The bell rang and we all started making our way into the hallway to head towards our next class, I really want to get his number though. I grabbed Eric by his arm and pulled him towards me.

Me: " Puppy, give me your phone number." He looked at me scared but flustered.

Eric: "Um, sure but why?"

We captured the eyes of several students as they passed us by.

Me: "Cause your my pup, I have to keep an eye on you silly!" I toyed with his boyish emotions. We exchanged numbers and I had him walk me to my next class before we went our separate ways.

Throughout the school day, I was receiving text messages from my little group, mostly curious as to what is my relationship with Eric. Perhaps I'm being perceived strangely by my peers, I don't get it I haven't done anything to draw attention.

Emily: "Hey so, are you and Eric dating or something?" She texted.

Lily: "Hey don't just come out and ask her without any tact!", a smile started emerging on my face. Me: "No, he is just a little lost puppy and I am training him so that he doesn't pee himself."

I laughed in my head as I sent the text, knowing I would rattle their puny brains.

Sophia: " Dang girl! You are like some dominatrix! Boss!" What a strange person.

Lily: " You have got it wrong, she isn't that type of girl....are you?"

Me: " Enough, I need you all to do something for me." I ordered them.

The group: "Sure"-Emily," Yes?"-Sophia," Anything?"-Lily.

Me: " Keep an eye on Eric, and if you gals know any of his friends then keep an eye on them as well. Keep me informed on anything you all think is out of place."

The group: "No problem!"

I finished my classes for the day and headed out towards the parking lot to wait for Natalie to finish up.

Me:" She sure is taking her sweet time, must be talking to Aaron I assume."

I guess I can't blame her, even she needs an idiot to fond over her.

As I sat there waiting on the school steps, I could see three guys walking towards me, I think they are the ones that saw me and Eric this morning before school.

Random guy 1: "Hey do you want to suck on my arm?"

Huh, what the actual F—.

Random guy 2: "Come on, you sucked on Eric's arm, why don't you suck on us we are jealous you know!"

Okay, so these guys are just oblivious perverts, hmm. I stood up from the step and approached the first guy with my eyebrow raised from them striking a nerve.

These idiots have just made themselves cattle.

Me: "Sure, roll up your sleeves."

They all started rolling up their sleeves for me. I grabbed for the first guy's arm squeezing it tightly making sure I leave an imprint from my grasp. I bit into his arm, drawing blood in through my teeth.

Random guy 1: "Aaah, what are you doing!" He screamed. The other guys took several steps back as they freaked out.

Me: " You basically begged for this, do you not like it?" I asked sarcastically with a sweet tone.

Random guy 1: "No bitch, what the fuck."

He smacked me right across my face, and I let him think he hurt me by pretending to fall backward onto the steps. Eric was just outside of his car getting ready to enter it when he noticed this happening from across the parking lot. He shut his door hard slamming it, as he started running towards me.

Eric: "Hey! Get away from her assholes!" He screamed at them.

Random guy 2: "What are you this whores boyfriend?"

Did...did he just call me a whore? I'm not going to drain him, he is going to fear me, when you least expect it.

Eric: "She isn't my girlfriend and she damn sure isn't a whore!"

Quite strange that he would care so much about my image, is it fear? Just as things were about to escalate, the school police officer approached us.

Officer: "Break it up guys, everyone head home, you guys aren't kids anymore."

He watched us as we all went our separate ways.

Me: " Give me a ride home pup." I said to Eric.

He looked at me flustered, still angry at those guys.

Eric: "Sure, I got you. My car is over there, let's go." I followed him towards his car as I pulled my phone out to text Natalie that I'm getting a ride home.

As he drove us down the road heading towards my house, it was really quiet.

Me: " So doggy, do you have a little crush on me or something?"

His cheeks were red, his hands around the steering wheel silently trembling.

Eric: " Don't get me wrong, I would do that for anyone, regardless of the fact that you are hot you are also terrifying as fuck!"

I laughed silently while sitting in my seat looking at him.

Me: " What a beautiful compliment, thank you." We finally arrived at Aunt Jen's house, he parked on the street for us to get out.

Me: " Why don't you come in, we are friends aren't we?" I asked him. He slowly opened his door and got out of the car. "Your family won't mind?" He asked.

Me: " No, my aunt is pretty cool- I had friends over not too long ago." We entered the house to find Jen preparing dinner for the night.

Jen: " Hey Kat! Where's Natalie?" Before I could answer Eric came inside right behind me.

Jen: " Hi?" She said a little surprised. I walked up to her and hugged her tightly.

Me: " This is Eric, a friend of mine who has a crush on me, but alas he hasn't won my heart. Natalie should be arriving here shortly. Do you mind if he stays for dinner, I know it's pretty sudden." I asked.

She placed her hand on my shoulder as she looked towards Eric.

Jen: " Nice to meet you, Eric, I'm her aunt Jen, but truthfully I'm more of a second mother to her. Be nice to her, okay, I know she has an off-putting personality but she's a sweet girl! I hope you are okay with seasoned steak and vegetables because that's what we are having."

Eric stepped forward awkwardly to shake her hand.

Eric: " Yes Ma'am, I won't let anyone hurt her- and that sounds delicious." He answered her nervously.

Just then the door opened with Natalie walking through with Aaron.

Nat: "Oh hi guys- I hope you all don't mind I have company-" She stopped and her eyes widened.

Jen: "Looks like you both brought guys over for your first time today."

I and Natalie both started laughing there awkwardly.

Natalie: " Wait so you and Eric are also dating?" She asked.

Me: " He wants to, but I'm just not ready to commit to the living." Natalie couldn't help but laugh.

Nat: "You sure are a weirdo! Don't judge her too harshly guys, that's just who she is."

Aaron walked forward introducing himself to the rest of us. Eric and Aaron shook hands and introduced each other, I think I just saw Aaron wink at him. I wonder what that is about, guys are weird.

Me: " Nice to finally meet the ringtone man," I said chuckling.

Me: " We are going to head up to my room for a bit guys!" Jen grabbed my arm.

Jen: " Door open guys."

I looked at her, my eyes slowly becoming a pool of tar.

Me: " Don't worry Jen, he won't force himself on me. We are closing the door."

Jen: " Okay, that's fine I trust you dear."

I grabbed Eric by his hand and led him up to my bedroom. I asked him to sit on my bed and give me a second to get changed.

Eric: "I can leave the room for you to get changed." He said blushing.

Me: "What, you haven't seen a woman before? I'll change right here."

I started undressing and changing into a brown top and black leggings. He sat on the bed covering his eyes, I could sense him trying to peek but he hid it well.

Eric: "So why did you want me to come over?" He asked curiously.

I walked towards him slowly taking a seat next to him and pulling his hand towards my lap. I could feel his nerves getting the better of him.

Me: " I'm sorry but do you not know about the man who Sebastian sent to kill me the other day?"

He quickly pulled his hand away and changed his posture.

Eric: "Someone tried to kill you? How do you know it was Sebastian? What the hell!"

He freaked out but still managed to stay silent.

Me: "I could taste it on him, I got rid of the man. I just wanted to know if you had anything to do with it?" I asked.

He got closer to me grabbing both of my hands.

Eric: "I would never hurt you, I was trying to help you but then you did that thing to Sebastian...he must have acted out of fear."

Hmm that makes sense, but to be fair he was trying to intimidate me, what a foolish stinky dog.

Me: " So you wouldn't mind if I got rid of him, would you?" I asked with a wide smile.

Eric: " Please don't, I would tell him to back off but I don't think it's necessary after your attack on the police officer the other day... I'm pretty sure you gave all of us a heart attack. It is the first time I've seen the alpha scared."

He didn't have to tell me that, his fear was so obvious that it was nauseating. Me: " As long as he doesn't bother me, he will remain alive."

Enough talk I'm getting hungry, I pulled his arm towards my lips licking his skin.

Eric: "Are you going to " I looked up at him, as I let go of his arm.

Me: " No, I shouldn't- I don't think it would be safe for me to feast on you again so soon. I'll give you some time."

I really want to, but I can't have him dying on me. He put his arm back against my lips.

Eric: "It's fine, go ahead I can take it."

Hmm, the pup wants to feed me. I pushed his arm away from my lips and grabbed the back of his head bringing his lips against mine, I kissed his lips as I dug my teeth into his bottom lip getting his blood onto my tongue.

Me: " Hmm so delicious! This much should be safe."

He grabbed my hands tightly as he tried to pull away.

Eric: " That fucking hurt! What the hell!"

I licked the blood off of my lips and smiled at him.

Me: " Sorry, I thought you might like it."

He reached out for a Kleenex and cleaned the blood off of his lips.

Eric: " I enjoyed the kiss part, but the biting hurt!"

He sat there blushing with the bloody Kleenex in his hands. I placed my right hand over his lips.

Me: "I'll heal your lips for you and get rid of the pain puppy."

My eyes turned jet black again as the blood started streaming from my eyes his lips healed up. Eric started touching his lips.

Eric: "You are right, they are fully healed. By the way, why do your eyes do that?"

The color returned to my eyes as I started cleaning the blood off from my cheeks.

Me: " I'm not telling you my secrets, just know that I'm not a witch or what you think you are."

Eric stood up confused. Eric: "What do you mean by what I think I am?" He asked.

I couldn't help but laugh, these pups have no idea what they actually are.