Overview and Appreciation

First off, this novel will have tropes and power levels that you may or may not be familiar with so there's no need for any head scratching. I promise.

That being said, it's a semi-futuristic world with mana, mixed with sizable portions of normal modernity.

The people living here have adapted to it and it has become a part of their daily lives. Although mana is a thing, not everyone awakens to the use of magic and as a result, not everyone in this world is a super-powered human.

This novel will feature two protagonists, Aiden and Flynn Belmont as they navigate through the new but familiar world they were both thrust into.

I'm a new author so there will definitely be a crap ton of areas that I will need to improve upon, which is why I would really appreciate your feedbacks, ideas and corrections. Like I posted in the comments section, I'm definitely open to criticism but please don't make me feel like I want to bawl my eyes out when I read them.

Constructive criticism. That's all I ask for.

Once again, I'd like to appreciate anyone who so much as gave this book a shot among the many list of novels available on this platform. Thank you so much and I hope you'll enjoy reading my novel (If you're sticking around long term) or you enjoyed reading the novel (If you're just a passerby).