. "Oh, um...I'm just rehearsing for a play!" Answered Kat. "Oh okay, sorry!" Replied the student.

My phone vibrated, and I knew it was Lily's group chat. "Hey Kat, can we come over to your place after school to hang out?" Emily asked.

I thought about it for a moment. It would be fun to hang out with the girls, but I should probably give Aunt Jen a heads-up. I quickly texted her, and she said it was fine.

I texted the group back, "Yeah, that's fine guys! I'll send you the address in a bit."

I hope they taste bitter!

The rest of the day was pretty insignificant. I went to my classes and paid attention, well, most of the time. I couldn't stop thinking about what I had become. I wondered if things were going to change now that I had utterly destroyed that guy's face for attacking me.

"Yes! School is finally over. Time to meet up with Natalie in the parking lot. 'Let's go, Kat! I want to get home to watch my show asap!' Natalie said. 'Sounds good to me, I have friends coming over'...wow, is she really staring at me instead of paying attention to the road?"

"'You made friends?!' Natalie asked, freaking out. 'Why yes I do, my dear lady. As you can obviously tell, I am a magnet for popularity,' I replied, smirking. She continued the drive through the woods and towards the house. As we arrived at Aunt Jen's home, well, my home now too, there were two cars parked outside with my new friends sitting inside of them waiting for me to arrive."

"'Kat! We beat you here, girly!' Sophia said as Emily and the others waved. 'Hi guys, sorry if I kept you waiting. My cousin drives an old rust wagon haha. So, anyways, this is my cousin Natalie. I'm sure you guys have seen her around before,' I said. 'Yeah, we've seen her around,' the group replied."

"'Let's go inside. We can hang out in my bedroom if you guys are down. I can grab us some snacks and drinks too,' I told them. 'Sounds good, let's do it!' Emily replied. 'My room is the one upstairs down the hall, guys. Go ahead and make yourselves comfortable. I will grab us some snacks and drinks.'"

"Forget their drinks, I'm the thirsty one - should I? 'Aunt Jen, can you give us a bit of privacy while we are upstairs hanging out, please?' She was busy on the phone anyway. Ugh, walking up these steps is still such a bother."

I should just start levitating everywhere I go. 'Kat, sit down with us' said Emily. 'All of you pull your sleeves up' My eyes had turned into a pool of darkness, tar leaking slowly out of them. They all started doing exactly as I commanded, as I looked down at them their eyes were completely whited out without any color. 'Take our blood' they all spoke in unison. I felt an urge to suck their blood out from their arms, taking small sips, it was delicious. 'You are now mine, all of you'. I compelled them.

The Very Next Day

Katerina's Pov

Ziegler was rambling off about his life story while the rest of the class waited for it to end. This has become a popular theme with teachers, it was great cause it usually meant no homework. You have to think it's saving them a fortune from going to see an actual therapist.

Around twenty minutes into the class guess who decides to show up. Eric came into the classroom with his hood up covering his face. Ziegler started asking him why he was late, but he just ignored him until he got to his seat. Eric: "Car troubles." Car troubles? what problems don't you drive a brand-new car? Or was he hinting at my so-called accident- trying to rub it in my face?

He infuriates me so much, the mechanical pencil I had in my hand snapped clean off. What's with the hood he is wearing over his face doesn't he realize that he looks ridiculous? A Gush of wind blew through the open classroom windows strong enough to blow his hood off, exposing his badly bruised face.

Ziegler turned his direction to Eric. Ziegler: "Eric, let's go to the principles office now. The rest of you stay seated until I return." I wonder what happened to him, what if he was being serious about car problems and the same thing that happened to me happened to him? Wait, I thought he was supposed to have regenerative powers since he's a werewolf. Hecate: "Don't be foolish, they aren't real werewolves- just shapeshifters. Only a hand full of creatures can regenerate." Said Hecate. Thanks. You sure are a supernatural Google.

The rest of the day was a blur, I just went through the motions. Nobody really paid any attention to me and I didn't give them any reason to. I kept to myself and tried to go unnoticed. Even my group chat was acting peculiar perhaps I drained them of too much blood, what weaklings. Right around the end of the school day in my last class, I caught a glimpse of Eric being escorted out by the police, maybe he admitted to being a furry. I have no idea what is going on and or if that has anything to do with the man that tried to run me off the road. I wonder if is enjoying the afterlife, hmm?

I still needed answers but with Eric being taken, I really don't know who to ask. I sat there in my seat looking out the window as the police cruisers took off with Eric cuffed in the back seat. Some of the werewolves- I mean shape-shifters from Eric's pack were also looking as the cruisers faded into the distance. It didn't seem like they had any idea what this was about either. I think Eric being taken away like this cannot be just a simple coincidence, that's highly unlikely. It must be that he admitted to being a furry that kidnaps dogos from the pound, obviously!

I had to get out of class somehow I didn't want to waste another minute here when I could be out there investigating. The teacher had his back to the class as he was searching for some props for the story he was having us read, what a lamer. Great, this is my chance- I got up as fast as I could - shoot, he is turning around! My eyes turned pitch black and I lunged his body against the chalkboard with my mind."Thud" he laid on the floor unconscious, everyone in the class running up to check on him, "Someone help him!" One of the students yelled. Like if any of them has a first aid kit. I grabbed my things and walked out of the classroom, whistling for dramatic effect.

I shoved all my books into my locker and left the right of the building without a single soul noticing, well as far as I know...but if someone did, I will return for that soul. It was time to start my investigation, inspector gadget with my supernatural toolkit! The first place to start would have to be Eric's place, which is where exactly?...hmm perhaps I should talk to the receptionist and get his address off of her. I decided to kick her door in, great, she's freaking out! What a loser, time for my black eyes. "Give me the address, before I remove your jaw and turn it into a back-scratcher swine!" My voice doubled with Hecate's voice. She wrote the address on the desk with a sharpie and just fell off her computer chair throwing up. "I guess, you took the swine thing to heart?" Hahaha, what a softie.

I ran out of the school and made it to the park that's only a couple blocks from Eric's house and started drawing a simple circle to imitate the town. I closed my eyes and pictured Eric and imagined where he might be, Damn it! Nothing happened. I tried it again but this time I put both my hands on the circle feeling the grass between my fingers. "Well that sounded nice and pretty, but It didn't work." Wait, but I'm not nice or pretty. Maybe what I need for this to work is some blood..oh is that someone's dog? "Come here little puppy, come here you little shit!' Well, this dog is clearly smarter than my classmates, it won't come near me. "Stop whimpering and die!

I ran after it, it was so slow- I enjoyed the thrill of the hunt and....it's dead. "Okay, let us try this again." First I'll remove the head, and place it in the circle and encase the circle with its intestines "What a pretty design, now show me where he is!"

I felt the earth pushing up against my hands. I opened my eyes and to my surprise, a miniature bloody version of the town had grown within the intestinal circle. There laid a mansion highlighted in bright red, pulsating like a heart. That must be it! I took the cell phone out and typed in the address into the GPS app. First I will visit his dear mama and papa, I'm sure I'll be the first girl he ever takes home...

I closed my eyes again and thought of it all coming to a standstill. Time froze, but this time everything was still moving-just extremely slow. I wonder if my magic is a little worn out from my using it so much. I ran straight to his house as fast as I could. I imagined I looked like a black eyed-flash to anyone who might have caught a glimpse of me. Hopefully, they were able to feel my bloodlust. I started knocking on the door without stopping. "Umm, can I help you? Are you one of Eric's friends?" His wrinkly old mother asked annoyingly. "Get on your knees you old cow!" She fell to her knees hard, probably bruising them in the process. "Chew on these dog intestines and don't open your mouth! I don't want anyone to hear you scream." I bite right into her neck, pulling the juices right out of her vein. "I want you to keep an eye on Eric for me, message me as soon as you hear from him and I will consider keeping you alive." Alright, time to track where Eric is.

I finally made it to the building he was at, in under 10 minutes. Sebastian was right outside the building sitting on the hood of a police car. What in the world is going on, with these wannabe werewolves? I thought I was confused before, but now this. Eric was still cuffed in the back of the police car, looking all nervous! I thought he was supposed to be a big bag Woofy. One of the pack leaders was there as well in wolf form staring down the officers. He must really think he's scary, oh my.

This looked like it was going to become a bloodbath, which got me even more excited! Cause I'm thirsty! I didn't want to get in the middle of this yet, but I still wanted to know what was going to happen.

The large grey wolf dodged the officer's bullets, as it pounced on him ripping his arm clean off. The man screamed and pleaded for his life, but the wolf wouldn't stop. The other officer stood there trembling with fear as Sebastian walked up behind him dragging his claws along the side of the police car ripping the coating right off. "Ooh, dramatic effect! Look at this diva!

Sebastian said something to the officer, but I just wasn't able to make out what he said from this distance. He slashed open his neck, the man bled out right in front of him. I never in a million years would have imagined them doing this, even after what happened to me. I synced my ears in and was able to hear him speak to the remaining officer. What a lovely surprise, might I add.

Sebastian: "You know that we don't renegotiate. We agreed that we'd keep this town safe from the bloodsuckers." The cop was trembling. Policeman: "We have been getting more and more reports of people going missing in your woods than any vampire attacks. This has got to stop - they're our people." Said the officer. Sebastian looked at him smiling menacingly. Sebastian: "What we are doing here, is for the well-being of humanity.

We are taking in new recruits to stop these menaces, you have my word the "missing people reports" will stop. Also, we are planning our next move on the bloodsuckers as we speak. Now clean this up and stay away from the pack." He growled.

The officer got back in his patrol car and left the mansion. I laid there watching the alpha and the other wolf devour the bodies as Eric shifted into a wolf to join them. I think it's safe to say that they are my enemies. Home wasn't what it used to be to me. Watching them eat started making my stomach rumble, I'm hungry too not fair! I had to get a taste, I darted off in their direction, jumping over the patrol car that was going down the road, and busting their windshield. I pulled the last surviving officer out through his driver's side window, in front of the wolves. "Hi puppies, did you miss me? Cause I sure have missed you!" I mocked them, blood smeared across my face, my eyes black as tar. I noticed the wolves tuck their tales between their legs, as well as Sebastian taking a few steps back. "Don't worry doggies, I'm taking him to go, I want to see Eric at school tomorrow! Make sure he dresses cute!" I slit the officer in half by boiling his body from the inside until it came apart. "I suppose, I will just bathe in the blood." I stood there in front of them, holding half of his body in one hand above myself to the right and the other side to the left, letting it rain blood and guts all over me. "Best behave pups, this could be you." I left them with a smile.

All the dullness and excitement of starting this new life had spiraled out of control. I wanted to start an adventure something to get me out of my shell and give me a story that I could look back at in my later years, but this is so much better. I'm still so confused, everything happened so fast, and I only hope it gets faster. I was a normal teenage girl just the other day, well aside from the fact that the only thing that has changed is that now I have a demon goddess inside me. Now my life can finally be a horror movie, and I'm the monster! All the feelings I harbored for Eric sailed away today, smelling his fear...just disgusted me. Well...to be honest, I also kind of liked it. I'd like to see just how scared I could make him.

Why was I ever brought to meet the pack in the first place if they intended to murder me? None of it made sense, I can't believe I'm even saying that at this point. Perhaps they just wanted to murder? Maybe they just wanted to have a fun time with a cool chick, hope I was cool enough.

Shapeshifters and a demon that possesses me every now and then-nothing abnormal about it. Hecate hasn't spoken much today, maybe it's cause I'm doing a fantastic job.