Magic, Spells and Mana Cores

Yes, magic. In this world, magic is powered by mana but after reaching the highest core rank, Aether, which is the purest form of mana, substitutes for it.

Mana allows for magic spells to be cast, and the type of magic spells that an individual can cast are related to their awakened magic. Awakened magic usually comes to an individual between the ages of 8 to 10 and they can only awaken to one form of magic.

The knowledge of their magic usually comes in some form of cryptic but strange dreams when they're asleep. After waking up though, the child would have access to how to use said magic that he or she awakened to.

However, controlling said magic the way you would like it to is another problem of its own and as a result, several awakened people are unable to effectively utilize their magic. They could always get better with practice and learning from spell books but it can never meet up to someone who has a good understanding or talent of manipulating and understanding the intricacies of their own magic.

Awakened magic comes in the form of [Series].

For example, [Flame Series] which gives you access to flame spells, [Shadow Series] which allows for the manipulation and control of shadows, [Strength Series] which gives you the ability to increase your physical strength and prowess by several folds, e.t.c.

Spells for awakened magic can be either learned or created.

Most S-rankers already have their own created spells with only a miniscule few being an exception. Both forms of knowing spells are great but the creation of your own spell gives you an edge because an individual can make spells to activate their awakened magic to suit their fighting style.

That brings me to the topic of mana cores. Starting from the very bottom, we have D-rank, all the way to C, B, A, S, SS, SSS, and EX-rank, with EX-rank being the highest.

This mana core ranking dictates how much mana an individual can use. Lower core ranks mean the amount of mana a person can manipulate to use their magic will be limited while those with higher core ranks have a much larger amount of mana, making it easier for them to use even more powerful magic. It also increases the average strength of a body to around 3 times that of a normal human. For example, a D-ranker is three times stronger than a normal human while a C-ranker is six times stronger than a normal human.

The differences between ranks themselves are also about 2 times stronger, making it so that a C-ranker will be two times stronger than that of D-ranker, a B-ranker will be four times stronger than a D-ranker, an A-ranker will be two times stronger than a B-ranker but six times stronger than a D-ranker.

Core ranks themselves are also then sectioned into tiers, with high, mid and low-tier. To put into perspective, a high tier C-ranker and a low-tier B-ranker are almost of equal strength, with the low-tier B-ranker being just about 0.5 times stronger than the high-tier C-ranker. A mid-tier B-ranker however will be just a level stronger (one times) stronger than a high-tier C-ranker.

That being said, advancing to the next rank is never an easy feat and it usually requires time, talent, effort and dedication. It also does not help that those with lower core ranks are already at a disadvantage because the lower your core rank, the slower it will be for you to advance faster coupled with the fact that as you break through core ranks, it becomes harder and harder to ascend to the next rank.

A/N: Please feel free to ask any questions and I will respond to you as soon as I possibly can.