Sophia's POV

"Dude, I for real can't believe that Kat is back like what the fuck, are we supposed to do? I mean she's cool and all but she's pretty fucking weird, like why do I always want to hang out with her whenever she reaches out to us?" Ugh, seriously can't figure it out!

Emily," What are you talking about Sophie, she's our friend why wouldn't we want to hang out with her? In fact shouldn't we be happy that our friend is back?"

"You seriously enjoy hanging out with her? You realize we basically just hang out while she makes every single conversation sarcastic and gives everything a double meaning, right?"

Emily," Nah-uh, that never happens, what the heck are you talking about Sophie?"

"Dude, how the fuck do you guys not notice this! And isn't it weird how we always have time skips whenever we hang out with her? Like I remember the start and a couple conversations here and there and then blank, until I get back home, do you think she's drugging us?"

Emily," I honestly, have no idea what you are talking about, but if you feel uncomfortable around her maybe you should have that conversation with her, I'm sure she can clear the air and you two can make-up or whatever..."

"How about we go visit her? Surely, she wouldn't try any shit if we went together, and plus she's living with Eric now, so it should be safe."

Emily," Okay, sounds fine to me, why don't you text her real quick and set it up, and we can head out from here."

"Alright, I'll hit her up now, but be on your guard!"

Kat's POV

Hmm, I wonder what Sophie wants.

Sophie texted, "Hey girl! Me and Emily are coming over, that's cool, right? Ok, on our way ta-ta, love ya."

That's kind of weird, but alright I guess we will have company on our 1st actual day living together.

Kat texted, "Ok, I'll leave the front door unlocked for you guys, just come in when you get here."

Eric," Hey babe, do you want to watch t.v with me? There's a pretty cool show on about an alien invasion."

Kat," I'm not big on sci-fi love, but I'll still watch it with you later if you are down, but we are actually expecting company here soon."

Eric," Oh, not into probing huh! haha-haha, so who's coming babe?"

Kat," Watch yourself jokester, or I'll end up probing you all alien style, probably even make you hallucinate and give you trauma for the rest of your life."

Eric," Shit....can you actually do that?"

Kat," What part of me being a God do you not get? Haha-haha, anyways don't worry I won't toy with you that way. Oh yeah, almost forgot, Sophia and Emily are coming over, kind of unexpected but I guess that's what friends do right?"

Eric," Well...um I guess so, did you want me to hang out with you guys?"

Kat," Nah, you can just lounge around or do whatever you want, I'm sure they would bore you anyways."

Eric," So are they actually your friends or are you manipulating them under some sort of enchantment?"

Kat," Hey now, it's not like I'm evil."

Eric," I'm sorry babe, I didn't mean to disrespect you...it's just."

Kat," So I do have them under a spell, I placed them under it when I first hung out with them at Jen's house, but I was a lot weaker then, I was still a mortal, and plus it's been months so it should be starting to wear off. I'm thinking about actually continuing to be friends with them because I have a couple of ideas...."

Eric," What are these ideas?"

Kat," Some things are better off left as a surprise, you know, and plus I'm not too sure yet what exactly those plans are as I'm still figuring it out."

Eric," Oh okay, well I will stop asking questions, it seems like there is a lot going on there and I'm not too sure if it's any of my business."

Kat," No you are fine, you can ask whatever you want. For now, let's get dressed, I'm sure our guests will think we are weird since you are just lounging around in your boxers and I'm just wearing your t-shirt."

Eric," Oh haha-haha, right that's true, let's get changed, babe."

30 minutes later

Sophia's POV

We just pushed the door open and strolled into the house, damn it's so pretty how the heck is she so lucky to be able to drop out of college and have already a boss-ass career! Not fair, like this place is sick!

"Hel-looo, we are here Kat!" I hollered.

Emily," Kaaaat"

There comes Kat walking down the stairs looking majestic and shit, when did she get so pretty, what the fuck.

Kat," Hey guys"

Emily," Hey Kat, so Sophie had some questions she wanted to ask you."

"Wait, can we have Eric present for this conversation?"

Kat," Um...sure, I guess. Hey Love, come down here please."

So weird how she just calls him love, love this, and love that what a weirdo who calls their boyfriend love.

Eric," Yeah, what's up ladies?"

Sophie," Hey there stud! Come hang out with us, while we talk." I ran up to him and grabbed him by his arm pulling him towards the living room.

Kat didn't even react to me slightly hitting on him.

We all sat down on the couches and began our talk.

"So, are you drugging us whenever we hang out, 'cause I can't remember shit?"

Eric, "She doesn't do drugs, and she sure as hell isn't drugging her friends."

Emily," Seriously, I don't think that was the right way to approach this conversation."

Kat," No, why would I drug you, when I can just possess, brainwash, or put you under a spell."

"Right, so you are a witch or a therapist?"

Kat, "More like a God."

Emily, "Okay, see she didn't drug you!"

"You sure have a weird sense of humor Kat..." She made me feel so uncomfortable.

Kat's POV

"I'm being serious, In fact, I'll grant you both two wishes as long as you both agree to complete a worship contract with me after they are granted."

Emily, "Right, how about you make me taller."

"How tall exactly?"

Emily, "Hmm, let's see I'm 160 cm, how about you make me 180 cm."


We all sat there as Emily's body grew instantly making her taller.

Sophie, "Dude, what the actual fuck, you grew!"

Emily, "Oh my god, you weren't lying!"

"You have one more one more wish Emily, and Sophie you have two."

Emily," Would it be okay if I hold onto that second wish just in case of emergencies?"

"Sure, that's fine as long as you still complete a worship contract now."

Sophie," Wait, Can I also save a wish, and make one now?"

"Yeah, whatever is fine with me."

Sophie, "I also want to be different, like you!"

"That's a pretty vague wish...would you perhaps like to start helping me with rituals?"

Sophie, "Ugh, how about immortality?"

"I can remove the limiter from your life expectancy, but you might still die, it's heavily reliant on you..so, it's not true immortality, a wound fatal enough may take out regardless."

Sophie," Yeah, that all sounds too complicated...I'll get back to you on those two wishes.."

"Okay...Eric, take them to the other dimension and have them give blood to the totems I have there."

Eric," Right this way ladies.."

In unison, "Blood, Totem?"