Julian and Leanore were getting stares from everyone. It was as suspected, though. Leanore was fully bandaged. From head to toe.

— This is so… embarrassing.

"To think I'm able to meet a disciple of my master. This is… a great honor."

Leanore looked around the whole town of Dinet, scanning everything.

— Hah… he knows nothing about life. At least I have a powerful ally at my side. However, I can't underestimate the headmaster. He was able to contain an entire dragon.

"Dinet looks so different. And… there's a lot more snow."

"I know, right? The snow needs to stop soon."

"You don't like snow?"

"I've seen it for way too long."

"I mean, we are up north. You should expect that."

"… I guess so."

. . .

. .


Leanore and Julian hopped over the fence.

"Listen. You'll be staying in my dorm, for now. Don't cause any suspicion, and always be quiet, alright?"

"Yea, yea, I got it."

"And, there's someone I'd like you to meet."

. . .

. .


"So this… thing is gonna be an important part of your plan to… kill the headmaster?" Eudora asked.

"Yes… yes. Exactly that."

Leanore laid down on Julian's bed, throwing balls of paper into the air.

"And what's making you kill the headmaster again?"

"Well, originally… it was the wish of an old friend. But now, I have even more reason."

"…Go on."

"I believe that the headmaster… is working with the sins that killed your sister."

"And… what makes you think that?"

Eudora's expression changed.

"You remember that day in the dungeons. When we were invaded by that woman?"


"Well, they were looking for you. That means they could only be a sin retainer."

"Hm. Now that I think about it…"

"One of the most prestigious schools, being invaded by a single person?"


"Which leads me to my new theory. On that day… it was both [Greed] and [Gluttony] that attacked us that day!"


"One inside, one outside. They probably came in with a simple plan, for one to be a lookout and slow down reinforcements. While the other is looking for YOU!"

"… You're right."

"I know. I know I'm right. I'm so right!"

Julian laughed out loud. His left eye twitched. It was slightly maniacal.

"But if that's the case… if the headmaster was involved in all that, why am I… still alive?"

"That's something I haven't figured out yet. But I'm assuming that he's gonna start attempting to attack the both of us soon."

"So what do you assume we do?"

"Someone like the headmaster, he has a lot of influence. We need to bring our power up. Luckily, we have someone like Leanore."

"Ah… sorry to disappoint, but I'm not as strong as I was in that tomb."

Julian turned his head.


"I can just tell. I'm not as strong. I don't know why."

"A-are you serious?" Julian stammered.

— I nearly died for nothing?

"Relax. I'm still strong. The me in the tomb wasn't even my full strength, either."

Julian sighed. He would simply have to trust what Leanore said.

. . . 

. .


"Wow. Who knew that dumb elf archer had a brain?" Isalda said.

"I can hear you!" Ailmer yelled.

"3... 2... 1..." Jisvo counted down.


The sound of a small cannon being shot rang out. 

It was military testing.

Caelum, being the king, was, of course, watching it. 

A new step in development. 

Ailmer explained it as so. "Mana cannons use up a good amount of mana and manpower. It's efficient when it comes to breaking down forts, but besides that, it has no purpose. So... I've thought of a new... tool, you could say, my lord."


Caelum studied the object.

It could only be described as a wooden carbine.

"It doesn't look too special from the outside. But on the inside, it's powered by mana stones, meaning even those with low mana aptitude can use them."

Jisvo reloaded.


He shot again.

There was a tree, with a target drawn on it. 

A perfect mark.

"He's a better marksman than you, Ailmer."

Ailmer continued speaking. "Now, to test its efficiency against a physical combatant, we have... Oscar!"

"...I'm Oscar."

He was in a suit of simple, grey armor.

"I think this is useless. Physical combat can easily overpower it, no?" Isalda spoke. She eyed Ailmer up and down, almost pitying him.

"You barbaric woman."

"Excuse me!?"

"The Ailmer Mana Hand Cannon, AMHC for short, is more lethal than you think. With its functions, the user can apply their own mana into it, amplifying the damage and speed."


"Besides, it's meant for common soldiers. You act like we'll constantly go against legendary sword masters on the battlefield."

"Alright, alright! I get it!"

"Now, Jisvo. I need you to aim at Oscar, and shoot."


The bullet cut through the air, leaving a dent and piercing through Oscar's armor.

"Obviously, Oscar isn't the average soldier. But he is wearing the average armor. It'll pierce through that. The perfect killing machine!" Ailmer laughed.

Caelum interjected, "I do have some questions, though."

"And what might that be, my king?"

"The reload speed. By the time the gun is reloaded, enemy melee combatants will already have reached us, no?"

"That can easily be fixed if we change our distance."

"Hm. In that case... I approve of this."