Something was off, but I couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was...I could feel something coming, something familiar but not. Eric has been gone for a little over an hour, but I don't think he had that many classes scheduled for today, perhaps he will be home in a couple more. "Doorbell ringing". Who could that be, perhaps the feeling I'm having...

I walked towards the door, but the feeling kept growing stronger and stronger...whoever this is they are not human. I opened the door and stepped out to see who rang.

"Hi, how can I help you?"

Stavros," Hecate...you are looking rather peculiar...is that really you?"

"How do you know that name?"

Stavros," It's me, Stavros, I know it's been a couple of millennia since we last saw each other, but I was hoping you wouldn't forget your disciple."

"I haven't regained all of the memories from my past reincarnations, I will in time, what do you want?"

Stavros," At first I just wanted to investigate the power source I was picking up, which I identified as having your aura, secondly, I wanted to warn you that the twelve watchers are still coexisting with the mortals, and if I could find you they could too, my Queen of the Night."

"Twelve watchers? What are they and why would they want to find me?"

Stavros, "You really don't remember Triformis."

"Just call me Kat, you can forget all of the names people have referred to me throughout the millenniums."

Stavros," First, please my Goddess you have got to shield your magical aura away from others or they will come."

"It will take me quite a while to create a charm strong enough to cloud my aura."

Stavros," I have brought with me a clouding ring you had created back in Ancient Mesopotamia, here my queen." He handed me a black ring.

"It doesn't look like anything special, I can't even sense any magic."

Stavros, "That is the point, it would be extremely difficult for you to create one of these now. Due to the number of sacrifices that are necessary for its creation, kings, emperors, and queens would send tributes day in and night out for your alchemy."

I placed the ring around my right ring finger and motioned him to come inside the house. "You look around my age, why is that?"

Stavros," Well you did turn me into a creature of the night, a vampire, I'm what the council of the night would refer to as an elder, although the highest seats of the council are far older since they were made in Sumer over four thousand years ago."

"That's a very long time to be alive."

Stavros," When I first met you, you had been alive for over five hundred thousand years."

"Stop, you are overwhelming me with too much information and it's just leaving me wanting to ask more questions."

Just then the door opened with Eric waltzing in agitated.

Eric, "Who is this?"

"Where are your manners, restart that introduction."

Eric, "Hi, who is this?"

"I suppose that's a little better."

Stavros," I am Stavros, and you are what to ...Kat?"

"He is my boyfriend, I apologize for his rudeness but he is a bit possessive, still in the early stages of our relationship."

Eric," What are you doing here?"

"He came to visit and pay respect to his goddess, he was my disciple two thousand years ago in Greece."

Eric," How the hell is he still alive, what are you?"

"He can explain everything to us later using my interdimensional thought transfer, the way it works is he will be able to fall asleep in the other dimension and share his thoughts with us while we sleep in this dimension, so we will start doing this later on tonight when we are getting ready for bed."

Stavros," You created a new dimension?"

"Yes, It's inside of one of the bedrooms in the house, if you have no place to stay I think you could use that dimension as a place to live for now, I could use a powerful vampire at my side if you are fine with it."

Stavros," I can't stay unfortunately, but I thank you for the offer, I have to report back to the council."

"I forbid you to tell them about my return, I do not want to deal with a bunch of religious fanatics who won't stop bothering me constantly."

Stavros," As you wish, I will tell them it was a misread on my part, just make sure you keep the ring on so that you won't be picked up by others."

Eric," Are you leaving yet?"

Stavros," Yes, I'm leaving now, Please contact me should you need me...um...Katerina."

Tyson POV

"Mark grab the seers, it's time to get this operation on the road."

Mark," Yes sir, do you want me to tell the others?"

"I'm the Alpha, I'll tell the others."

It's time we procure the rest of Sebastian's old pack, They think they saw a real werewolf but they have seen nothing yet. Mark brought both the young seers into the room, knocking them down and landing on their knees and hands.

"Rebekah and Leslie, listen up, you might earn yourselves better treatment if you both come through with an ask I have."

They continued looking down towards the floor trembling, Mark grabs Rebekah by her hair and smacks her across the face, busting her lip open.

Leslie sobbed," Stop, don't hurt her please, what do you want?"

"Do your little witch magic, locate the rest of Sebastian's pack. You have one day."

Chris and Eleazar escorted the seers out of the room and into their quarters to complete their locator spell.

"Mark, get the guys ready for tomorrow, we are taking those skinwalkers whether they want to come or not. They either join us or we eat them."

Katerina's POV

"Where are you going?"

Eric," I haven't been paying any attention to the pack, to be honest, I figured I should probably gather everyone up for a little get-together."

"Why don't you bring them here?"

Eric," Are you sure? It's like 10 people it might get a little crowded."

"We have enough room, plus we can have a little barbecue out in the backyard for them."

Eric," Um, okay do you want to get the stuff for the barbecue while I get the pack?"

"Just text them, and come with me to the store silly."

Eric," Oh yeah...I guess I can do that...but um..."


Eric," There is something I haven't told you about...and I'm worried about how you might act."

"Well come out with it?"

Eric," Our pack had a mating ritual...and since I was in high school I've been paired with one of the pack members, her name is Chloe and well me and she did date for a while during the senior year but we ended up breaking up..."


Eric," Ever since I became the pack leader she has been trying to get back with me because of the mating rituals and cause I'm the leader...don't really know how to handle it at the moment and she's coming over."

"I still don't really care, changes nothing for me."

Eric," Oh...do you not care about me?"

"Those two things have nothing to do with each other, you are overthinking it. Just invite them over and you go by yourself and get the stuff."

Eric," I thought we were going together?"

"Oh...you are right, I'm sorry- let's go."

Tyson POV

Mark," Sir, they are all gathered in one spot right now, they haven't left in over an hour if we hurry now we might be able to grab them all in one run."

They must be having a pack meeting with their new leader, we should move in and take as many as we can, kill whoever isn't easily apprehendable.

"Let's move, get everyone in the trucks, and let's go."

Mark," Yes sir."

They all ran to the trucks, and vans and we started driving toward the address in Urdova.

Eric POV

"Chloe I'd like to introduce you to Katerina."

Chloe," Hi I'm Eric's mate, although he has decided to not uphold tradition but I'm working on getting him back." She said smiling.

Kat," Awe, the little puppy has a crush on my big bad wolf, sounds like a pipe dream to me hun, if you'd like something actually attainable how about I remove your eyes."

"Calm down girls, this is supposed to be a happy get-together."

Chloe," Weirdo..." She said as she walked away towards the rest of the group.

Kat," Why don't we...."

Just then the front door gets knocked off the hinges and thrown across the floor.

Five large werewolves came rushing in slashing through the entranceway.

"We are under attack!"

Chloe gets grabbed by one of the wolves as it dashes out through the backyard with her in its hands. More werewolves continued to rush in and leave with pack members in their arms. I quickly transformed and ran on all fours tackling one of the smaller wolves against the kitchen and cracking the wall.

Tyson POV

The operation had started successfully we had already caged six pack members in the trucks, perhaps I should join them and meet this alpha myself.

"I'm going in, back me up, Mark."

We walked in through the front door in human form, looking for this pack leader to see if we can convince him to join up with us. As we entered the house four of my wolves lay dead on the floor completely drained of blood.

"Who killed my wolves?"

Woman," I did, normally I wouldn't get involved...but this is my house."

"Mark, kill her."

Mark instantly transformed leaping onto the woman, but he got intercepted and thrown onto the ground by another werewolf, who must be the leader.

Her eyes were completely blacked out as she started walking towards me, I could sense that she has no fear of me.

Woman," Stavros help Eric with that wolf." She ordered.

Another man joined them, he must be a vampire, we haven't encountered one of their kind in ages. I've heard stories from my father, but I never thought I would come across one of these. "Everyone out now, we are out of here." I threw a chair at her as I turned around and dashed out of the house towards the trucks.



Eric," We need to go after them!"

"No, It's not our problem, they aren't your actual pack they are just skinwalkers. They couldn't even defend themselves, pathetic."

Eric," They are my responsibility, I'm going after them!"

What an absolute idiot, he will do no such thing. I placed my hands over his face and possessed him.

"You are staying here and waiting this out, you don't know what you are dealing with idiot."

Eric," I can't move..."

"I'll let you move, but you won't be able to leave the house."

Eric," You cant do this! I have to save them."

"They will kill you, don't you think that they want you to chase them? Use your head idiot."

Eric," So what now..."

Stavros," I can go after them if you wish."

"Sure, but just keep an eye on them don't make any moves against them, and don't let them know you are watching."

Stavros," Yes ma'am, on route."

Eric couldn't stop pacing back and forth.

Eric, "Who the fuck were those guys? They were actual werewolves!"

"Yeah, no idea and it is none of our business, one thing is for sure this house is no longer safe for us. We have to move."

Eric," It's my business! You can choose not to help me even though you are capable of taking them out by yourself."

"We don't know what connections they may have, I know this world is new to you but there are other forces in this world that can match my power and seriously challenge me. I will not risk myself for a bunch of wannabe werewolves who a second ago one of them decided to challenge me in my own house."

Eric, "I'm doing this on my own, we are over Kat!"

"Ciao dumbass."