The next day

Natalie: "Kat, wake up let's be early to school for once!" I just want to sleep just a little longer. "Huh, wait is it just me or does she look prettier right now?" Natalie asked herself out loud. I decided to roll off the bed and onto the floor and grabbed a hold of both of her feet. "I'm always ugly, I'm the ugly feet-grabbing witch!" I whispered creepily.

"Dude, you are seriously a weirdo! But you honestly do look different, did you put on makeup just before bed?" She asked me with a puzzled look on her face. "Um, what are you going on about? Wouldn't the makeup just smear if I did that, plus I usually only do eyeliner." I told her confused. "come with me! I am dressing you up today! You look way too cute." Natalie grabbed me by the arm and dragged me into her room. I sat on her bed yawning as she rummaged through her closet looking for an outfit.

"Found it! I don't usually wear these types of things but I have this little black dress with dark purple lace and stitched butterflies, that would look so cute on you!" She was so overjoyed to share this with me, how strange. "I will make an exception for you today since I am feeling so good this morning," I informed her with a smile across my face. She picked up a pair of black flats and a shiny silver necklace with little butterflies hanging off of the thin chains that hung from the necklace.

"I will set all of these here on your bed, so go ahead and shower then get ready for school. oh! Wait I know, please let me do your makeup before school?" She was standing still in front of me, but I could tell that she was jumping for joy inside herself. "You know what, change is good. I'm going to shower now but doll me up right after. I want to look beautiful yet powerful, think you can handle that?" I said as I went off into the bathroom to shower.

I stepped into the bathroom took off my pajamas and stretched my arms out. Ah, the water is so warm, I could just fall back to sleep in here, I just love the water from the shower hitting my skin. I scrubbed myself clean, rubbing the body wash up and down my arms and legs making sure I don't miss a spot. "Is that abs!? When did this happen, and my legs even those are all toned.

" What the heck is going on? "You aren't just Kat anymore, you are also Hecate." I had to remind myself. I suppose being a monster has its perks. "We aren't a monster, we are closer to a demigod, cruel child of mine." Oh, so there you are Hecate. "We are just speaking with ourselves at this point, no need to refer to Hecate anymore we are Katerina." Hmm, okay, wait let me stop talking to myself. I stepped out of the shower, dried my hair off, and started brushing my teeth.

"Wow, my canines are bigger, wait I have two different sets of canines! Sweet this will make it even easier. They aren't as big as a vampire but they are definitely impressive." Wait, that's information I didn't have when I was just me, Let me think, okay that's interesting to know! I have access to my memories of when I was Hecate.

Natalie: "Kat, are you done? We only have 40 minutes until we have to go, and this is going to take a minute plus breakfast." Right, I left the bathroom and made my way into her colorful bedroom. Me: "Let's do this bitch!" Natalie raised an eyebrow at me as she laughed. "Yes lets!" She said enthusiastically. She helped me put the outfit on and then she had me sit down in front of her mirror as she started doing my makeover.

Natalie: "Oh yeah girl, you definitely look way hotter than you did! Whatever you started doing, you have to let me in on this secret! Cause damn I'm jealous." What is she talking about is it my toned physique? I decided to peek at my reflection in the mirror. "Wow, I look completely different!" Natalie placed her face right next to mine.

Natalie: "Dude! You are a babe! Not fair!" She squealed. "Well I can't disagree with you there, I'd ravage me." I was shocked, this must be what I look like now as Hecate and Kat, well I should just say this is what the new Kat looks like. Natalie: "You look cute in that outfit! Thank you for letting me do this! I'm so happy. Let's go have breakfast with my mom."

We started heading downstairs and towards the kitchen. Natalie: "Good morning Mom!" Kat: "Good morning second mom" Aunt Jen had our food already served with two cups of coffee ready for us. Jen: "Good morning girls!, wow I've never seen Kat all dressed up and she even looks different.

Damn you look different Kat, I guess puberty hit you overnight!" They both looked thrilled to see this change in me, if they only knew haha. "Well thank you, I will take that as a compliment since there is no going back."

We finished eating breakfast together and started heading towards the school in her old rust bucket, although to be honest her beetle wasn't bothering me as much as it was before. Finally, we arrived at the school, we parked just as Eric was parking. Me: "Hey Nat, let us go say hi to my friend Eric!" I unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car with an innocent smile on my face. Nat: "Ooh is that your crush Kat? Sure I will help you break the ice, I didn't know you were shy!"

I'm not a shy silly girl, this is just to make him feel less scared. We walked up to Eric's car and I started lightly tapping on his driver's side window. He looked up at me through his window as he slowly turned the engine off and started opening the door. Eric: " Does she know?" He asked. Me: "No she doesn't know that you have a crush on me, well I suppose she knows now, but as I told you before I'm just not ready to settle for someone that I have just met!" His hands were trembling, if he was in wolf form his tail would definitely be tucked firmly between his legs. Me: " Nat, this is Eric, and Eric this is my cousin Natalie." Natalie waved at him with a big smile on her face.

Nat: "Hi! Nice to finally meet you, Kat has told me so much about you, she can hardly keep your name out of her mouth, she whispers your name as she sleeps!" All lies, I just stood there with my smiling with both my mouth and eyes. Eric: "Um...Hi...it's nice to meet you." I grabbed his hand and pulled him closer to me. Me: "Nat do you mind if we catch up later? I want to walk in with him." Natalie blushed and started walking towards the school. Nat: "Sure! So cute you guys!"

I looked up at Eric, he was definitely nervous I could smell the sweet aroma of his fear, it was making me thirsty. Me: " To be fair, you guys were eating people." I flashed him my large canines. Eric: " It's part of our tradition, it's the only way we are able to turn into wolves..it's not like I enjoy it and it's only once every couple of months." Hmm, I guess their bloodlust isn't like mine. Kat: " Roll your left sleeve up for me." I ordered him.

His eyes got bigger with a hint of fear as he rolled his sleeve up. I grabbed his arm and I brought it up to my mouth, I poked my fangs into his arm breaking the skin and puncturing the vein. I took a quick sip, his blood tasted like honey it was thick, I licked the six puncture wounds on his arm until there was no blood. Me: "Delicious! Thank you for the sip puppy."

I winked at him as I had him walk with me into the school. A couple of guys in the parking lot saw me sucking on his forearm just before we went in. They sure looked perverted. Eric: "So are you a vampire or a witch?" I squeezed his arm that I had just bitten. Kat: " I am neither of those, stop asking questions, nothing has changed besides the fact that I know you eat people and you know I can eat everyone." I smiled at him innocently. We walked into Mr. Ziegler's classroom and sat down at our seats. I could feel Lily's eyes focused on me as she walked up to her desk. Lily: "Good morning Kat! Wow, you look so pretty!" She sat down pulling out her textbook for class.

Me: "Thanks Lily, how is everyone else doing? They haven't replied to my text messages?" Lily started blushing I could tell she felt embarrassed. Lily: "To be honest...we don't know how it happened but it seems like all of our phones had water damage, I think a dog or a cat must have peed on our phones while we were hanging out at your house...but it is okay we are all getting new ones tomorrow together." Wait, so they peed themselves after they left my house, that is hilarious.

Me: "Well nobody peed on your phones at my house, that's terrible luck." I felt that same eraser end of a pencil pressing up against my back. Eric: " Don't eat anyone at school." He whispered to me. Kat: " Don't worry, I don't actually eat the flesh, organs, or the meat, I just drink the blood." I whispered back with my canines showing. Mr.Ziegler started the class, Ziegler: " Sorry about the late start guys, we teachers had a meeting this morning about the weird incident one of the science teachers had yesterday, he won't be returning to teaching, unfortunately, he is in the hospital in a coma, you guys are welcome to donate to his family to help them with the medical expenses over at the main office."

The class continued after that, some of the students were whispering about yesterday but nobody knew it was me that threw him against the chalkboard.