"Girls save us! Get us out of this hell pit, before they come back for us!" The Sebastians screamed for help.

Eric and Kat walk into the dimension after Sophie and Emily, they see a deep pit in the ground filled with ten versions of the same person all of which are screaming for help.

Emily," Who are they, what the heck is going on?"

Sophie," What the fuck are you guys doing to these people?"

I couldn't help but laugh, first, they come here to try and corner me and accuse me of drugging them, and not to mention Sophie even tried disrespecting me by hitting on my puppy right in front of me.

"Are you hungry love?"

Eric," I am a little..."

"Eat my love, show them how amazing you are."

Eric's body started changing, his legs and arms elongating and his fingernails popping off as claws emerge. Emily and Sophie watch him transform in shock, as they both take several steps back and Sophie even trips as she takes a step backward, landing on her butt. I decided to show them my own type of transformation, My body started levitating above the ground as my eyes grew darker and darker with rage, I smiled at them widely bearing my large fangs and claws.

Sophie," They are fucking monsters, I told you she was fucked up!"

"Eat love, devour all of them."

Eric had lost all control over his animalistic instincts and could only concentrate on fulfilling his urge to fill his stomach full of meat. He leaped on top of Emily, ripping her arm out of the socket and rag-dolling her body back and forth until blood covered his snout. I left him to finish devouring them as I ventured into the room underneath the pit, the pit's floor had a PVC system that would drain all of the blood and release it from a shower head I had in the basement, that filled my golden tub. I slowly removed all of my garments as I stepped into the tub, to soak in the blood of my friends and even the blood of the clones.

Sophie, "Emil-yyyyy!" She continued screaming as she stumbled and slipped from all of the blood and guts in the pit. The Sebastians huddled up together full of fear and panic. Tears ran down their faces as they held each other, waiting for their turn to be wolf food. Eric finished eating Emily, leaving no trace left of her except for her blood and memory. Sophie crawled in fear towards Sebastian's clones to try and hide herself from the large beast.

"What a wonderful housewarming gift, my mood is improving already!"

I couldn't help but drift off into the depth of slumber as I lay neck-deep in the pool of my friend's blood.

Sometime later...

Eric," Babe, you are going to drown in there, come on we should get back to the house and get cleaned up."

"Sorry, I just felt so relaxed I couldn't help but drift off. How was your food love?"

Eric," The Sebastians?"

"Yeah, sure, how was all of it...?"

Eric, "I still can't get passed the fact that I'm devouring my old mentor over and over for two days in a row now...I'm just glad I can't remember what happens when I'm in that form."

"That is probably for the best, I don't think you could handle remembering without it changing you completely. Let's head back home love."

Eric," Didn't you have your friends come over, I think I remember them visiting, but I'm not too sure it almost feels like a dream."

"Yeah, they came over and had a little chat with me before they headed out. Nothing important just a little chat since they were in the neighborhood already. Let's go love."

He helped me out of the tub and we both made our way towards the other showers underneath the pit. His body was covered in blood as was mine, I helped wash his shoulders as I pressed my body up against his back squeezing my breast into him.

"Is this all too much for you?"

Eric," I...."

He suddenly fell to his knees in the shower, holding his face in his hands as the water washed away his constant stream of tears. He was having trouble breathing and he started hyperventilating on the floor gasping for air.

Eric cried out, "How could you force me to eat your friends!"

"Oh, so you are starting to remember, my sweet puppy."

Eric, "You are a fucking monster, you've made me into a fucking monster, oh my god!"

"But don't you love me?"

Eric," How could I ever love some demon!"

My eyes instantly turned black as I lifted Eric off of the wet floor, lifting high above myself and staring deeply into his eyes.

"Today we woke up, showered, and had breakfast together, we had no visitors and we will spend the rest of the night binge-watching a new sci-fi show about aliens together, after you wake up from your nap."

He instantly passed out in my arms, I kissed his forehead sweetly and carried him back into the house. "Foolish man, you aren't getting away that easily."

I changed his clothes and laid his head on my knees as I turned on his sci-fi show, running my fingers through his hair.

He slowly started moving around as he awoke stretching his arms out as he let out a yawn. Eric, "Hello there pretty lady, how long have I been out?"

"Just a couple of hours, how was your nap?"

Eric," I haven't felt this rested in forever! What are you watching?"

"Oh this new show about an alien invasion, I figured you might like it so I wanted to check it out and see if I should recommend it to you. Want to watch it with me, love?"

Eric, "Hell yeah, wow you know me so well already!"

Oh, you have no idea...

We spent the rest of the day lounging around in the living room in each other's arms watching his new favorite tv show. Soon after he fell asleep in our bed, I left his side and made my way into the other dimension.

"Well, time to fulfill Sophie's wish."

I walked over towards the pit and raised both my hands above my head while chanting loudly, and louder with each passing phrase. The pit was filled with tar until it was completely full. "Come back to me, reborn as daughters of Hecate, as daughters of Katerina."

Two heads started raising out of the tar until the two naked bodies completely covered in tar stepped out of the pit and towards me.

"Welcome back girls."

Sophie," You killed us."

Emily," And gave birth to us."

"I helped you both transcend humanity, sickness, depression, and all the ill and woes of men. This completes the worship ritual, don't worry girls I have a change of clothes for you both, but take a shower first..you are both looking rather disgusting."

11:30 A.M the next day

"Love, you have to get up, or you are going to be late for class."

He rolled around in the bed trying to fight waking up.

Eric," Good morning,"