If you can’t manage your family, how can I trust you with business?

Excuse me? What does that suppose to mean? Stephanie asked anger boiling within her

Scovia got closer and whispered” What I mean is that a lowlife like you, can’t afford it” using the same insult Stephanie had used to her daughter.

Stephanie’s eyes widened, anger simmering inside her. Known for her hot temper and high self-esteem, being looked down upon was intolerable for her. Her face flushed with anger as she lashed out, accusing Scovia of sleeping around to find success

“Do you think everyone stoops as low as you, using cheap tactics to climb the social ladder?” she lashed out, unable to control her fury.

Unable to stand the insult, Scovia’s patience snapped. She furiously slapped Stephanie, the sharp sound echoing through the room. “You! How dare you lay your filthy hands on me?” Stephanie fumed.

Scovia, maintaining her composure, retorted, “Oops, there was a noisy mosquito buzzing around.” She glared at Stephanie, unfazed by the brewing confrontation.