Chapter 35

The Silver Fangs pressed forward, their determination unyielding as they delved deeper into the treacherous dungeon. The first chamber greeted them with an unexpected challenge – ten F rank Chupacabras, their glowing red eyes fixated on the intruders.

Without hesitation, the Chupacabras lunged forward, their snarls echoing through the chamber. Ray's heart pounded in his chest as he assessed the situation.

As the first Chupacabra swiped its claws at him, Ray's instincts kicked in. He sidestepped with lightning speed, feeling the rush of wind as the attack narrowly missed him. In that moment, he focused his attention on the mana coursing through his body.

With a surge of determination, Ray channelled his mana, trying to intertwine it with his physical movements. His strikes became more precise, each swing of his weapon guided by a subtle manipulation of energy. It was as if he danced with the flow of mana, his every action infused with a newfound grace.

The Silver Fangs fought valiantly alongside Ray, their coordinated efforts and battle experience shining through. Amelia's powerful fire spells scorched the Chupacabras, while Felix's mana propelled bullets ripped through their skin with deadly accuracy. Lucia's healing magic ensured their wounds were swiftly mended, while James' defensive manoeuvres protected the team from harm.

But as the battle raged on, it became apparent that these Chupacabras were no mere F rank monsters. Their resilience and agility surpassed initial expectations, their attacks growing more ferocious with each passing moment. The Silver Fangs realized that they were facing a more formidable foe than anticipated – E rank Chupacabras.

The revelation didn't deter their resolve. In fact, it ignited a flame within them, fueling their determination to conquer this unexpected challenge. Ray seized the opportunity to test the limits of his newfound mana manipulation.

With every dodge and parry, Ray focused on the energy flowing around him. He could sense the faint pulses of mana emanating from the Chupacabras, their life force intertwining with his own. It was a delicate balance, a dance of anticipation and reaction.

As he engaged in a relentless exchange of blows, Ray experimented with manipulating his own mana to disrupt the Chupacabras' attacks. Noticing a split second of vulnerability, he seized the opportunity to deliver a powerful counterattack.

The battle was fierce, the clash of steel and magic echoing through the chamber. Fatigue settled in, sweat glistening on their brows, but the Silver Fangs pressed on. Their teamwork and trust in each other's abilities kept them united, pushing them beyond their individual limits.

Finally, Ray thrusted his sword at speed deep into the final Chupacabra's neck, watching it stare at him in disbelief as its blood poured onto his hand. The chamber fell into a momentary silence after he pulled out his sword and flicked off the blood.

As the Silver Fangs caught their breath after the intense battle, a perplexed expression spread across Amelia's face. She furrowed her brow and turned to her team; her voice laced with confusion.

"That was no ordinary F rank challenge," she said, her eyes darting around the chamber. "These Chupacabras fought like E rank monsters. It doesn't make sense."

The other members of the team shared Amelia's confusion, their brows furrowed in deep thought. Felix scratched his head, his eyes scanning the surroundings.

"You're right, Amelia," he chimed in. "The strength and resilience they displayed were far beyond what we expected from F rank creatures. Something is definitely off here."

Ray, his mind still buzzing from the battle, chimed in with a hint of curiosity. "Could it be a mistake? Perhaps the dungeon classification was incorrect?"

Amelia shook her head, a determined gleam in her eyes. "No, Ray. We've encountered enough dungeons to know the difference. There's something more to this; an F rank creature should never be able to become an E rank."

Sarah, always the perceptive one, stepped forward. "Maybe there's a reason the dungeon's difficulty has been mislabelled. It could be a deliberate trap, designed to catch hunters off guard."

James crossed his arms, his eyes narrowing in contemplation. "If that's the case, we need to stay on high alert. Expect the unexpected."

Amelia nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. We can't afford to let our guard down. Keep your senses sharp and be prepared for anything."

As they prepared to press forward, their minds swirled with questions. Why would a D rank dungeon house E rank monsters? Was it a deliberate trap set by someone, or was it something else?

With the first chamber behind them, the Silver Fangs steeled themselves for the next challenge that awaited them. As they entered the second chamber, a chilling revelation unfolded before their eyes – five grotesque Jersey devils, their twisted forms casting sinister shadows across the room. These creatures, initially thought to be E rank, quickly revealed themselves to be D rank, heightening the danger that loomed over the team.