Tezkhen used his fishing magnet to find the box or the necklace and after a few minutes of searching, finally he found it Samuel quickly took it and checked if the necklace was still inside. He was so happy to see the necklace in it. Euphoria drove him to hug Tezkhen and cried so hard,

“Next time, don’t lose something that you cannot let go,” Tezkhen said and smiled at Samuel, then left him.

Samuel quickly went back to Tiana’s place, they had a flight in just a few hours,

“Oh, my goodness, Samuel! What happened?” Tiana was so worried about Samuel who was soaked,

“Have you gone night swimming? Hahaha” Tasha teased Samuel, but when she saw him with puffed eyes, he instantly approached him,

“What happened Sam? Did someone push you into the waters? Why are you so wet?” Tasha asked she was now worried,

“No one pushed me… I jumped in the river to get this jewelry box…” Samuel explained,

“Silly boy, we can buy a new jewelry box…” Tiana said,